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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. I couldn't be happier if this project was completely cancelled. I have said it from the start: it is ridiculous to jam a building such as this one next to the Bell Center when there are plenty of places around that would be just as suitable. HOWEVER, there is another option none of you have been discussing: the possibility that the core / soil samples came back and CF found out that either A) The soil depth versus bedrock / rockhead depth in that location won't support a 200M+ structure on such a small footprint or B) that reinforcing the area would require a huge investment. IMO, we shouldn't jump down their throats in this situation since no one really knows what's going on.
  2. Whatever Mr Poirier is smoking, I want some. As they say: you may as well not dream unless you dream big.
  3. Rumor has it that the design firm has proposed a large kinetic art installation to hang above the lobby. I'm hoping that proves to be true since it will be one of Montreal's first large kinetic art pieces.
  4. This may be the sales office for Tour de l'avenue des Canadiens. Typically, they don't build sales offices on the exact same parcel of land where they're intending to build.
  5. By cutting down the height of this building, they have proven that they know EXACTLY what is happening in the Montreal market. I can't believe people here have been turning a blind eye to all the studies released that have stated the Montreal condo market is softening. Meanwhile, those same companies are focusing resources in markets still in a boom phase: Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. It only makes good sense that a company would scale back some projects to focus more upon others. So don't get miffed at CF in this situation. They're only doing what makes sense from a business perspective.
  6. I agree. It's from Panzini, meaning it will never be built.
  7. Hey look....another building in Griffintown....and another at 20 stories. It really makes me wonder what would have happened if the city hadn't imposed such a ridiculous height restriction.
  8. Everyone is getting a hard on for Toronto's building boom, and with good reason. With 100+ approved or under construction condo buildings of over 30 stories and very little bending over backwards for NIMBYs, if I was a developer, I know where I'd be focusing my efforts.
  9. Part of (or at least some of it) will be the new distribution center for Sami Fruits.
  10. That's interesting. Those look like blast mats at the bottom of the hole.
  11. If it is indeed Samcon, we shouldn't have high hopes about its architecture, that's for sure.
  12. Talk about all the wrong proportions for a residential project.
  13. Seriously, how does the city accept these designs?
  14. I agree with you but there's a difference though. There AREN'T all that many buildings left around the canal that can actually be renovated for condos. Thus, build new is really the only way to go.
  15. I love this project. Absolutely love it. I'm just hoping there's some water movement. If not, the water will be anything but the pristine, reflective beauty they're showing in the renderings.
  16. Not sure how Phase 3 is possible since there is a very important City of Montreal water pumping station there...
  17. Overheard two waiters and the hostess talking about this when I was there for lunch the other day. From what little I could hear, it sounded like the staff have been briefed about a possible move.
  18. I heard horror stories about the townhouse-like units they're building right next to these buildings. According to a woman at work that bought one, it seems like the walls are paper thin with next to no acoustical insulation and you can literally hear the person in the unit next to you snore at night. VERY shoddy construction for units that cost $550K+.
  19. It could be because some of the two floor penthouses have a setback that you don't see on the renderings. Basically, the rooftop acts as a terrace for the units' second floors.
  20. I would still love to know what the point of building it here is...I mean as evidenced by the picture above, there are ramshackle buildings and a parking lot RIGHT ACROSS the street.
  21. The glazing + exterior wall panels are installed on the first four or so floors of the eastern most podium. It doesn't look all that bad.
  22. I've said it once and I will say it again: this project desperately needs more height variation.
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