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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Couldn't find anything online. I'm hoping they reclad the WHOLE wall, but who knows. One of the ugliest buildings in the area, second only to the Palais de Justice IMHO. Required reading. Before (Summer 2013) April 18th 2014
  2. April 18th 2014 -- Viger at Saint-Laurent
  3. I noticed this "for sale" sign is brand new. Wasn't there earlier this year!
  4. April 18th 2014 -- I hope something's going on inside, because nothing's changed outside. I did peek inside and there was somekind of huge flashing LED wall.
  5. What's in there right now anyway? Seems it's been empty since the late 1960s, yet it looks to be in perfect condition.
  6. I love these unexpected announcements
  7. April 17th 2014 - new banner going up
  8. (LOL -- un edifice a condos) Incendie mineur à la tour Deloitte
  9. Were you the dude with short hair, black jacket, taking pictures with a cellphone? I think I walked by you at the CCE (southwest) corner. I was definitely in the area at ~3PM, coming back from the Heritage Montreal presentation at Dorchester Square.
  10. April 12th 2014 -- view from Bishop. Nearly topped out? Notice the decline.
  11. Does anyone know why they aren't getting rid of the underground parking lot? Are they keeping it as-is for the new construction, or is it just too hard to remove these things? Does it connect with Ogilvy's? Also not sure where to put this, Thursday's hiring for their re-opening.
  12. April 11th 2014 Seems they're doing away with some of the more charming elements of the middle building (its cornice, I don't know how they can wedge it back in). Also the new section (corner Fort) is now open.
  13. Well the sales office never closed down (it's usually staffed between 9-5 too), and they have been advertising around here. Who knows.
  14. Tiny bit of info about the highend ground floor (+ basement) restaurant, Monarque. This is from October 2013 but wasn't posted here. Do you have plans to open any new restaurants in the future? JB: Yes, that's one of the reasons for my return to Montreal. We signed for a space on Notre-Dame and McGill, in the Penny Lane development by Projet Europa. The restaurant will have 4,000 square feet, with 2,500 square feet in the basement - similar to Leméac but without a terrasse. The cuisine will be bistro-like but without some of the old classics. RB: Cuisine du chef, cuisine du saison. JB: Right. A cuisine that reflects my experiences and travels in B.C., California, Asia and Australia as well. A little Japanese in spirit, in terms of ingredients and techniques. It won't be Asian food in the strictest sense but some of that influence will be there. Do you have a date? JB: Spring 2015. There's still a lot of work. The entire building is being re-done. RB: We bought the space though. Jérémie did his kitchen plans and an architect is on the job. We have a name too. Can you share it? JB: Of course. It's Monarque. Like the butterfly. The Monarch butterfly migrates and returns home, sort of like my culinary journey. I think it's an appropriate metaphor. And I used to chase butterflies sometimes on trips with [my dad] when I was kid.
  15. "Le Journal" has an... interesting article about 1250 Greene and its tenants.
  16. > la phase 1 n'a pas l'air d'être très occupé I had a meeting there recently and from my conversation with the security guard every floor had tenants. Can't help with phase 2 though.
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