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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Le CH est une compagnie privée, ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent. Le Canadien n'est pas une institution Québécoise, même s'il est proche de notre coeur. FM96 est une station de radio ils ont le droit de faire ce qu'ils veulent. Ont pogne aussi des stations de radio du Vermont ici, est-ce qu'on va se plaindre aux Américains qu'on capte leurs ondes?! Franchement Est-ce que seuls les francophones sont considérés comme des "vrais Québécois"? Désolé. J'approuve bien de la protection de la langue français, mais c'est la fête nationale du Québec, pas la fête nationale de la langue française ni la fête nationale des séparatistes. St-Jean c'est pour tous les Québécois - français, anglais, chinois, blanc, noir, jaune, homme, femme, jeune, vieux. Point finale.
  2. Ahh, bordel, j'étais au VIP à Chinatown en train de manger du bon General Tao vlà 10 minutes! J'aurais du rester en ville pour checker l'inauguration!! Ahhh! *tire sur ses cheveux*
  3. Guys, i like the raunchiness of Saint-Laurent as much as the next guy... but do you honestly think if we close some of these shops they won't just reopen elsewhere? You guys act as though we're losing something precious. These shops will reopen elsewhere, probably close by, since there is strong demand in Montreal for that kind of thing. Have a little faith in humanity, and in people's libidos!
  4. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    I kinda like the hall building - i really do. Except for the escalators from hell.
  5. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Like i said, we still don't know the details. Speculation and discussion is great but nothing is certain yet. Location isn't yet determined, neither is design. I hope they build on the Tim H parking lot!
  6. Here we go again... On va tu finir par apprendre notre leçon bientôt?
  7. Now that this project is dead, i sincerely hope they move to Toronto and build it there. I hope it's an incredible success so that It'll be a humiliating reminder and serve us as a lesson for the future.
  8. Il va devenir MASSIF! Je demeure à 150 secondes de là, alors je vais prendre des photos au cours de la construction!
  9. Vas-y XplorateUrbain, c'est une pas-pire place, tu va aimer!
  10. Habsfan : Je crois que la 15 a 3 voies à cette hauteure là. Voir ici:
  11. Individually, i find some areas a little small, like the second floor. When you look at the place as a whole with the different floors and terrasses though, yeah it's pretty big. So Malek, when do we do a mtlurb night? I know a lot of us here on mtlurb are into nightlife! We should pick a bar or club, meet up and go spend a night, maybe get a table/bottle, etc. I vote for one of the Saint-Laurent supperclubs or Opera or even 1234. EDIT: you posted pix as i was posting. Nice pix! Damn that last girl's got some nice calves Girl in third pic is a hottie too
  12. In keeping with the theme of creating a thread for each place, here's one for 1234. I'll make a bunch of threads for places that come to mind, maybe eventually we'll have a thread for every bar, restaurant, lounge, etc! So, 1234. Nice place, a little small, but it's got two floors and a nice terrasse. Music: Music is good, MC Mario is there, though i've yet to see him and he wasn't there last saturday (i think he's there on saturdays?) Drinks: Drinks are average price and the barmaids are friendly and reasonably fast Ages and dress: Not velvet rope, but not casual either... middle of the road. Average ages are in the 21-28 range although i've spotted both 18 year olds and 35 year olds. Bouncers: Average lineups on a saturday night. 10-15 min wait usually, during rush hour. Bouncers are friendly, never had delays. Cover: I think it's 15$, not sure (the guy lets us in without paying and gives us a bunch of free passes, i don't know if we're the clientele he's looking for or he's just a nice guy..) Misc: my girlfriend says the girl's bathrooms are bad and i find the men's bathrooms are fine, so go figure. Isn't it usually the opposite? Lol. Hip hop and pretty much anything on the top floor, mostly house, electro, etc. on the bottom floor. Pic from last weekend
  13. Petit projet ben correct qui n'est pas laid et qui densifie. 8/10
  14. Recently went on a boat ride and happened to have the camera along, so i snapped up a few pictures! It was a dinning + dancing cruise down the Saint-Lawrence up to Varennes then back. Did my best, but i had to battle a moving boat, dirty window and sun at the wrong angle. One thing's for sure, i was pleasantly surprised at how fun this all was. I recommend taking those boat cruises, they're relatively inexpensive and a lot of fun! Sure the crowd dancing on the deck at night was a bit mixed (felt like i was at Thursdays) but the drinks were affordable and the food excellent! P.S. Leaving the dock Passing a ship Passing more of a ship Passing by old Montreal Passing by Montreal (on peut voir mon reflet dans la fenêtre, héhé) Encore Montréal Habitat 67 Serait le temps de faire de quoi avec ça! Parc Jean-Drapeau Parc Jean-Drapeau Sous le pont - Jacques-Cartier - l'on y danse, l'on y danse! Un autre angle Le soleil se couche à Varennes De retour à Montréal
  15. Blah. I know i'm biased and i'll fully admit it, but i really prefer my vision for Turcot... Sigh, oh well.
  16. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    It's good news, but there's still no information about: - Location - Size / architecture / design / # floors / height
  17. Complainers will always find something to complain about.
  18. Hahaha... outsiders are so cute. Mais sérieusement, c'est vrai que Montréal fait beaucoup de bonnes choses dans le domaine du vélo. On devrait pas trop se plaindre! En tant que cycliste, moi j'apprécie nos infrastructures!
  19. Peut-être pas, mais on peut voir ici qu'il y a beaucoup de lots qui veront la construction.
  20. Caline Rocco... je sais que t'aimes ça être négatif, mais un des meilleurs projets à Montréal en ce moment, un qui fait presque l'unanimité sur ce forum, et tu trouves toujours moyen de le mettre à terre?! Je ne suis pas d'accord. Je trouve l'architecture splendide. Je ne vois pas le lien avec Dubai.. je trouve que ça ressemble plus à quelque chose qui sort de Vancouver que Dubai. En termes d'hauteur il n'y a aucun lien. Oui il y a une courbe... big deal. C'est ça qui fait Dubaiesque? Et bien rajoute le 1250 à cette catégorie! Finalement, l'architecture est une question de gout personnel. Il n'y a pas de bon ou de mauvais, de vrai ou de faux. Simplement des préférences. Rocco, tu n'aimes pas ce projet? C'est correct, je respecte ça. La majorité des gens ici l'aime, et ce projet risque fortement d'être construit. Tant qu'à moi, on sort gagnant!
  21. Not for long. If there's one thing going truly well in Montreal right now... along with perhaps the Concordia projects which are a success story... it's the Quartier des Spectacles. There's no messing around, stuff's getting done. You can believe that as "pieces" of the Quartier are completed, month after month, year after year, the desirability (and density) of the area will only continue to rise. Developers will be looking at the area and finding it quite attractive. In short, those empty lots won't stay empty for long!
  22. Bien sûr, et voilà pourquoi les différents niveaux de gouvernement devraient s'impliquer et donner un coup de main, quitte à restructurer le tout pour que ça avance... Des projets importants comme ça... ça ne devrait jamais retarder. Pas d'excuse! (Mon opinion.. Do whatever it takes to get it done without delay and done right.)
  23. WOOO!! Quelle bonne nouvelle! QUÉ-BEC! QUÉ-BEC! Hé qu'on est hot... soupir... Or, les deux consortiums qualifiés selon le mode de partenariat public-privé n'ont pas remis leurs soumissions en mars tel que prévu. So let me get this straight: we're offering work to people during a recession and those people are late in submitting their stuff... gee, thanks fellas. Way back several months, when these guys were starting to show signs of being late, we should have told them both "cya later" and called up someone else. I'm sure a lot of construction companies would be interested in some actual work during this recession. We shouldn't be taking shit like this. Where's our leadership to smack these people around and accelerate the process? If i were running the show, if would have told both consortiums : "submit by march or no contract. Late = see ya later." C'est comme si on était tellement habitué aux retards et au niaisage ici au Québec que tout le monde fonctionne avec une attitude de "laisser aller". Les gens sont: "Bof, c'est pas grave si il y a du retard, ça changera rien. Pourquoi se stresser avec ça? Slow and steady..."
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