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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. 2019? What is this shit!? I want someones head on a silver platter because of this. I just find it sad, that something like this is taking so, so, so long. Why does Montreal / Quebec do things at a 3rd world pace? Plus this crap keeps getting more expensive each year, because of the delays. All governments are useless. All government MNAs should not be paid for 4 years, so it can reduce the amount the taxpayers have to pay for their deals and mismanagement.
  2. About time, finally something going in the right direction. Now for the city to fix many of those "can't turn left" signs downtown and/or at least give people about 60 seconds to get through a light that gives you a change to turn left.
  3. I one for one, hope they go with the original design. I like when they have green space on a roof. It is like a little oasis from the chaos down below.
  4. It seems like a nice project, but I wonder how many people will travel 85 km? I guess they will need a ton of solar panels and a wind turbine to make it sort of eco-friendly.
  5. I wish I knew about the orchestra on top of the mountain. I would have loved being there.
  6. So no more 3rd world barebone structure! Hoorah!
  7. I really do hope this does happen. I do not think I would use it, but it might beat the hell out of a public pool full of chlorine.
  8. How about if FIFA wants Canada and US to host it, they pay for it with the other nations.
  9. That is the government for you. They spend decades and decades with different types of studies, plus spending millions. Nothing ever gets done here. When something does happen, an election happens and the people in power want to change everything. I just wish the scum running this province would stop wasting our money or we just stop paying our taxes. What they doing to do, put us all in prison and seize our funds (how very socialist of them).
  10. So I will be attending Game 4 at MSG. It sucks that the tickets sold out like no tomorrow and stuck paying a nice premium on Stubhub for the nosebleeds.
  11. Since the start of the playoffs... I wanted it to be Rangers vs. Canadiens. I am so happy it happened. Now for L.A vs. Chicago.
  12. All that I can hope for is that at 3 when most of the bars close, everyone heads to these bars until 4-5 am and there wont be any drunk drivers on the road (when I am going home).
  13. jesseps

    950 Beaumont - 6 étages

    I drove by last week and I was wondering what was going on. Part of the second floor has a nice hole in the facade but is boarded up from the inside.
  14. This would make our city a little more attractive and modern or I should say "futuristic".
  15. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    Funny thing you say that, not really but anyways. I was watching the documentary on Mitt Romney campaigning during the 2008 and 2012. He was saying someone was speaking to him and they calculated how much taxes they were paying. When you include sales tax and everything else and it skyrockets like no tomorrow. I find it funny people say increase the taxes. People who say that make no money or live off of a family trust fund or tax payers (i.e welfare). People like that do not live in the real world and don't understand when enough is enough, with all this taking of peoples hard earned money. We need to support ourselves and not some utopian lifestyle ("free" education and healthcare) that will probably come crashing down on us in the future. If the government wants to tax us some more, they should try and pass a new bill saying "if we increase taxes on the citizens of the province, we need to cut our salaries 1% for every 0.1% increase (for any provincial tax increase incl. Hydro Quebec hikes)". No MNA would vote for that, because they would finally feel the burden of making less money.
  16. Bahaha. I guess that is somewhat doable. We built an island in the St Lawrence, I guess we can make the Mountain higher.
  17. People complain about the ROC against Quebec, but here in Quebec it is ROQ against Montreal. I got into an argument with an acquaintance because I consider "Quebec" a shithole. I am not sure if he tried bringing up Israel to upset me (seeing I am Jewish - but not religious) or if it was a viable reason. I do understand that people dislike Israel because of the whole displacement of Palestinians after WW2 by the British. Plus certain wars, plus the whole building a barrier dividing the West Bank from Israel. Plus making the life of the Gazans quite miserable. It is sad what is happening there, but nothing will ever change. That whole region will be in conflict until the end of time. Yet here, we have been in conflict for a few hundred years because of a loss on the Plains of Abraham. On honestly feel Quebecers feel like Americans from the Deep South, like they were forced to give up their "identity" to rejoin the Union. I guess people here feel like they are a "conquered people". If you feel like that I am sorry, but you shouldn't go on day in a day out, feeling like that. No matter where a person goes, almost everywhere is a shithole even including Israel. Only difference between Israel and Quebec, here we are divided by an invisible wall that our politicians are using to divide us and it shouldn't be like that. I know my words probably will not change anyones mind but this is how I feel.
  18. Trust me. I wish I was sitting in that meeting. I would have loved taking notes of what was being said.
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