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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. This says 20 floors:
  2. interior demo/reno is definitely ongoing. electricians were buzzing around this morning. there's a sign at the door for Europa contact info. the furniture store at ground level is clearing out.
  3. ETS owns the planetarium IIRC
  4. Gramercy makes the Journal frontpage today... not what you think! on topic though, not a single trace of activity in months. I've never seen anyone in the office.
  5. Is this where the old Desjardins Lobster place used to be, or the Agora gay bar (formerly a horse stable)?
  6. Very nice new tower. But if Point Zero is doing so well, why are they closing their store at Montagne/Maisonneuve?
  7. Yvon dans le feu de l'action! Thanks for the pictures.
  8. The English version is a little more appropriate, let's just say. Probably a case of the GoogleTranslates.
  9. This is... really cool. I'm going to check it out in person this week.
  10. Historic Préfontaine Centre demolished to make way for condos Heritage Montreal blames city for neglect of former smallpox hospital
  11. 12 hours Montreal to New York. Searches occur at point of entry. Can take up to two hours for a full train. I've witnessed illegal immigrants get detained in both directions.
  12. Yeah that's what I figure. There's probably a limited amount of them in the province.
  13. We've come a long way since June 2012. Maybe there are cranes on the other side of the building that I can't see from here though.
  14. So? It's still chubbier than it should be. Or are you saying they didn't plan on 27 floors 5 years ago?
  15. Why is this rendering so chubby? If 900 really is 27 floors, that's just three less than Astral next door.
  16. I love the area, but way too many tourists and not nearly enough non-boutique shops around. This is for a special breed of people, and I welcome them in my city. Build this thing ASAP.
  17. Can someone explain to me who or what lemay-online is? They have a bunch of wishful thinking renders on their site, who pays for those? Did any of their projects come to life? On a related topic, does Telus not already occupy... the Telus tower? On a somewhat related note, damn the Concordia Visual Arts building is ugly. It may have been built in 1923 but it certainly isn't worth preserving.
  18. here's what you do: 1) 2) mtlurb 1486 3) 1st result thanks for the pics. never saw from the back. strange place to put balconies.
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