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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. No, it's the city of Montreal and countless coordinators. So think about a bunch of mentally challenged 5 year old kids arguing in a sandbox.
  2. I know. But that doesn't stop them from adding some form of architectural element to liven things up.
  3. I love it but I am not quite happy that the bases have turned into literal slabs of concrete
  4. They're building a sales office that costs a that a cautious approach? If you want to see cautious, look no further than Roccabella's comparatively disgraceful sales office not 200 feet away.
  5. My father, my brother and I are season ticket holders and I can tell you that no such discount existed. It was much much smaller. There are however several "perks" being offered to season ticket holders that buy a unit. However, I have to look at the contract my brother signed when reserving a unit before disclosing the details here.
  6. The launch etc. seems a bit anti climatic all for one stumpy little building (for now).
  7. Has anyone been inside of their sales office? I have gone by twice during normal working hours and it has been closed. Meanwhile, both times there were at LEAST a half dozen couples browsing within the Icone's office.
  8. LOL. Someone pissed off at the cop that their car is getting towed?
  9. FYI, it is neither. It will likely be Quebec City. This is from a VERY good source.
  10. One of my friends is looking to purchase a unit here and was told that as of last night, 20% have already been reserved.
  11. The south-side units will sell like hotcakes. Unless Montreal redoes the zoning again, anything from floor 25 on up will maintain an unobstructed view.
  12. Le Muz? Seriously?
  13. I like how they think that plywood will protect the commemorative bricks from the weight of heavy machinery. LOL.
  14. One word comes to mind: pathetic. This is supposed to be at one of the principle "entryways" to Griffintown? That supposedly hip, new, happening part of the city? Give me a break.
  15. I'm trying to understand why you would say that considering there aren't any buildings in the location this building would be. There are two parking lots which are bordered by a car wash and another building which I believe is a daycare or something. The southern-most parking lot is more than large enough to hold this building and from my understanding Canderel already bought the property.
  16. This should be put back into Proposals. From my understanding, the original permit expired more than two months ago which necessitates a new approval from the city. Until that approval is attained again, construction is not allowed to commence.
  17. Typically, I can't stand the guy but regardless of the knee-jerk reaction of some members here, one of Mr. Aubin's interviewees absolutely hit the nail on the head with this statement: “Foreign investors,” says one developer who asked not to be named, “would sway off in the event of political uncertainty – and without them the projects wouldn’t have the money to be built.”
  18. Because they know they can cheap out in Montreal due to a lack of competition while in Toronto (at the time) they were competing against 15+ highrise projects of over 40 floors that were in various stages of completion. Imagine if Maple Leaf Square was built now? They'd need something REALLY special since they would be competing against over 40 (!!!) towers of 45 floors or more proposed, approved and under construction. A lack of exterior quality just won't cut it in Toronto's mid to high end market anymore.
  19. Maple Leaf Square has glass with very minimal amounts of exterior concrete.
  20. Didn't see this posted: [video=youtube_share;x6S-iZY64-8]
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