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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Took a detour this morning and the Knights Inn or whatever near the yards, started to be demolished. I wonder if its part of the project or not.
  2. At least things in Mexico get built now. Here things start and never finish or never see the light of day.
  3. These people are playing with fire. As you said if this keeps going on, no one going to want to do business here. Which will be a shame.
  4. I am happy that this project finally started.
  5. Just amazing and our politicians cant even connect Montreal to New York or Boston or Toronto. The west is PATHETIC. At least we still got our human rights of some sort lol I'll stick to flying from London to Beijing. Seeing from what I heard about HSR you look outside you get nauseated because of the speed.
  6. jesseps

    Old Montreal shooting

    (Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette) The bold part is how didn't the government go after him? Wouldn't flags and lights start going off if someone buys a condo for $400k and they never filed a return?
  7. jesseps

    Old Montreal shooting

    All I can remember is the 90s with the huge turf war with the bikers and now this. Its true we aren't as bad as New York or Winnipeg, but its just insane. How its gone out of control. One week you have people fire bombing cafes and now hits Whats next someone blowing up someones car? Hasn't happened a few years, but I have a feeling this will happen again soon, with the way everything going now. I know I shouldn't over react but one minute Montreal quite safe and now this.
  8. jesseps

    Old Montreal shooting

    Its sort of been getting worse. A while ago there was a drive by shooting in Pierrefonds and Ahunsic. Now all this mafia bs. Montreal is like turning into NY circa 1970s or something.
  9. (Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette) WOW I am happy I don`t live on St Pierre anymore. This city has gone to the dogs. I guess its time to really go out and buy a bulletproof vest and armour up my car.
  10. lol I know your being sarcastic but $176k is noting. I guess with that we can have a decent life in some central american country or in thailand. Honestly not even. I would be happy if every Canadian was worth a few million.
  11. I am with you on this one. If the cops don't show up for this "protest" nothing will happen and they will look like the lunatics they are. One thing it be interesting if one of these people does vandalise something. I hope someone follows that person home and trashes their place. That be the ultimate revenge from the tax payers.
  12. Nothing new, but it could always be worse. They could be firebombing police stations, city hall and government buildings. As long as I am not near this crap on Monday I'll be happy.
  13. History should only be changed if there is some fact to it or some new development that has shown up and can be proven.
  14. I'll use a kids defence. They started it with their sovereignty bs and terrorism back in the 70s. If they can't deal with English speaking Quebeckers fighting back so be it. As for racism honestly we are all the same... we are Quebeckers. So wouldn't it be like "langism", seeing its two languages hating each other. I know langism doesn't exist or is not the proper word for this problem we have in this province. Now back on topic: I just dislike it when people try to change the history that has already been written (i.e) in the case of Texas. It will separate people even more.
  15. PQ/BQ dislike the English and from what I recall they wanted to rewrite some of Quebec's history (i.e) Plains of Abraham.
  16. (Courtesy of The Guardian UK) I wonder if anyone from the PQ or BQ heard or read about this Probably not seeing they dislike the English language. So I guess Canadian / Quebec history is safe for now, until one of them comes out of their narrow-minded shell and sees this
  17. I wonder how many people will end up using this bus for non-airport travel. Lets see it be sort of faster to use this bus at 3am after going to a bar downtown and have your car parked at the airport or near the airport.
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