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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Alright just watched Palin's speech. I give it a B- Her delivery was annoying, her shrilly voice drives me insane, along with her sssssssss'es. She was somewhat monotone and dull at times, but she delivered some powerful punch lines. She basically attacked Obama for much of the speech, which was expected. What turns me off is how childish some of the attacks were. Mocking community organizing took the cake. I think a lot of Americans are going to be put off by this plastic/fakey speech riddled with inaccuracies. Granted Obama's own acceptance speech had some stretched truths; every politician stretches the truth.. but Palin came out with some outright blatant lies - lies than anyone with 15 seconds to spare can fact-check on the internet. Overall i think the speech will polarize - people leaning Obama will be put off by this Palin speech and their support will be cemented. People leaning McCain will fall in line. Fortunately for America, there are more people leaning Obama than McCain at the moment.
  2. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Yup, it's a great project! Any project that makes a university campus more livable, more urban, and more pedestrian-friendly gets an A+. Pedestrians are the lifeblood of the city and i won't shed any tears for lost parking spots. As cities across the world subscribe to smart growth and transit oriented development, we will see less and less multi-lane roads in city cores and more pedestrian and bike routes. Don't get me wrong, roads are important, i myself am a huge advocate for completing A-30, A-25, extending A-19, etc. Cars just don't have a place in the city core!
  3. 3 septembre 2008 Presque la meme angle que la photo de Gilbert! C'etait meme pas intentionel... On voit bien que pas grand chose de nouveau en 5 jours.. En passant, maudit qu'il est beau le complexe Desjardins...
  4. 3 septembre 2008 Comment on fait pour acceder au site et prendre des photos comme tu as fait, Gilbert? It was blocked off when i went...
  5. Ontario just keeps stealing manufacturing jobs from Michigan.. Heh, there's one good side at least to universal healthcare in Canada. Cuts down on employee-related costs.
  6. Expo 67 remains to this day the most succesful worlds fair ever. With over 50 million visitors, the expo was seen as a cultural achievement for Montreal, Quebec, and indeed all of Canada. On l'a fait une fois... je pourrais penser a des pires choses a essayer! (ex: les jeux olympiques! non merci!) Expo 2020? Je dirais oui. Ca prendrait un maire avec de la vision, du guts, et des bonnes conditions, mais ca pourrait ce faire.
  7. L'édifice la Patrie vendu à l'église de scientologie... cette église n'est donc pas considérée comme une secte au Canada. Je me demande bien ce qu'ils vont en faire, un mégacentre réligieux hi tech? Le Solano Architectes: Tidan Fin de la construction: 2008 Utilisation: Résidentiel Emplacement: Lasalle, Montréal Site: J'ai trouver le fil, c'est un des projets oublies ici... meme si les travaux sont quand meme avances. du groupe ACCOR Je ne vois rien qui laisse entrevoir un nouvel hotel à montréal sur ce site. I don't get it...where, when, who, why ca serait bien dans la gare Viger par contre.... Heu...???? tu peux nous éclairer, ou bien on ferme le fil.... ahhh ces belges... Their hotels are pretty decent. I stayed at the Mercure though, same company. It is pretty cool they are thinking of coming into North America.
  8. Very much agreed! At least if we get the empty lots filled.. the height will have to come sooner or later.
  9. The experience argument is worthless now that McCain picked Palin. Game over with regard to that. (I might say, however, that Obama has ran his campaign exceptionally well - the proof lies in the fact he's made it this far. In fact if he runs the country as well as he ran his campaign, we can expect great things in the future.) Again, the experience argument is dead and buried. It was dead and buried after the DNC, and now following Palin's selection as running mate, the argument was dug up and killed again just for good measure. Now you're just demonstrating a lack of willingness to be well informed. I am a staunch Democrat, but even i know McCain's agenda inside and out. I took the time to read his web site 3 times over. Please do the same before you critique Obama's "lack of specifics". His specifics are there i can assure you, and you need only visit his web site or check out some of his youtube videos to see and hear for yourself. Advisors say McCain really wanted to pick Lieberman, but couldn't withstand the pressure from social conservatives. What a maverick.
  10. I just read all that... and wow. It would take all the toilets in the world just to flush down that steaming pile of shit. Hey author, maybe the Dark Knight was just a good movie, period? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Wow.. what a dumb article.
  11. Hey! J'aime le look moi des années 80/90, et même si c'est "basic" sur plusieurs niveaux, j'aime ce design.
  12. Cool! On va faire le mur le long de Roland-Therrien! Pas sur que je viverais la non plus, mais c'est un bon projet pour Longueuil, dans un secteur avec un bon potentiel pour du developement en hauteur!
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