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Tout ce qui a été posté par MartinMtl

  1. La Grande bibliothèque et le Planeterium ont fait l'objet de concours d'architecture.
  2. S'ils veulent faire accepter à la population un immeuble de cette taille sur ce terrain, ils pourraient commencer par proposer un design vendeur, au lieu d'une tour de banlieue surdimensionée. Le Quartier des spectacles mérite mieux. Mais comme d'habitude, on va se contenter du «pas pire pour Montréal» (Grande Bibliothèque, Salle de l'OSM, futur Planeterium, etc.).
  3. Une vraie joke. J'espère que ce ne sera jamais construit.
  4. Ah, on peut toujours compter sur Bumbaru pour venir nous faire la morale sur SA vision de Montréal et sa méfiance de tout changement dans la ville. Si seulement les journalistes pouvaient arrêter de lui demander son opinion.
  5. Je ne dirais pas que Toronto nous l'a "volé". Ils ont fait leur place, mieux que Montréal, et récolte les fruits.
  6. MartinMtl

    Guaranteed milk bottle

    Quelle bandes de pourris. Le pire c'est qu'ils doivent être tellement fiers de leur coup.
  7. No. The Roc Fleuri was build on a surface parking lot that was there for ages. The brown building that you see on the pic is still there, but it's been totaly transformed.
  8. Le problème ne vient pas des architectes (même quand ils sont mauvais, comme dans le cas présent), mais des promoteurs qui les engagent sans aucune ambition et vision, et de la ville qui ne semble avoir aucune volonté pour demander mieux.
  9. En fait, À New York, tout le monde prend un taxi. Il y en a à la tonne, partout, tout le temps, et ça ne coûte vraiment pas cher.
  10. Merci pour les photos. Mais bon Dieu que cet immeuble est laid. Ouache. À vomir.
  11. À chacun son style de vie. J'ai deux garçons de 9 et 10 ans et j'habite un condo au centre-ville, juste à côté d'un parc, d'une patinoire, etc. Le belle vie urbaine en famille.
  12. Alors, Yarabundi, étais-je pessimiste ou juste réaliste?
  13. Le Roc Fleuri a effectivement été modifié en hauteur avant sa construction.
  14. Ouep, de la classe en effet. Un clown vulgaire et pathétique.
  15. Vraiment cool, surtout avec l'éclairage sur le MAC. Yeah!
  16. Tu vas chercher longtemps, Le Concorde N,a jamais été devant l'OCPM.
  17. En fait, si on se fie à l'image interactive qui permet de voir les plans, la tour aura 32 étages; ils arrivent au chiffre de 33 parce qu'ils ne comptent pas le 13e étage, passant du 12 au 14, ce qui ajoute un étage fictif. Belle tour en passant. Le film d'animation est très soigné. On voit ce que c'est du sérieux.
  18. Boy, du calme. L'info est peut-être incomplète, mais elle est correcte et le fil va se développer. On veut l'info, oui ou non?
  19. Un mur-rideau en verre, peut-être pas, mais un mur-rideau ondulé, je suppose que oui. Dès que tu t'éloignes des matériaux et des formes standards, les coûts augmentent. C'est pour ça que bien des projets sont "downgradés" entre l'étape des rendus et celle de la construction.
  20. Yes, but a glassy building with ripples in the facade would probably have cost a lot more. One of the reasons we don't get avant-garde architecture here is partly because it's expensive. This hotel is obviously a cheap building, part of a small chained who build faux-château hotel in Laval. What did you expect?
  21. Ce matin dans la Gazette: Next stop, Windsor Station Trains, buses, tramways; Proposed as transportation hub in major redevelopment of area Transportation Reporter Historic Windsor Station may be reborn as a major transportation hub, welcoming trains, buses and tramways, The Gazette has learned. The Agence métropolitaine de transport has presented its $520-million proposal to senior Quebec ministers in recent months and hopes to get the green light for the project by next summer, said AMT chief executive Joël Gauthier. "We're talking about a brand-new intermodal station," Gauthier said. "It's the renaissance of Windsor Station. We think this is a tremendously strategic site." The hub would be part of a major redevelopment of the area being planned by real- estate developer Cadillac Fairview, which bought Windsor Station this summer for $86 million. The company also owns a big piece of land at Peel and St. Antoine Sts. now used as a parking lot. The Cadillac Fairview project is to include a hotel, condominiums and office space. The new transportation hub - connected via pedestrian tunnel to the Bonaventure and Lucien L'Allier métro stations - would be used by: - Commuter trains now using Lucien L'Allier as their terminus, including the West Island/Dorion/Rigaud line, the AMT's second busiest. - Buses of the Société de transport de Montréal and South Shore transit agencies. - Montreal's planned new tramway network, part of which is to run on Peel. - Amtrak's Montreal-New York City train, if Amtrak decides to move its Adirondack service to CP tracks, a move it has said it is studying. The AMT is a provincial body that coordinates public transit in the Montreal region and operates commuter trains. Windsor Station was built between 1887 and 1889 to serve as a station and the head office for CP Rail. When it was built, it dominated Montreal's skyline, but its main concourse has not been used as a passenger terminal since the mid-1980s. Dreams of reviving the grand station seemed dashed by 1996 construction of the Bell Centre, which sits between CP tracks and Windsor Station. But AMT planners have found a way around the obstacle, Gauthier said. Trains would circumvent the Bell Centre using elevated tracks over St. Antoine. Trains would arrive and leave from platforms in a new building on Peel and St. Antoine, Gauthier said. Passengers would enter via Windsor Station's la Gauchetière St. entrance, where they would find ticket counters and commercial space, Gauthier said. To reach train, bus and tramway platforms, passengers would then use an aerial passageway over St. Antoine. Gauthier said the AMT has been working on the plan for almost a year. The impetus was a request from transit authorities for a downtown bus terminal, he said. The South Shore bus terminal at 1000 la Gauchetière is overcrowded and there is no room to expand, he said. Meanwhile, the STM has been pushing for a downtown bus terminal. The new hub would be used by both STM and South Shore buses. Integrating the airport train into the project would have many benefits, he said. "It could mean that someone from the South Shore could take the bus with his luggage, go to the new intermodal station and connect to the airport shuttle," Gauthier said. The AMT's plan would be feasible even if authorities opt to use Canadian National tracks and Central Station for the airport shuttle, he said. But he said the CP tracks might make more sense for the airport shuttle, because growing commuter and Via Rail use of Central Station will make it difficult to put the airport shuttle there. The AMT and the airport authority are still studying the airport shuttle route. They are to make public their recommendations at the end of this year or early next year. Gauthier said he has presented the proposal to Transport Minister Julie Boulet and Finance Minister Raymond Bachand, who is also the minister responsible for Montreal, as well as to city of Montreal officials. "The reception has been very good," Gauthier said. "Especially since they see the economic development potential of the Cadillac Fairview project and of our hub." It's a "tremendous project for the city and for the commuter, and so far the feeling that we get when we make presentations is great." Gauthier said the AMT is "still at the planning stage and we'll need to get the green light from Quebec and the city of Montreal." The Quebec government would pay for the hub, but the city would have to approve the project. The green light could come as early as next spring or summer, Gauthier said. It would take at least two or three years to build the hub. To ensure there are "no cost overruns," Gauthier said, the $520-million price tag includes cost contingency and takes inflation into account. Windsor Station is an iconic Montreal landmark that was saved from the wrecker's ball in the 1970s when CP wanted to raze it to make way for a redevelopment. "Windsor Station looks like a bank, or even the cloisters of a medieval church," according to the McCord Museum. "The interior of the station was filled with arches and marble pillars; the effect on the public of this majestic architecture was intentional. In the 19th century the railway was one of the most important civil institutions in Canada." ariga@ - A new train shuttle linking Trudeau airport and downtown Montreal, if authorities choose the route on Canadian Pacific tracks. WHAT AMT IS PLANNING The new hub, connected by pedestrian tunnels to Montreal's métro network, would be used by: Commuter trains now using Lucien L'Allier as their terminus, including the Dorion/Rigaud line, the AMT's second busiest. A new shuttle linking Trudeau airport and downtown Montreal, if authorities choose the route that takes Canadian Pacific tracks. Buses of the Société de transport de Montréal and South Shore transit agencies. Montreal's planned new tramway network, part of which is to run on Peel St. Amtrak's Montreal-New York City Adirondack train, if Amtrak decides to move the service to CP tracks, a move it has said it is studying.
  22. Dans une suite de commentaires qui décrivent Montréal comme un trou abominable, corrompu, hideux, décrépit, sale, infecte, etc., le seul commentaire qui suscite une réaction est celui sur les Canadiens... Trop drôle.
  23. La majorité des commentaires publiés sur le site du magazine à la suite de cet article démontrent une haine viscérale envers Montréal et le Québec. C'est souvent tellement grossier que ça en devient tout simplement risible. Juste quelques exemples: - Kudos to Maclean's for telling the truth about that garbage hole aka Montréal. The city should be demolished and most of its inhabitants should be in jail or deported. - Montreal is a racist hell hole living off the reputation of its glory years .... - Canada has nothing to learn from a spiritually and morally derelict province such as Quebec. - No one is more convinced of the city's cultural superiority and greatness than Montrealers themselves. Probably because they never go anywhere, except maybe Hollywood Fl. - Of course there are not as many imgrants as Toronto. No one wants to live there ... not even Quebecers. - 100%. Montreal is a disaster ! The mass exodus of companies in the 70's and 80's has destroyed the vitality of the city. Montreal is a mickey mouse town ! The Expos left town 5 years ago and the Habs are a joke ! Et ainsi de suite...
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