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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. I know two buyers myself. The annulment was certainly NOT mutual.
  2. This is unbelievable. They illegally cancelled pre-sales and yet are able to get off scott free? Buyers be warned.
  3. Whoever did those renderings deserves a pat on the back. WOW.
  4. Sorry to stay off topic but as an Anglo, this is what I love about this province and why I'm still proud to be called a Montrealer. Most Anglos can speak French and the French can speak English, unlike the people in the ROC who like to bury their heads in the sand. If there are issues, usually one side helps the other, as it should be. If only the "extremists" on BOTH sides of the debate could understand this instead of getting territorial. This actually leads me back into the Univers conversation. NO report can accurately predict the impact of politics and the general market conditions on the real estate market. The idiots in both the real estate agent's corner and buyer's segment have ulterior motives. Some will yell "the sky is falling!!" when everything is ok in order to artificially lower prices while the other side will say "keep on and carry on" even while the floor is falling out from under them. In the end, no one can predict what will happen and it is up to investors to balance their choices accordingly.
  5. I'm part of a groups of friends that has invested in condos here and in other countries. I can tell you this: None of us care one bit about language, we care about ROI. Our two condos in Shanghai produce year-end reports completely in Chinese which none of us can actually read. Nor did most of the sales people at the time speak English, French or Italian. In the end, we care about the market conditions and while those same conditions have caused us to liquidate most of our Quebec-based assets, if things change our money will be reinvested here, regardless of language.
  6. Mies van der Rohe meets Rem Koolhaas. Interesting.
  7. That rendering is from like 5 years go....
  8. Why would this not be likely? I think this is a great location. Right on the edge of Griffintown, near some great local galleries and the Canal. Some serious infrastructure work needs to be done but other than that, it seems like it will be a prime location in a few years when Bridge street begins its redevelopment push.
  9. This is another case study for P2 which was submitted after the rejected proposal. There will be a retail components as well on the ground floor. However, these renderings represent a CASE STUDY and may not represent the actual design of the project.
  10. In that case, consult a real estate lawyer. You need to know your options. The ~$200 spent on an hour or so of proper legal assistance / consulting will protect you big-time in the future.
  11. Finally. St. Bruno has the worst food court of all time....minus the old one at Rockland.
  12. No. L'Avenue was the SECOND. There was a project in Toronto with this design first, then Avenue, then the one in Tel Aviv.
  13. I have to agree. What gives with this? The lay off hundreds of people, try to sublet their brand new multi million dollar facility and now this?
  14. Now that there is a beltway around Montreal, it is high time to ban trucks of a certain size from the highways on the island between the hours of 7AM - 10AM and 4PM to 7PM. Boston, Chicago and many other North American cities do it.
  15. I can confirm. Due to the situation in the province right now a group of investors I'm part of has backed out of our reservations for 2 units in Avenue, 2 units in Icone and 2 units in Le Peterson. Sales people from Icone and Avenue called earlier this week and I'll repeat what the primary contact for our group told them: we still have reservations for a number of pre-sale units in Griffintown but for the time being, absolutely under no circumstance will we be proceeding with additional real estate buys in the Montreal area. As with other groups we know of, we are now looking at Kingston, Cornwall and other areas outside of Quebec. According to the agent at Avenue, we certainly aren't the only ones forsaking reservations these really is unfortunate.
  16. Such an ugly building. There's no architectural continuity. It looks like the designers just slapped together a bunch of random ideas.
  17. They should add another 10 floors. However, I'm not sure I want such an ugly 58 floor building in Montreal.
  18. The first word that comes to mind: depressing. Grey grey and more grey. It will be like living in a black and white film.
  19. Send the letter and I will sign it. Unacceptable!
  20. This place is now a disaster on the weekends. They REALLY needed to build the initially proposed Leduc overpass but that won't happen now since they built Phase 3 over its proposed area. As it stands, getting out of Dix30 takes FOREVER and I know for a fact that it is driving people off.
  21. The concrete didn't set properly. This is a usual occurrence at this time of the year.
  22. If anyone else was on the SNC earnings call, you would have heard the death blow for this project: for the foreseeable future, SNC will be largely focused upon expanding their international operations. Their head office will stay in Montreal but more of their operations will become decentralized, out of country. Luckily, they are throwing money at their existing workers to keep a good business "base" but past that, they just can't afford to make any large moves here in Canada with the amount of scrutiny they are currently under. A roundabout take about the call: I highly suggest you guys take a look at the transcript before dreaming in technicolor about this project.....
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