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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    Videotron needs to bring back no caps and lower consumer prices.
  2. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    Best bet check out Bell's website and put in your home phone #
  3. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    <object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object> Pure bliss
  4. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    I read on another forum... if I go with Bell Fibe 25 which is $49.95 a month and go over the limit they can charge up to $30 extra and after that I can still use up the bandwidth.... So I can get 25 Mbps (download) for $79.95 a month (unlimited)... If thats true that for sure beats Videotron's 7.5 Mbps unlimited business line.
  5. $300+ million in renos wtf. How much was the Casino + Cirque hotel project going to be?
  6. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    I was checking out Verizon Fios in the US. 15 Mbps (down), 5 Mbps (up) and no cap at $55 US per month, say its $60 CDN per month. Honestly thats what we should have here. Seeing Verizon Fios is pretty much FTTH.
  7. I am with you on that one. A good friend of mine, his grand father designed some of the bridges going in and out of this city and the stories I hear about how the Government and the City of Montreal back when some of these bridges were built is mind boggling and its still happening today. The government and the city are only thinking of TODAY but not down the road for 20-25 years for the type of traffic. I love how people in power lose touch of reality. Plus these people are suppose to have an "education" but with these type of ideas I wonder if a university degree is actual worth it. Thats my 2 cents on this matter.
  8. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  9. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    I just don't know how well this service will work in the west island. Seeing the closer you are to Bell's CO the better the connection speed is My best bet before was to switch from Colba to TekSavvy get MLPPP dryloop. Seeing one dryloop @ 5 Mbps with unlimited is $47.20 a month. So I would need another 2 dryloops somehow which would be a total of 15 Mbps (theoretical) which means really 9-12 Mbps (in the real world) but thats $141.60 per month for something that has unlimited download / upload and pretty decent speed. Seeing this is around now decent speed at a decent price, but now I have to figure out how much I am downloading / uploading. I myself download / upload around 60 / 90 GB a month. So say I need like 270 GB per month and 16 Mbps plan has 90 GB and I can get another 40 GB per month for $5 that still leaves me with 140 GB of missing capacity to download / upload. So I am wondering if I get can get 5x the 40 GB plans, that be like $25 extra each month if I was allowed LOL I hope thats allowed. Seeing that would be almost half the price of the 3 dryloops from Teksavvy.
  10. Anyways back on topic, its quite stupid to go and put towers up and not tell anyone. I hope they get some huge ass fines. It be nice if they would lose their spectrum.
  11. Plus I just read somewhere that Videotron only staying in Quebec and they aren't covering Toronto or Ottawa. So I guess I am sticking with Rogers.
  12. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    I could hopefully get rid of the Bell ExpressVu.
  13. jesseps

    Bell : actualités

    (Courtesy of Newswire Canada) Bell is also launching in 2010 IPTV. Now they just need an option for unlimited downloading for like an extra $30 per month. Also change the the maximum download/upload to 300 GB for regular users.
  14. Another interesting design. I hope it sees the light of day.
  15. So whats their game plan for the 18-wheelers?
  16. Why wait when you can pay? I see no problem with him or anyone going to the US for treatment.
  17. (Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette) How about the government learns how to manage the money they get from tax payers and not go over budget on every FUCKING PROJECT you dumb morons! No form of government works. Not even total monarchy. :stirthepot: I wonder what Paul Desmarais Sr and Guy Laliberté would say about this or I bet they would be spared from QS antics. -end rant
  18. Its time for us to start putting the screws to the government
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