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Tout ce qui a été posté par peekay

  2. Mother fuc*ers! I just saw the data plan! The only way I'll buy it is if they announce they are constructing a 60 story building downtown... F&^K!!! I knew this would happen when they bought FIDO. And that fuc*ing piece of shit CRTC does nothing about the GSM monopoly!!! I can't wait for Quebecor to come into the market.
  3. C'est ce que je ressens envers ce projet. :begging: :begging:
  4. peekay

    Une radio honteuse

    Ahh oui, ce genre d’humour et du « ROC bashing » n’existe pas ici. C’est juste un phénomène Canada anglais vers le peuple québécois. Google FLQ, RRQ etc…
  5. Ce pont appartient à Ottawa. J’ai lu quelque part dans ce forum qu’une étude a été faite pour l’illuminer mais les coûts étaient trop chers.
  6. Aucun changement significatif d'ici 2011? Quelle chance raté d’ajouter des voies. Je trouve le gouvernement fédérale est pas mal « cheap » dans ce dossier.
  7. wtf is up with that spider!? My wife will lose it knowing there are spiders like that here!
  9. I thought I heard that there are some new regulations and text books starting this fall and the english texts will not be ready. The governement is sending the text books a few chapters at a time or something like that...That is what I was reffering to.
  10. What indication do you have that Montreal will for example, get back an english language LOCAL morning breakfast show? Have you seen Toronto, Vancouver even Winnipeg? Do you even see way the QC governement is treating the english language schools? Pathetic! A lot of you say it will never happen but don't back up your opinions with facts or evidence. Look at the history, look at what they had, and look at the trend. What will reverse that trend? Just because you watch american shows and speak english doesn't mean the local english culture can survive.
  11. You just proved that english Montreal is dying.
  12. I disagree. Most immigrants might eventually choose english...maybe. HOWEVER, No immigrant in QC will truly integrate into the English American culture. I’m talking about many generations of non-francos living in a region where the language is French. We aren’t talking about the QC of the 1950’s, we are talking about 30-60 years from now. Do you really believe that the non-francophone population in 2050 can support the existing institutions? Remember Travel Travel on CFCF-12? Remember all those english mtl local shows? Remember the expos on CFCF-12? Remember Pulse news? Remember This Morning Live on Global? Remember The Montreal Daily News? Remember 940 News? Do you want me to stop? What do you think happened to all of those cultural institutions? Ask yourself this: An immigrant from Quebec is playing Cranium/Trivial Pursuit. Which version will they do better in, the English Canada version of or the Québécois one? Answer: Québécois version, because they were raised Québécois regardless of the language they speak in the future.
  13. That's exactly what I meant. Montreal Gazette, Local mtl tv stations, local radio stations...etc... It's only a matter of time. The demographics can't support it. Look at how many Ontario/out of province/state licence plates you see on long weekends!
  14. I have learned to find peace in this never ending debate by accepting 3things: French in ROC will disappear. English inside QC will vanish as well. Both of these points above I believe, will happen in my lifetime. And finally, one form of communication will eventually replace all languages in the world. People in the future will be making fun of this debate.
  15. On the site under WHERE TO BUY. It has Rogers and Fido as purchase points. I will gladly pay up to $70 a month for unlimited access to web/email. Anything to get back at my IT deptment's droconian internet policy!
  16. Too bad...It was always fun to hear while being stuck in traffic.
  17. septembre 2008: nombre de crisse de chialeux au quebec + 1
  18. Come back with a scoop.... Will iPhone in Canada be launched at the same time as the flagship Apple store downtown? Will it be 3G? Good luck BTW
  19. Hein!?! Pourquoi?!?!?!? La poutine est la seule raison pourquoi je reste toujours au Québec.
  20. If I remember correctly Charest was against governement tax credits to lure companies here. I do remember him saying that. but just like Habsfans says, they are all hypocrites. Funny how the federal liberal governement is asking for a tax break of the gasoline tax and Harper won't do it. Just like Harper himself was asking for a gas tax break in the past. They are all the same.
  21. No it is not...When the PQ paid for companies to come here Charest blasted them...Now it is ok? Nevertheless, good job you fucking hypocrite.
  22. Pas pour l’instant mais un pont sur la rive sud sera construit par le fédérale à 225$ le baril!
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