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Tout ce qui a été posté par ToxiK

  1. C'est pour ça que je dis: Le capialisme a plusieurs défauts alors que le communisme n'en a qu'un seul: ça ne peut pas fonctionner avec des humains!
  2. The imperial system might help some people to evaluate VERY approximately measurements, but when you do commerce, you need to be precise. Let just say you sell foot long hot dogs and you have Shaquille O'Neil and Verne Troyer (Mini-Me in Austin Powers) as customers, you might have to sell two very different hot dogs for the same price... The United States use the imperial system not because it is better, but because they were already using this system and they don't want to have to adapt to the world. In their mind, it is the world that has to adapt to them. And since they are still by far the richest and most powerful country on the planet, the world usually give in to the Unites States. This is happening less and less and will happen even less as the country relative strength is diminishing. The world did not give in for the metric system because they felt it was the best system. Americans are too stubborn to switch to a system that is not theirs (if it is American, it is automatically better! And even if the Americans did not create the imperial system, they have always been using it.). I am not anti-American and I am certainly not defaming them. Americans love what is American and often think little of what isn't. And you know that is true! That is why they are not switching to the metric system. It is not American, so it has to be un-American.
  3. Avec la fin de tous ces petits projets, peut-on espérer le début de d'autres projets.... Merci pour les mises à jour!
  4. Why do we need to be different of the world, especially when the world is right. Measure units are a for efficiency, if the United States want to be less efficient to be different, let them be. You listed the metric system as a failed socialist system. How is the metric system a failure? It works great! As for the kids learning the imperial system, I think they should be aware of it, but not waste to much time on it. They have so many things they should learn to waste time on the imperial system. Things like maths, History, geography, computers, science, arts, languages. You can argue that the imperial system is cultural and is as important to learn then a foreign language, but when you learn a language, you can read, watch movies and talk to people in that language, while when you know the imperial system you can, well, measure things in a different system... By the way, if the United States and Britain had invented and were using the metric system and Canada was using the imperial system (or an equivalent), would you be in favor of moving to the metric system?
  5. I still much prefer units like decimeter or deciliter then units like oz or pint.
  6. We were never expulsed or otherwise screwed because the British feared a revolt. And later, the 13 colonies revolted too and the Empire didn't want to lose everything in North America. The fear of the United States by the British saved us. After that, English had enough control of the politics and the economy not to have the need for repression. Of course, as long as French were the majority, the system of representation by population was deemed unnecessary. But as soon as the English got more numerous then the French, it seemed like an excellent idea: why did no one thought about that before? The British were "nicer" to us because at first they were afraid of a revolt and later because they had full control and more repression wasn't necessary anymore. And, by the way, I don't believe that the British would have done a mass extermination, they weren't Nazis. But they weren't enlightened angels send to save us against ourselves either.
  7. Measurement is artificial, so all measurement systems are unnatural. Using a thumb or a foot (or any other organ...) is imprecise. Not everyone is the same size. The metric system is easier to manipulate and to understand. If you need to know the numbers of meters in a kilometer, its easy: 1000. The number of feet in a mile: 5280. The number of meters in 7 kilometers: 7000. The number of feet in 7 miles: euh! Please give me a minute... It is the most efficient system, even if it doesn't originate from Anglo-Saxons. (By the way, there are 36 960 feet in 7 miles).
  8. Yeah! What is wrong with the metric system? How is that a bad thing? And, like monarchy, it makes us different than the United States...
  9. Of course religion was a part of this. Religion was invented to make sure those who were in power stayed in power (remember, there is a big difference between God (or Gods) and religion). Since the Conquest, English used the Catholic religion (the English being protestant didn’t had much love for "papists") to control the newly conquered French. The Church didn't approved of their members acquiring wealth, and the English were all too happy to take that burden away form the French. And with money, comes power. And you have power, you don't want to lose it.
  10. We are in Toronto's way! They want to be the number 1 city in the world, or at least as high as possible (can't blame them for being ambitious), and we are still in their way. They feel the 700-900 thousands Anglophones should be living in Toronto to help grow their population. We still have a big finance sector in Montreal, and they feel it should all be in Toronto. They complain Bombardier is receiving too much subsidies (they wouldn't complain in Bombardier was in Toronto), but they don't have a problem when the auto industry is getting subsidies. We had the Olympics and they still haven't had them (probably why they love to point out all the problems our Olympics had). We get tourists to visit old Montreal while they don't have much of an old city to visit. They might be able to steal our festivals, but they can't fake an old Toronto. McGill is a very prestigious university and it isn't located in Toronto: It is an aberration. They managed to take away many head offices (helped in part by the waking up of Francophones and the threat of separation), our stock exchange and a big part of our financial industry (improving Toronto financial standing in the world), they have the biggest airport in Canada while we lost many of our traffic (and during that time, the federal government "generously gave" us Mirabel, paid by all of Canada). We had a good film festival and the world number one jazz and comedy festivals, so they fund the TIFF, they get their hands on their own version of Just for Laughs and create their jazz festival (by the way, why especially jazz? Isn't there many more musical genres they could have chose??). The hope is not only to get those events, but to make sure Montréal's festivals lose some prestige. It is like a 4 point game in hockey: if you beat a team in your own division, not only do you get 2 points, but the other team doesn't get those 2 points. And to add insult to injury, others reasons they have a grudge against us, Francophones woke up and wanted to take their place in Montréal's society and economy. How dared we (Québécois) stand up and not stay in our designated place? Could English Canada tolerate a metropolis where French-Canadians hold a predominant place? How could a city with a French majority dared to stand against Toronto? And then, there were the PQ and the separatist movement. That was treason, right? And let's not forget hockey. How come the Canadiens won 10 Stanley Cups since the last one by the Maple Leafs? If not for the Canadiens, those Stanley Cups would all have been one by Toronto (yeah, right!)... In Montréal, we still hold many festivals, the Grand Prix, a few good museums, some high tech industries, universities, manufactures, aerospace industries, a good finance sector, a major port and many head offices. Toronto wants all that. And they are working to get it. If they win and get all that, then watch out Ottawa: you're next!
  11. Then we should put radar-photos on the 20 and with the fines we get from the nuts driving 250 km/h, we built the TGV...
  12. Je ne connais pas bien ce secteur. Selon vous (les habitués de ce coin), ce projet de plage serait-il réalisable?
  13. Imaginez si Zhuzhou possédait une chaine de magasin de vêtements sportifs genre La Capsule Sportive... Voici de quoi aurait l'air une conversation entre un client et un vendeur: Client: Bonjour! Je voudrais acheter un chandail du Canadien de Montréal. Vendeur: Bien sur! Tenez, en voici un. Client: Mais c'est un chandail des Maple Leafs, ce n'est pas ce que je veux. Vendeur: Oui, mais il est moins cher et c'est donc un meilleur achat. Vous devez le prendre. Client: Non, je n'en veux pas! Vendeur: Vous venez dans ma boutique, vous me déranger et vous n'achetez même ce que je veux vous vendre? Client: Vous n'avez pas ce que je veux, je vais aller dans un autre magasin. Vendeur: Vous allez me discriminer et me faire perdre une vente simplement parce que je n'ai pas ce que vous voulez acheter. Alors je vais vous poursuivre. Et même si je ne gagne pas la poursuite, vous allez perdre tellement d'argent à vous défendre qu'il vous est plus simple d'acheter le chandail que je vous offre et de devenir un partisan des Maple Leafs. En sommes, la STM ne veux pas du type de produit qu'offre Zhuzhou, et ce peu importe si ils fabriquent les meilleurs wagons à roues d'acier au monde. On passe de "le client a toujours raison" à "le fournisseur a toujours raison"...
  14. Are you telling me that opponents to projects and other NIMBYs do not always tell the truth? That's preposterous!!
  15. ToxiK

    2010 World Cup

    "So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." Lord Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
  16. Gilbert Rozon songe à se présenter à la mairie de Montréal.
  17. Une station par année, c'est environ 150 millions de dollars par année. Ce n'est pas si cher.
  18. C'est de l'importation pour le Québec. Et le fait d'envoyer de l'argent (et des emplois) en Ontario et en Alberta fera en sorte de nous appauvrir davantage et de faire augmenter les payements de péréquation et d'attiser le ressentiment canadien face au Québec.
  19. C'est pourquoi que je n'aime pas particulierement les mesures anti-voitures de Projet Montréal. En augmentant l'offre de transport en commun (et en améliorant l'efficacité des sociétés de transport), on va augmenter l'achalandage ce qui va permettre de réduire la consommation de pétrole et éventuellement dr voitures. Ce n'est pas tout le Québec qui peut avoir un réseau de transport en commun efficace, alors concentrons nous dans les régions où ça peut fonctionner.
  20. Les voitures et le pétrole sont les deux produits que l'on importe le plus au Québec. C'est bien beau vouloir augmenter nos exportations pour augmenter les entrées d'argent mais réduire les importations diminue les sorties d'argent, ce qui à la fin donne le même effet. Au Québec, on fabrique des wagons de métro, trains et tramways, et on produit de l'électricité. Les montants de TVQ, d'immatriculation, de taxes sur l'essence et de contraventions représentent une goutte d'eau en comparaison des emplois que l'on "exporte" en privilégiant les voitures.
  21. That's the thing, they have all gone Molson Stadium, Bell Centre, "Quartier des Spectacles", even the Dix30 is taking events away ("Cavalia" they are doing now according to a ad on a bus today... what is that, a dog and pony show without the dog? LOL)... It would be a decent place for say the Impact to play but they have their own thing too... Without the Olympic Stadium, many concerts wouldn't be showed in Montréal anymore. The Palais des congrès can hold many expositions, but the Stadium (with a roof) could hold bigger expositions and could be complementary to the Palais des congrès. The Alouettes play a game every year in the Stadium, and the impact hosted some games there too. Their regular stadiums, even if they very good for their regular games, are too small for big, profitable events. And don’t expect to hold the Grey Cup at Molson Stadium. And there are other events, like the Super Motocross, that rent the Stadium. I suppose other places could hold those events, but probably not as well as the Olympic Stadium. You would probably be saying that even with a retractable roof, all those events would count for what, about 20-30 days year? True! That just means that we have to use our imagination and find ways to fill the 330-340 days remaining (that if we want a 100% use of the Stadium). Without the Stadium, we can forget hosting events like the Commonwealth Games of the Pan American games like Toronto will be hosting in 2015 (well technically Hamilton, but we all know which city will get most of the glory...). Well managed, the Olympic Stadium can be a great asset to the city. By the way, what are you suggesting should be put at the site of the Olympic Stadium if it is demolished? If you pay 700 millions dollars for its destruction, you surely won’t let the site empty.
  22. All right... Barbara Kay lives in Québec so she can't be anti-Québec? Howard Galganov lived in Québec for a long time, and if he was not anti-Québec (or at least anti-Québécois), well... There are Anglophones who lives in Québec (not the majority, not even close, but we should not ignore them) and who isolate themselves as much as they can in the West Island dreaming of the good old days when Montréal was dominated by English and French was almost invisible. You can live in Québec and still be anti-Québec just as much as you can live in the United States and be anti-American. As for applauding the "Niquab Bill", she had the choice on being in favour of a Québec bill or in favour of fundamentalist Muslims. She chose the lesser evil. And among conservatives, there is no bigger evil then fundamentalist Muslims (not that I want to overlook that threat, but for me all kind on fundamentalisms is a threat). I am not putting down the National Post but I disagree with some of the opinions that they publish. We are in a democracy; everyone had the right to their opinions. If the National Post was to suddenly change it opinions to be more like the NDP, would you still think its pages are so nicely laid out... There are many people in Canada that don't like Québec, it is not always paranoia, it is a fact. The separatist movement did nothing to improve the opinion of the Rest of Canada. Some Canadian don't like French ant think they are paying too much for bilinguism (I think some of them are still wondering why we haven't seen the light and switch to English like “the rest of the world did”...). Others don't like the fact that we usually are more socially on the left. And others, probably liberals, don't like the fact that we don't share their dream of a Canadian Nation from sea to sea, with strong "national" institutions and more power centralized at the federal level. For many, we are the piece of corn stuck in their teeth. No one likes those grains of corn... I am not saying that all Canada hates Québec, but there are a lot of Canadians who don't like us, and some of them are very vocal about it.
  23. Désolé pour ton accident Yara. Il y a vraiment des caves partout. J'espère que ça va aller. Avec les radar photos qui peuvent surveiller les automobilistes, on pourrait réaffecter des policier pour surveiller les cyclistes. La majorité des cyclistes font attention, mais il y a des dangers publics que l'on doit enlever des routes et des pistes cyclables.
  24. I didn't say most conservative hate Québec; I said most people who hate Québec are conservative. Not the same thing. And by the way, 11 seats out of 75 is not a great result. Anti-Québec Liberals aren't usually haters but more like "want to save us from ourselves". They are more condescending than hateful (which isn't much better). And to get back on subject: to all of you who want to destroy Olympic Stadium, what would you put in its place? And where would the big events that take place in the Olympic Stadium go?
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