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Tout ce qui a été posté par LindbergMTL

  1. Bons points Cyrus, peut-être un petit poele au gaz propane sous le capot de nos voitures nordiques devra être nécessaire en attendant la fusion nucléaire?
  2. Merci Jesseps pour tes calculs. En extrapolant un peu et en arrondissant les chiffres, on peut se dire sans se tromper que 20 000 km couteraient autour de $250 de recharge au Québec!
  3. OUf, ça va boucher tout un méchant trou! et en hauteur, fabuleux! Anderson, merci pour les photos, est-ce que tu vois une pancarte, affiche?
  4. London to Install 1,300 EV Charging Stations Starting Next Year The streets of London are about to start sprouting electric vehicle charging stations left and right. London’s Mayor Boris Johnson just announced the launch of Source London, a program beginning next year that will aim to install 1,300 EV chargers by the end of 2013. As Autoblog Green pointed out, that’ll make EV charging stations outnumber gas stations in London — now that’s a transportation system that we can get behind. Read more: London to Install 1,300 EV Charging Stations Starting Next Year | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
  5. Je pense plutôt que le taux de chômage à presque 10% fait baisser le niveau d'attraction.
  6. Malek, tu connais un bon restaurant syrien ou libanais à Manhattan?
  7. Announcing the winner of the Taiwan Tower design competition!
  8. En fait, je ne serais pas surpris de voir la prochaine tour à bureaux de 30 étages construite à Longueuil ou Laval plutôt qu'au centre-ville de Montréal.
  9. Et le potentiel d'exportation pourrait être très grand, aux États-Unis entre autres, si le concept s'avère un succès.
  10. <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
  11. Le terrain vacant depuis toujours au coin de Saint-Laurent et de Maisonneuve. Un terrain incroyable, avec une station de métro. Incroyable! Quel est la hauteur maximum permise sur ce terrain, quelqu'un sait?
  12. En d'autres mots, ce que nous dit le PDG de L'Oreal, c'est que Montréal a beaucoup d'atouts, mais que la sempiternelle question de la langue, notamment la peur de la perdre et le militantisme anti-anglais qui en résulte, empêche Montréal d'être la meilleure place pour faire des affaires au pays.
  13. By the way, there will be an American version of Top Gear.
  14. Allez lire la section des commentaires, certains sont délirants, d'autres hilarants.
  15. Ah ben tabarouette! Si c'était le 1er Avril, j'aurais fait un sourire. Le BBQ Laurier, le meilleur poulet BBQ au monde! Et je suis complètement impartial, même si j'ai quasiment grandi dans l'ombre de cette vénérable institution d'Outremont. Et Ramsay est mieux de pas toucher au fameux gateau Moka chaud, un sublime délice. Bon, je suis quand même optimiste. Le resto est entre bonnes mains. Les futures générations peuvent compter sur ce Brit ! :-)
  16. La présence des plans d'eau donne vraiment une plus value au projet (attention aux couts d'entretien et aux vices de construction avec l'eau!). Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les 3 tours seront de la même hauteur cependant, ce serait beaucoup plus attrayant si elles avaient chacune une hauteur différente.
  17. Quelqu'un sait si il reste encore d'importants organismes en aviation internationale qui pourraient se relocaliser à Montréal? En tout cas, c'est un beau coup pour Montréal!
  18. November 09, 2010 8:43 AM by Staff & Wire Reports Canadian poker professional Jonathan Duhamel won the World Series of Poker main event title and $8.94 million on Monday night after keeping a stranglehold on his chips and pressuring his opponent. Duhamel took the last of Florida pro John Racener's chips in the no-limit Texas Hold 'em tournament with an ace high after 43 hands where Racener was no better than a 4-1 underdog in chips. Duhamel pushed Racener all-in and the Floridian called with a suited king-eight of diamonds. But Duhamel had an unsuited ace-jack for the lead. A flop of two fours and a nine helped neither player; and Racener didn't improve with a six on the turn and a five on the river. "It's a dream come true right now," Duhamel told the crowd at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino as confetti fell from a theater ceiling. "It's like the most beautiful day of my life." "Come join the party," he said, flanked by some 200 friends and family who rooted him on while wearing Montreal Canadiens jerseys. Duhamel, an online cash game player who said poker has been his primary income for about two years, had his third cash at this year's series. But the money he won Monday night dwarfs the $43,000 he won after entering 17 earlier tournaments at the 57-event series this year. "I love playing poker so much, so I mean I'm going to be playing all those big tournaments and try to make other big scores," he said. "I'll be there next year in the World Series and try to do my best again." Duhamel, a French and English speaker who left the Universite du Quebec a Montreal during his second year studying finance, worked a series of odd jobs before playing poker full-time. He said he played for $5 and $10 minimums before the series. Now he plans to play in the world's biggest tournaments -- and buy Canadiens season tickets. "I didn't expect that at all," he said. Racener won $5.55 million for second place, never finding real traction in the biggest heads-up card match of his life. Racener said his only good hand was pocket queens and he didn't pick up anything besides that better than an ace-deuce. "I could never get anything going," said Racener, 24, of Port Richey, Fla. "It was unfortunate and he played it well." Duhamel came into the heads-up match with a significant chip lead and kept Racener from gaining much ground in a session that lasted just over an hour. Duhamel had nearly 90 percent of all the chips in play when players took a 10-minute break after 36 hands. The Boucherville, Quebec native intensified the pressure after that, pushing all in on three straight hands and dropping Racener's stack to just above 16 million chips. When Duhamel pushed again, Racener unsuccessfully tried to make a stand. Racener doubled his chips 10 hands into the session, after Duhamel had whittled his stack early on. An 11-1 underdog in chips, Racener called Duhamel's all-in wager with pocket queens and they held against Duhamel's king-four. The hand came just after minimum bets rose and gave Racener 36.9 million chips -- but he was back to his original stack less than 20 hands later. Racener began the session a 6-1 underdog in chips, with just 26 big blinds in his stack at 30.75 million. He spent most of the final table that started Saturday on the sidelines, watching as his opponents aggressively ate at each other's chip stacks. He didn't risk all his chips until he called a bluff by Filippo Candio with three queens, and doubled up twice more before watching as Duhamel withstood a high-pressure challenge from third-place finisher Joseph Cheong. The hand brought Duhamel back where he started the final table -- with a big chip lead. Chips have no monetary value in the tournament, and Racener had to lose all his chips to be eliminated. The tournament started in July with 7,319 players paying $10,000 each to enter.
  19. Est-ce concevable d'avoir à la fois la reconstruction de l'échangeur Turcot et celle du boulevard-autoroute Notre-Dame, ou faudra-t-il attendre que le premier soit terminé pour aller faire le second? D'après moi, il faut y aller avec les deux, pour ne plus perdre de temps.
  20. Est-ce que quelqu'un se souvient quelle avait été la recommandation d'HM lorsque le projet de la tour de La Cathédrale est apparue? Cette tour est "marriée" avec la Christ Church Cathedral, et est souvent prises en photo par les touristes, symbolisant le contraste entre l'ancien et le moderne.
  21. LindbergMTL

    Gare Viger

    Avec l'arrivée du Chum (et oui, il va finir par arriver), et la grande prospérité que le Québec va connaître dans les 10 prochaines années (hausse des prix des matières première et énergie propre bon marché entre autre), ce complexe va trouver sa vocation et sera annoncé d'ici 1 an ou 2, you can quote me on that! :-)
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