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Tout ce qui a été posté par GDS

  1. Holy Shit - I'll have to check with my source that gave me the last rendering. This sounds like Ice in Toronto now rather then Maple Leaf Square.
  2. Lol - Ils font pas des colloques a 7h du matin et je ne travaille pas chez Alcan. Quand j'aurais des nouvelles sur le contenu, je vous aviserai.
  3. Montreal Parking Lot Sale Rides On Coat Tails of Bell Centre Development Ann White Property Biz Canada A Montreal development site that permits a 50-story condo, hotel, office or mixed-use building located across the street from the Bell Centre on Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal went on sale this week. The Bell Centre, home to the Montreal Canadiens, is the busiest hockey arena in Canada. Immediately adjacent to the arena is Windsor Station that houses the Lucien-L'Allier Metro Station. It is across the street from the 1250 René-Lévesque skyscraper, linked to the Bonaventure metro station and connected to the 32-kilometer underground pathway RESO considered to be the longest in the World. The listing of this property follows on the coat tails of news from April 2011 that Cadillac Fairview intends to build two condo towers (700 units – 40-story buildings) and an office tower (27 floors) above the Bell Centre and adjacent Windsor Station. The first of the Cadillac Fairview buildings are to be completed in 2014. The listed property is being marketed as ‘an exceptional opportunity’ for condo developers from Toronto and Vancouver who want to enter the fledgling Montreal market. In comparison to Canada’s other two major cities condominiums are just gaining traction in Montreal. International purchasers who recognize the unique features of the location for mixed-use projects are also prospective buyers. “The condo market is less mature in Montreal. It started about ten years ago and there is still no density in the suburbs” said Brett Miller who along with Brian Kerr at CBRE is marketing the property for a local family. “The site offers access to Montreal’s vibrant nightlife, abundant retail locations and a commute free alternative for empty nesters,” said Miller. A downtown condo in Montreal is also seen as a way of avoiding what is widely expected to be unprecedented traffic gridlock due to infrastructure construction projects. A major interchange and two bridges, all of which are major access routes to the downtown, are slated for a rebuild over the next five to ten years. Compared to Toronto and Calgary where building heights are virtually unrestricted in sections of those cities, no building in downtown Montreal can exceed the height of Mount Royal, 233 metres (764 ft.) above mean sea level. As the land elevation rises near the mountain the height of buildings is reduced plus further regulation limits heights to less than 120 meters in many parts of the City. Buildings constructed in the lowest parts of the downtown, such as the area around the Bell Centre and near Tour de la Bourse, can achieve the maximum building heights at around 210 metres. A condo built on the 31,800 square foot parking lot that is for sale, at 50-story building and 210 meters, would have a dramatic view of the Lachine canal as well as being higher than the tallest proposed condo, Altoria at 35 stories, and the 4 tallest Montreal office buildings: Le 1000 rue de la Gauchetière – 205 m. – 51 stories Le 1250 Boulevard Rene-Levesque – 199 m. - 47 stories Tour de la Bourse - 190 m. - 47 stories La Tour de CIBC – 187 m. - 45 stories Referring to the 75-story Aura condo under construction in Toronto at the corner of College St. and Gerrard St. Miller said, “We won’t see those kinds of heights in Montreal as the City is committed to maintaining the signature of the mountain on the downtown core. The municipality is pursuing densification by encouraging construction on parking lots.” As the condo market grows in Montreal how will height restrictions and demand for sites impact the cost of land? Will tall building constructions gain a foothold in Montreal suburbs as a way of satisfying urban intensification policies and a burgeoning interest in condo ownership?
  4. UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT SITE IN DOWNTOWN MONTREAL UP FOR SALE Parking lot fronting Bell Centre in Montreal launches new wave of development following the lead of successful projects surrounding other major league sports venues in Toronto and Vancouver. The marketing launch for the prestigious development site totaling 31,822 square feet facing the Bell Centre between Drummond Street and de la Montagne Street marks an important trend in Montréal’s condominium development market. Since the initial condo boom from 2003-2006, new condominium towers have typically been restrained in terms of building height, with the tallest condo project currently under construction being Altoria at 35 stories. The development site now being marketed for sale, offers a maximum potential height of 210 meters or 50 stories and unobstructed views to the Lachine Canal and St-Lawrence River. A new project on this site could easily become one of Montréal’s premier developments, with unparalleled views. Cadillac Fairview. plans to build a similar, large density project on the Centennial Plaza of the Bell Centre with two towers in excess of 40 stories. This development, along with successful, comparable projects surrounding the Air Canada Center in downtown Toronto, have emboldened the Pension Fund to take an assertive position in Montreal. Brett Miller, Executive Vice President and Regional Managing Director, Eastern Canada of CB Richard Ellis noted that, “the emergence of lifestyle residential projects focused around major entertainment complexes such as the GM Place in Vancouver or ACC in Toronto demonstrates that these enhanced projects are achievable and highly profitable. The aboveaverage size of these projects is easily matched by the heightened allure of the local entertainment factor, which only accelerates in a symbiotic manner with successive high-density mixed-use developments. There is no reason why Montreal will not replicate the success of its Canadian metropolitan counterparts.” This offering marks the continuation of large-scale downtown development sites being brought to market. Brian Ker, co-leader of the National Investment Team – Montreal and member of the sales team for this development site, notes that “downtown parking lots and sites with high-density zoning are in the midst of a massive change of ownership, whereby passive owners are seeking to realize gains and transferring assets to well-capitalized investors with the technical ability and the financial capability to undertake significant development projects with total project values in excess of $100 million. To date in 2011, over $135 million in high-density land has traded on the Island of Montreal, which is on pace to eclipse last year’s record total of $152 million, and will ensure a steady flow of marquee development projects over the next five years.” Miller added that “despite the fact that most development activity in Montreal is spearheaded by local firms, we anticipate that there will be strong appetite from foreign investors for such a trophy development opportunity. If someone wanted to build a Trump Tower, Four Seasons, or Shangri-La in Montreal, this is one of the few sites that could offer the prestige and views to accommodate their strict branding criteria.”
  5. - 48 unités de 950 pi 2 à 1500 pi 2 - À partir de 199 000$ - Réservez tôt (soyez les premiers acheteurs) - Livraison Septembre 2012 - Luxueux, spacieux, prix abordable. - Site de choix; proximité de tout, centre-d’achat, train de banlieue, piste cyclable. - Ascenseur, garage intérieur et place de stationnement extérieur. - Unité de coin et de centre - Grand balcon -Revêtement pierres et briques - Structure de béton - Planchers lattes d’ingénierie
  6. GDS

    BanK - 16 étages (2015)

    \there is a new rendering on the website - I tried to post it a couple of times, but I get the moderator approval error.
  7. L'annonce officielle sera probablement le 4 oct. Les employés de Rio ont été convoqués à une réunion spéciale.
  8. 1009 Bleury Unity 1200 Maisonneuve POM Loft Gillette Concord 400 Sherbrooke Mosaique Southam Metropol Viva Lofts Zero1
  9. GDS

    Canadiens de Montréal

    If anybody is interested in Desjardins seats for Monday against boston - pm me.
  10. Les ennuis montréalais du fondateur de Guess Jeans Hugo Joncas . Les Affaires . 19-09-2011 (modifié le 19-09-2011 à 12:34) Fondateur de Guess Jeans installé à Montréal, Georges Marciano vient de se faire saisir l'impressionnante collection d'œuvres d'art qu'il détient, rapporte La Presse du 17 septembre. Le Marseillais d'origine doit quelque 260 millions de dollars à d'anciens employés qui l'ont poursuivi pour diffamation et souffrances morales. Ils l'ont mis en faillite aux États-Unis en mars dernier. Les ennuis de l'homme d'affaires ne datent pas d'hier. Dès 2009, Les Affaires rapportait les problèmes de Georges Marciano, qui a accumulé une impressionnante collection d'immeubles de prestige dans la métropole, d'une valeur de plus de 80 millions de dollars. Au 507, Place-d'Armes, des échantillons de moquette traînent sur le sol du neuvième étage. Georges Marciano a acheté le vénérable gratte-ciel du Vieux-Montréal en septembre 2008 pour 22 millions de dollars, et il met le décor au goût du jour. Des tableaux posés par terre attendent d'être accrochés. " Il n'y a que moi qui puisse donner une âme à ce building avec ma passion ", nous a dit le Marseillais d'origine, dans un français émaillé d'anglais, lorsque nous l'avons rencontré le 29 octobre 2009. " Il est aussi beau que l'Empire State Building; je ferai tout pour qu'il soit aussi connu ! " Construit entre 1929 et 1931, l'édifice art déco de 23 étages est la pièce maîtresse du portefeuille immobilier de Georges Marciano. Dix-huit immeubles, tous situés dans le secteur protégé de l'arrondissement historique de Montréal, entre le fleuve Saint-Laurent et les rues McGill, Saint-Antoine et Berri. Fondateur de Guess Jeans en 1981, M. Marciano a vendu sa participation restante de l'entreprise à ses frères en 1993. Il s'est tourné vers la métropole québécoise en 2008 après avoir vendu ses immeubles de Beverly Hills, empochant de considérables profits. " Je cherchais un peu partout un marché où il n'y avait pas eu de surinflation, dit l'amateur de beaux immeubles. J'ai alors vu une annonce pour le 281, rue Saint-Paul Ouest. " L'homme d'affaires l'a acheté sans hésiter et est tombé sous le charme de l'Old Montreal. L'homme d'affaires aurait bien voulu continuer ses acquisitions. Mais le 320, rue Notre-Dame Est, acquis en juin 2009, fut sa dernière dans le Vieux-Montréal. Quatre mois plus tard, trois de ses anciens employés ont demandé à la justice fédérale américaine de forcer la faillite de M. Marciano, devenu insolvable. Un jury de la cour supérieure de Californie l'a condamné à l'été 2009 à verser 260 millions de dollars américains en dommages-intérêts à six anciens employés et des proches de l'un d'entre eux pour diffamation et graves souffrances morales (severe emotional distress). Le procès défraie la manchette des pages mondaines à Los Angeles. Mais l'homme d'affaires a refusé de se conformer au jugement. " Ils n'auront pas un sou ", disait M. Marciano en 2009. Du coup, trois des anciens employés ayant obtenu des jugements l'ont mis en faillite forcée. En principe, rien n'empêche les anciens employés de M. Marciano de faire liquider son portefeuille d'immeubles, payé 80 millions de dollars canadiens, dit Bernard Boucher, directeur du groupe de restructuration et d'insolvabilité du cabinet Blakes, à Montréal. En mai 2009, M. Marciano a contracté deux hypothèques commerciales d'une valeur totale de 11,5 millions auprès de la Banque Royale, alors que ses ennuis étaient déjà commencés. " Pas de commentaire ", dit la banquière responsable du prêt.
  11. Anyways, as you can tell - this cheap journalism is getting me riled up. Here is the supposed exclusive article by the Fraser Institute : This is what it states : 1 Only corporate headquarters for the top 500 Canadian corporations as reported by the Financial Post are included in this analysis. Calculations by author When I do the calculation, I removed stuff like Bank of Montreal, but add stuff like Desjardins and Pomerleau, I come up with 92 companies that are actually HQ in Montreal.
  12. I also noticed that this article appeared in Canoe first, a Quebecor property and it made no mention of the total fuck up Quebecor Printing was. Quebecor was one of the largest printing companies in the world, that was demolished by K. Peladeau, went bankrupt - emerged as World Color which was a shell of its former self and was then given away to Quad/Graphics who have sinced shutdown the entire Montreal office. And this is the most recent head office lost after AXA which was a couple of months ago - not like Microcell or Canstar which are well over a decade ago.
  13. ^ euh - la Sunlife a quité dans les années 70 avec l'adoption de la loi 101. C'est CP qui ont quité avant le référendum de '95. Il n'y a pas d'article qui parle des postes de Rio a Londres dans l'autre fil, c'est moi.
  14. This article if full of blatant errors and sensationalism : Canstar's St-Jerome plant had at its peak 1200 employees. When it closed it was down to 800 and regardless of who the owner was, that plant would have closed. Everything is made is Asia. The head office had barely 50 or so people. Bauer, its biggest division was always Ontario based and run. RioTintoAlcan may have lost 1000 employees compared to Alcan but that is worldwide. The head office is Montreal is roughly the same size it was under Alcan - about 50 jobs were transfered to London, but a couple dozen were gained. Microcell never had 1000 head office employees. Rogers kept close to 90% of the staff that they acquired in the purchase. Loblaws acquired Provigo in 1999. They built a new Quebec head office with 1200 employees in 2001. Any staff changes thereafter are due to the competitive nature of the market. I.E growth of Metro Inc., Wal-mart and emergence of specialty retailers like Adonis. I find it remarkable that for the first time in 20 years, the head office count for Montreal goes up, and that is not the focus of the article.
  15. les phase 5-8 ont été mis en vente
  16. I've known about this decision for a few months now and am suprised that la Presse was able to get a leak. Rio was determined to make an announcement as an unveiling. Regardless, expect the building to be at the maximum of the height mentioned in the article, however do not expect major design changes. Atleast none have been presented so far. By the time construction is complete, expect Rio to be taking an even bigger portion of space. When they first purchased Alcan, they had relocated certain functions to London because they thought it was better to centralize till they figured out exactly what assets they would keep and what they would get rid off. Now that they have completed that process, they will be moving many of those functions back to Montreal with management of the aluminium assets that Rio previously had that are now under Alcan. This is similar to what they have done in Perth with Iron Ore and there relocation to PCP there.
  17. Le Murray dans Griffintown
  18. Le Waldorf a seulement 76 unités. Ils n'ont pas besoin d'un bureau de vente au début de la construction.
  19. Wasn't this just the diner in the sky.
  20. Bof, même avec un stade, ils auraient eux des difficultés. Regarde les Alouettes, champions de la ligue, est ils ne sont même pas capable de jouer à guichets fermés. Imagine quand ils ont une moin bonne équipe. Je miserai que l'Impact vont subir le même sort.
  21. RBC annonçait hier qu'elle investira 30 millions $ dans la rénovation de ses bureaux au 1, Place Ville Marie. Les travaux de rénovation devraient commencer en octobre 2011 et être achevés d'ici le printemps 2013. Ce projet permettra d'offrir aux employés un environnement de travail moderne et à la fine pointe de la technologie, qui favorisera la collaboration et l'innovation et améliorera l'expérience employé dans son ensemble. En plus d'ajouter à ses bureaux du 1, Place Ville Marie de nouvelles salles de conférences et de formation, RBC procédera entre autres à la rénovation des toilettes et des halls d'entrée des ascenseurs. Les espaces de travail des employés et les salles de réunion seront rénovés conformément aux normes de conception globales de RBC, qui prévoient une utilisation de matériaux, de meubles, de tapis et de technologies qui permettent à l'entreprise de réduire ses empreintes écologique et opérationnelle. Source : RBC Banque Royale
  22. This is most likely due to the fact that Groupe Pacific did a totally shit job with the Mosaique Southam and that the majority of their portfolio is in Florida and is worth 40% of what is was a few years ago. They had to sell off the Southam and Dowd buildings to Olymbec last year. I am betting you won't see the Meadowbrook project either, especially with all the opposition.
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