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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Which was Miracle Mart before that I believe.
  2. This thing just gets weirder and weirder. I swear, I saw like 10 girls in bikinis there tonight splashing around in the four kid's pools. I thought I was tripping for a second.
  3. According to today's Gazette, 1st tower is due in 2015 with no ETA for the second one.
  4. Funny how this project has progressed. strike.....move some dirt.....vacation!!!
  5. The more I see of this project, the more I see a boatload of failed architectural principles rolled into one astonishingly ugly design....
  6. No. The buyers will not be demolishing the current building, nor will it be a hotel. Expect an announcement in December or earlier if the buyer decides to make their plans known to the public.
  7. Totally agree. With the way most construction sites here in Quebec are handled, they have every right to be worried. One of my townhouses in Saint Laurent had a new building built behind it. The tenants showed up one day to see their parking spots being used to dump various equipment, all without prior approval. The downstairs window was also broken. Throughout construction there was zero regard given to the residents around the area. That's not acceptable and situations like that happen all over Montreal these days.
  8. Reliance is one of the largest construction companies in Canada. They are the primary contractor for the Aura in Toronto, Evolo / Evolo 2, 328 Adelaide and will also be working on Le Peterson. I'd say there isn't any issue with them taking on any more projects.
  9. My problem is that it reeks of false advertising. The views from several sides of this building will be all but completely masked and yet the developer purposely diminishes the surrounding buildings in their advertisement.
  10. That is one of the most biased renderings I have seen.....possibly ever. Le Peterson is taller than the HGI and 1501 McGill College? HA!
  11. Trying to understand....they demolish a building (the small one with the rotunda) and then create its likeness in the exact same spot on the new building? Seems odd....
  12. Good God, I go on vacation for two weeks and my favorite project now looks like THIS. Ugly.
  13. SKYMTL

    L'Envol - 18 étages

    LOL! That has to be one of the most out-of-scale renderings I've ever seen.
  14. Tomorrow is their official "ground breaking" ceremony.
  15. I think everyone in Montreal got that flier today. I live in Ville St Laurent and I got one.
  16. 4% commission. Montreal's desperate real estate agents will be lining up down the street.
  17. The issue here is the fact that they are asking for a mutual annulment without giving secondary options. They see a few more bucks can be made and are busy ditching their first round of buyers. If you are one of the people who is being "asked" to annul, say no and see where the conversation goes from there.
  18. I was there again today at a store opening. The Phase 3 uses a horrible design. Sure, there's underground parking but the whole area feels like it was crammed together and is devoid of the usual "open air" feel the rest of Dix 30 has. Travelling on foot between it and the other phases isn't impossible but the journey makes it feel like this phase should have been where 3 Brasseurs, Cage aux Sports, etc is. it just doesn't feel right.
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