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Tout ce qui a été posté par LindbergMTL

  1. Probablement que cela couterait plus cher. Les développements financés par les fonds publics ne roulent pas sur l'or, les budgets sont extrèmement serrés, enfin j'ose espérer, d'où l'absence fréquente d'éléments architecturaux hauts-de-gamme je suppose. Beaucoup des projets qui voient le jour autour du quartier des spectacles sont financés par les différents paliers de gouvernement. Les projets privés opèrent de façon presqu'opposée, donc c'est a` souhaiter qu'il y en ait plus a' Montréal!
  2. E.V.’s Are Here, but Expect Wait for Charging Stations The Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf were delivered to their first customers last week, and a small fleet of Think City electric vehicles were handed over to the State of Indiana for use in state parks. The plug-in E.V. has arrived, and it begs the question: will a public charging network be available to support the cars? Led by Coulomb Technologies and Ecotality, the first home chargers are being installed. A robust and targeted public network is coming, but it is still very much a work in progress. Last Thursday night, Congress passed a tax bill that includes an extension of the federal tax credit for E.V. chargers. The one-year extension reduces the credit from 50 percent of the purchase price up to $2,000 to 30 percent of the cost up to $1,000, but most E.V. advocates are happy to see even a smaller credit passed in the current political climate. “It’s unfortunate that it was cut from 50 percent to 30 percent, and the total reduced from $2,000 to $1,000, but something is better than nothing,” said Paul Scott, vice president of Plug In America, a California-based nonprofit group. “We’d love to have the $2,000 credit back, but $1,000 is reasonable,” added Colin Read, vice president of corporate development at Ecotality. For business installers, the charger credit was also retained but reduced to 30 percent of the cost up to $30,000. Phil Gott, an auto analyst at IHS Global Insight, says that public charging addresses “a psychological need” on the part of E.V. buyers and that a relatively small but strategically located network of chargers in each region is likely to provide that comfort. Most automakers are selling the cars initially in select deployment cities and metropolitan areas. “The automakers are working closely with the charging companies to concentrate the network in roll-out cities,” said Matt Mattila, project manager for the E.V. charging-advisory group Project Get Ready. “That wouldn’t be the case if the cars were being delivered nationwide.” Coulomb Technologies A public charging station in Bellevue, Wash., installed by Coulomb Technologies. But public networks are still in early stages. Richard Lowenthal, chief executive of Coulomb, said that it had shipped a “small number” of the 4,600 public and home chargers that were being provided free as part of the company’s federally supported ChargePoint America project, which was active in nine regions around the United States. Initial ChargePoint partners are Ford, General Motors and Smart. Mr. Read of Ecotality identified the Christmas shopping season as an obstacle to widespread installation of public E.V. chargers because businesses want to defer construction work until mid-January. “They don’t even want third-party contractors on the property doing site assessments,” he said, predicting that wide deployment would not begin until February. For its part, Ecotality is linked with the E.V. Project, another federally supported program providing free chargers to specific regions. Mr. Read said the company had completed 40 residential installations, 1,300 residential site assessments and 300 commercial site assessments. The E.V. Project, in conjunction with General Motors and Nissan, is scheduled to provide nearly 15,000 chargers by next summer, which Mr. Read apportioned as about 8,300 residential and 6,500 commercial points. The E.V. Project has lined up a diverse group of partners, including the Cracker Barrel restaurant chain. Cracker Barrel said in late November that it would install Ecotality Blink stations at 24 locations in pilot markets. Far larger is General Electric’s planned deployment of 25,000 to 30,000 public and private WattStation chargers, which would be deployed along with the 25,000 E.V.’s it has pledged to purchase by 2015. “We’re helping drive the industry toward a tipping point,” said Michael Mahan, the company’s product manager of electric vehicle infrastructure. A report from Project Get Ready and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants analyzes 50 large metropolitan markets in the United States, identifying those most prepared for E.V.’s. In the Leader category are the California cities San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Jose. New York is the only Northeast city identified as a leader, with Portland, Ore., in a leadership role for the Northwest.
  3. Je me souviens d'avoir lu quelque part que la recharge des voitures, se faisant surtout pendant la nuit, n'allait pas être un problème pour les fournisseurs d'électricité. Le mouvement est instoppable d'après moi. Les batteries vont s'améliorer.
  4. Bollore's Autolib investment over 100 mln eur -CEO (Reuters) - Billionaire tycoon Vincent Bollore (BOLL.PA) will invest over 100 million euros into Paris's upcoming electric car hire scheme, known as "AutoLib", he said on Friday. Autolib, modelled on the popular Velib bike hire scheme, is due to start operation next autumn, and will allow drivers to rent electric cars by the half-hour from one of the 1,000 stations due to be put in place in Paris and its suburbs. "For us, Autolib is at least 100 million euros (of investment)," Bollore told a news conference after his holding company won the contract to supply cars for the new scheme. "We wrote 60 million (in the presentation), but 60 is the minimum." He reiterated the figure would certainly be 100 million, "plus investments we make elsewhere". Bollore is supplying bubble-shaped Bluecars, developed with its Italian partner Pininfarina (PNNI.MI), for Autolib. Although the project is not expected to reach break-even for seven years, according to Bollore, he said the group's shareholders would be patient. Bollore's group produces the lithium polymer metal batteries for the cars, which have an urban range of 250 kilometres and will take around four hours to charge. The group is betting on lithium metal polymer technology because of its ability to resist heat and cold, while big car makers like Renault (RENA.PA) and Nissan (7201.T), which are investing billions of euros in electric vehicles, have plumped for lithium-ion batteries. "The battery is not only 50 percent of the value of the car but 99 percent of the problems that come up," Bollore said, citing safety issues, a need for a good range and the fact that a car battery had to be recharged thousands of times. (Editing by Will Waterman)
  5. avez-vous remarqué la grand similitude du Marriott avec leur hôtel en Chine? Allez voir sur leur site.
  6. Merci pour le scoop! C'est une bonne nouvelle et un excellent exemple de ce que peut accomplir un peu plus d'argent!
  7. Merci pour le scoop! C'est une bonne nouvelle et un excellent exemple de ce que peut accomplir un peu plus d'argent!
  8. Voiture électrique: la batterie pourra aussi servir à la maison Agence France-Presse Tokyo Le PDG de l'alliance automobile Renault-Nissan, Carlos Ghosn, a affirmé qu'une batterie rechargeable de voiture électrique pouvait servir au-delà de la durée de vie du véhicule, pour stocker et fournir de l'énergie à usage domestique. M. Ghosn a tenu ces propos lors du lancement au Japon de la Renault Mégane Sport du constructeur français, à l'ambassade de France à Tokyo. Parallèlement, le japonais Nissan a commencé à livrer son modèle tout électrique Leaf aux États-Unis et au Japon, avant l'Europe début 2011. Plus ici...
  9. On s'entend que ce n'est pas un chef-d'oeuvre architectural, mais j'ai bon espoir que la salle aura une des meilleures accoustiques au monde! Ce serait vraiment un formidable pôle d'attraction musical.
  10. L'économie prend du mieux, les taux d'intérêts vont monter légèrement mais pas trop, et beaucoup d'européens cherchent des endroits pour investir leurs fortunes à l'extérieur du vieux continent; je suis confiant que ce projet va commencer dans 6 à 8 mois sa construction. Enfin, j'espère que ces entrepreneurs font une bonne campagne en Europe, car le Canada et Montréal font figure de "Safe Heaven" rentable.
  11. A bien y regader, je trouve des points communs entre ses chaises et ses projets architecturaux, les courbes en fait.
  12. Ils installent leur bureau de vente dans le même bâtiment? La construction n'aura pas lieu avant plusieurs mois donc, ils ont besoin de faire plus de ventes.
  13. C'est la grandeur des évènements qui fait la différence. Le PDC est bien petit comparé aux centres des principales villes nord américaines.
  14. Oui, et de créer des emplois au centre-ville. Un dollar dépensé sur le PDC doit rapporter plusieurs dollars dans l'économie. Alors qu'est-ce qu'on attend???
  15. Bravo et merci Gilbert! L'hôtel deviendra un pôle important pour l'industrie touristique, les festivaliers, touristes et congressistes s'y retrouveront en grand nombre grace à son emplacement central. Et enfin du verre sur une tour, enfin.
  16. J'ai souvent travaillé dans ce bâtiment (qui sera remplacé), et c'est un emplacement vraiment unique et spectaculaire. Ils veulent en faire un endroit de bureaux et diverses acitivités culturelles (multimédia surtout) s'y ajouteront si j'ai bien compris le document. J'ai bien hâte de voir ça aussi! Merci Russell pour le lien.
  17. Triste spectacle en effet, triste sepctacle, d'ou' jaillera un Phénix un de ces jours...
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