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Tout ce qui a été posté par identifiant

  1. identifiant

    Le trou de beigne

    Agreed... the city simply cannot compete with the suburbs when it comes to certain things, so I definitely agree that Projet Montreal's plan is complete waste of time. "Hey, let's turn the plateau into a boring surburb-like thing, but without the cheap land and big houses"... yeah that sounds grrrrreat. Remember, I'm not bitching against suburbanites... I get the appeal and I'll probably end up there eventually. But I'm hoping that my income will allow me to raise a family on the island because there's just so much more opportunity for kids here. Well, when you see posts like "suburbs ruleeee!" you can't help but wonder. That'd be like a white supremacist going to a black panther reunion and being like "but I thought this was a place to discuss racial issues!?". lol Vrai, ca explique aussi la croissance rapide des banlieus. Souvent, les gens des regions preferent s'installer en banlieu car ils ne vont pas venir s'installer a Montreal; le shock culturel est trop enorme.
  2. identifiant

    Le trou de beigne

    I'm glad the Montreal doesn't waste its time trying to attract suburbanites back into the city. From what I can see, most people choose the suburbs for reasons which are out of the city's control. People want land, big houses and parking spaces for their cars... the only way the city could provide its residents with those things would be by demolishing everything that's there and replacing it with surburb type development. But then, it wouldn't be a city anymore. My point is that whenever I hear suburbanites say "ohhh no wonder no one wants to live on Montreal... [insert rant about it being dirty, crowded, not car friendly, expensive], they should [insert plan to turn Montreal into a surburb-like place]" I have to laugh. Because even if the city worked pretty hard to make it more family oriented, it still wouldn't be enough... a lot of people just don't have the right mind-frame for living in the city. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't complain when Montreal does things to please young liberals, because in the end, older-conservative people probably wouldn't live in a city regardless what of its political leanings are. And when it comes to the myth that raising a family in the suburbs is safer... When I get older, I plan on doing everything I can to raise my family in a nice Montreal neighborhood, because growing up in the 450, we didn't have anything to do but binge-drink and smoke weed in parks. Most people in my old area barely finished high school, while I found that a lot of people who grew up on the island had much more fruitful teenage years. So once again, whenever I hear suburbanites say "raising your kids in Montreal is risky"... I laugh in their faces. From my experience, suburban kids binge-drink a lot more than city kids. Finally... why are you guys visiting a forum called "Montreal Urbain" when you love the surbubs so much? Like, seriously?
  3. UPDATES: 28 October 2010 "Waldorf Astoria Montreal – Canada – 2013: The brand’s first hotel in Canada, the 32-storey Waldorf Astoria Montreal will feature will feature 250 rooms and 76 residences, 1400 square meters of ballroom and meeting space, signature restaurants, bars, and a luxury spa and fitness center. The Waldorf Astoria Montreal is steps away from the city’s best restaurants, shopping, museums, history and more." 1 Oct 2010 "Future Openings Include: ..... Waldorf Astoria Montreal (2013)" The fact that they still mention it in their official releases is good news. Also, according to another press release, the developer for the project is "Monit Investments"... maybe we should contact them for information?
  4. Ah ouais, le New Museum of Contemporary Art s'intègre tellement bien avec son environnement...ahem! ' Oui il emprunte la forme 'carré' de ses voisins, mais c'est à peu près tous. Bien que j'aime cette façon de mélanger la modernité avec le bâtie actuel (cela crée un contraste intéressant), je ne trouve pas que cet exemple s'intègre mieux à son environnement que le Mackay l'aurait fait. Le Mackay empruntait la forme courbé du 1250 René-Levesque qui est à deux coins rue, ainsi que la CCE. Tandis que le podium était d'une forme plus carré, ce qui se serait bien intégré aux victoriennes du niveau de la rue.
  5. Incroyable... Dans 20 ans on va voir des photos "avant/apres" du CHUM et on va dire "WTFFF!"
  6. How's this project doing sales wise? We haven't heard anything in a while...
  7. let the party begin! I was wondering, what are the odds that we'll get invited to visit the Altitude (like the Hilton Garden Inn)?
  8. Ciao Richard! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  9. lol! C'est très beau mais j'suis pas mal sur qu'il vont devenir des lits pour les robineux, et aussi qu'ils vont être couverts de graffitis dans une semaine.
  10. identifiant

    Southam Lofts

    Merci pour les photos. Trop belle la facade de cet édifice!
  11. The building was on fire when I walked by this afternoon. Seemed like a pretty big fire too... Anyway know if there were any workers were hurt or if the building is heavily damaged?
  12. So they wanna demolish a nice building when there's a parking lot right next to it? I'm gonna have to be a BANANA this time (unless the proposal is outrageously nice ).
  13. Ils en ont installé une en avant de la gare deux-monagnes, c'est très beau... Malheureusement elle ce fait vandaliser presque a tous les jours.
  14. You also have to keep in mind that Ottawa and Quebec City have a large concentration of government employees and sub-contracting companies (that do work for the government). This is an "industry" that didn't get hit by the recession.
  15. Yes! Le mur aveugle de l'hotel de la Montagne va enfin disparaitre! J'ai bien hate de voir le rendu.
  16. Mais pourquoi cette rue? Elle n'a rien d'attreyante point de vue "street life"; surtout en ete sans les etudiants de Mcgill.
  17. ...need I say more? Maclean's anti-Montreal bias is so obvious that it makes me sick. EDIT: Avez-vous remarquez la photo qu'ils ont utilisée pour leurs article? Incroyable! lol!
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