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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Couldn't have found a better link myself....
  2. Based on previous projects in Montreal and abroad, I am worried about CarbonLeo presenting a grand, well-developed yet ultimately unrealistic project in an effort to influence the city and public's opinion and to push through an approval. Then, gradually dumb it down to a shadow of its former self through revisions they KNOW the city will have to approve due to taxation dollars alone. In short, I am worried about this proposal morphing into yet another mega strip mall...something NO ONE wants and something Montreal doesn't need. However, based on financial investments alone, that's exactly what is bound to happen here. The dollar value doesn't match up to the proposal.
  3. According to financial numbers from the last investments, Quartier Dix30 cost about $550 million to build thus far and is valued at just over 1 billion. That's with bare bones construction for most of its buildings, not required demolition and one small underground parking. Mirabel cost just over $100 million. I'll say there's just no way Carbonleo will go forward with this design.
  4. From Carbonleo. This wasn't what I was expecting AT ALL. Where's the parking exactly? Anyone want to bet this will go through about 20 "dumbed down" revisions? 110% it will never look like this. People on the roofs. Covered pedestrian walkways with glass roofs. A "green" roof. Office towers. Potential underground parking. This isn't a 1.2 billion dollar project; it would be MUCH more costly than that.
  5. Now its the birthplace of figure skating? Are you kidding me? It's like The Gazette has a team of interns exclusively working on digging up a ton of meaningless information about this property in an effort to start some form of controversy. Next up on the Gazette's portfolio: "Ste Catherine Street Sewer Work Should Be Halted! Some fur trappers may or may not have killed a rabbit here 300 years ago."
  6. Where the hell is the OCPM when you need them? They stymie development where they shouldn't and then allow something like this demolition to go forward without a "shovel in the ground" project? WTF....
  7. Just for some context. The Piedmont water park didn't close due to a lack of popularity. It was due to there being 4 deaths over 3 years and the resulting lawsuits / litigation. The last death was a child, which didnt help matters.
  8. Everyone is in denial. This project will remain at 37 stories. If there's major interest, they'll bring forward Phase 2 rather than increasing the height of this one.
  9. It was only controversial becuase CTV and the Montreal Gazette made it that way.
  10. No floors were added to the sales chart. So I am guessing 50 floors.
  11. Good bye resale value on those houses. Ouch. Urban planning seems to be an impossibility here in Quebec.
  12. Seems like CF may once again be asking contractors and their sub-trades to purchase units as an "investment". Regardless, I'm not sure this broker thing is good for the industry as a whole.
  13. What the heck is that site? The domain and everything else points towards a broker who isn't even affiliated with CF. Check out the Whois information.
  14. If it's in Griffintown, it will be under 20 floors and look like a grey, beige or red brutalist box that completely lacks architectural significance. 100% guaranteed.
  15. I fail to see why this is even being debated. Montreal needs development and this development would be good for Montreal. Do these folks have nothing better to do with their time or is this a question of the on-again-off-again hatred by the English media for any project that has Laliberte's name on it?
  16. HURRAY!!! If there was ever a project that needed opposition, it was this one!
  17. If they REQUIRE all of the companies working on the project to buy at least one condo like they did last time, I'm sure it will "sell out" quickly as well.
  18. Agreed, absolutely horrible project. Not only will there be gridlock but the terrain between the boulevards will effectively be a no-man's land.
  19. I'm trying to understand what IC's issues are? They have no active developments in the area, nor do they have any land in adjacent parcels to the CF land. They cite congestion but that can be said of every new project downtown.
  20. It looks like the second TDC project actuall had three phases (TDC2, 3 & 4)? That's the first I've see it presented like that.
  21. I can't believe the city approved this thing as it's designed. Or maybe I CAN believe it....
  22. This isn't dead. Not at all. I know for a fact that CF has and will continue to have a large hand in the consultations for Quartier des Gares since the Coderre administration has actively courted them from day one for this whole area.
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