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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Would appreciate if a mod could rename this thread appropriately (Penny Lane) to facilitate google searching.
  2. Looks fantastic. Would be great if it linked to RESO.
  3. Dumb question maybe but why are they digging out the parking lot instead of tearing down Hotel de la Montagne first? Also will there be an alleway between the new Building and Wanda's? (I hope not)
  4. Are they adding windows to the east side, or keeping it as a blind wall?
  5. Oh, REALLY? Yeah that's great news for the McDonald's area, great news for all the new residents in the Mackay/Bishop/Crescent condos too. I highly doubt they moved their entire Guy station, that place is huge and has tons of holding cells too. Maybe this will be similar to the Japanese Kōban? Very interesting, I for one welcome more foot patrols in the area. EDIT: Yep, it's poste 20! They moved from their William location. This is AWESOME!! Makes me want to invest in the area now. So long racaille hanging out in front of McDonald's!
  6. Condos et autos feront-ils bon ménage au Centre Bell? Simple solution: Remove parking on both sides of Drummond.
  7. I would suggest regular photographers such as Yvon and Memphis stop by Oro this weekend. They are tearing down the facade quite rapidly.
  8. Yeah, they're "done" but if you walk by, look closely and you'll notice that the colors are already fading out! Also they're putting some kind of bank at street-level. More windows for the students to smash!
  9. This says 20 floors:
  10. interior demo/reno is definitely ongoing. electricians were buzzing around this morning. there's a sign at the door for Europa contact info. the furniture store at ground level is clearing out.
  11. ETS owns the planetarium IIRC
  12. Gramercy makes the Journal frontpage today... not what you think! on topic though, not a single trace of activity in months. I've never seen anyone in the office.
  13. Is this where the old Desjardins Lobster place used to be, or the Agora gay bar (formerly a horse stable)?
  14. Very nice new tower. But if Point Zero is doing so well, why are they closing their store at Montagne/Maisonneuve?
  15. Yvon dans le feu de l'action! Thanks for the pictures.
  16. The English version is a little more appropriate, let's just say. Probably a case of the GoogleTranslates.
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