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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. awhatup KU-RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE! (new crane!)
  2. This is absolutely a piece of Montreal history getting torn down. It's not the greatest one, it's not even all that meaningful. But when I think about our vanished neighborhoods due to the 720, Radio Canada or various HLM projects, I can't help but think we're making the same mistake. "At least" we'll have the rest of the street... sigh. When the hell is Concordia going to DO something about the Bishop Court apartments? I'll say it again: They should just wait until Holt Renfrew moves and then occupy the entire building.
  3. That went up... fast? Any commercial space at ground level?
  4. Beautiful old building. Good job on its integration. Those white walls are going to get vandalized seconds after the new owners move in.
  5. They knock it up a notch every other week. Bam!
  6. Not sure where to put this, but the Loews hotel renovation is COMPLETE. Looks decent in person.
  7. did you see the state of that poster before today? Half of it fell off.
  8. This big poster at the Ford Hotel was recently put back up. They had to save face with the upcoming YUL sales office across the street!
  9. You may be on to something. Meanwhile, the vandalized signs have been removed.
  10. Couldn't find any info online, but the last remaining nuns moved out March 2013. This CANDEV sign popped up over the weekend.
  11. nice work Rog. It'd be nice to have another version w/ Icone!
  12. As a reminder to the mods, here is the thread along with my information.
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