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  1. Nom: Le Victoire Hauteur en étages: 26 Hauteur en mètres: 95 Coût du projet: Promoteur: Redfoxco Architecte: Karl Fischer Entrepreneur général: Emplacement:,-73.560569&spn=0.006377,0.016512&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Montreal,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Quebec&gl=ca&t=h&layer=c&cbll=45.500373,-73.561296&panoid=3ZMxpAsTdI_R7p0DtLfLFg&cbp=12,78.64,,0,-15.32&z=17 Début de construction: 8 octobre 2013 Fin de construction: ? Site internet: Lien webcam: Autres informations: * 57 unités (2 unités par étage) * Étage condo 12', commerce: plus haut * L'immeuble historique sera préservé * Ascenseur pour véhicules * 88% vendu décembre 2013 Rumeurs: Aperçu du projet: Autres images: Vidéo promotionnelle:
  2. Despite the grocery store, this mall appears to be a colossal failure. The Japanese restaurant from Toronto that was supposed to occupy the first floor pulled out. The 4th floor food court was never built, actually everything above the 3rd floor is vacant.
  3. I sidewalk on Beaver Hall was closed as I left work today - I am guessing that there will be some demo work on a larger scale tomorrow
  4. Hôpital Général de Montréal Un agrandissement plus modeste Jean-Louis Fortin Le Journal de Montréal Le lundi 9 mai 2011 L'Hôpital général de Montréal a fait subir une cure minceur drastique à son projet d'agrandissement, afin de maintenir les coûts sous contrôle et parce que l'Institut neurologique de Montréal n'y déménagera pas. La version 2.0 du nouveau Campus de la montagne du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM), sur le flanc du mont Royal, ne ressemble en rien à l'ambitieux projet de 250 millions $ présenté en 2008. D'après les plans qui seront présentés pour approbation au Conseil municipal, la semaine prochaine, et dont le Journal a obtenu copie, l'agrandissement sur 9 étages de la façade qui donne sur l'avenue des Pins a tout simplement été abandonné. Idem pour les sept étages de chambres qui devaient être ajoutés au-dessus du pavillon central, ou encore le stationnement souterrain de 264 places. Trop cher «L'étude de préfaisabilité pour la construction (...) n'a pas permis de conclure que ce projet était techniquement réalisable à l'intérieur du budget et des contraintes associées au maintien des opérations du centre hospitalier durant les travaux», explique la direction du CUSM dans le document qu'elle a remis à la Ville. Aussi, la direction du CUSM a jugé que si elle agrandissait les pavillons existants, les travaux de renforcement des bâtiments, pour qu'ils atteignent les standards parasismiques, auraient été trop coûteux. Le projet d'expansion est également revu à la baisse parce que le CUSM a décidé de ne pas y déménager l'institut neurologique de Montréal. Clinique externe Parmi les agrandissements majeurs présentés en 2008, seule la construction d'un nouveau bâtiment de 4 étages dans la cour intérieure ouest, pour y accueillir l'urgence et le bloc opératoire, est maintenu. Pour faire baisser les coûts, les nouvelles places de stationnement seront aménagées dans un nouveau complexe semi-enfoui à flanc de montagne, derrière l'actuel stationnement étagé. Aussi, un peu à l'ouest de l'hôpital, sur le site du 1750 avenue Cedar, le CUSM construira une clinique externe rattachée au bâtiment principal par un corridor souterrain et une passerelle. Les nouveaux plans du CUSM, qui ont eu l'aval du Comité exécutif la semaine dernière, devront être soumis une nouvelle fois à la consultation de l'office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM), comme en 2008.
  5. Le siège social de Rio Tinto Alcan est à vendre Hugo Joncas . les . 20-04-2011 (modifié le 21-04-2011 à 16:12) Ça y est. Rio Tinto Alcan met son siège social de Montréal en vente, a appris Les Affaires. Cushman Wakefield a obtenu le mandat pour mettre en marché le complexe formé par les 1172, 1176 et 1188, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, et du 2085, rue Drummond, dans le centre-ville. « Nous étudions actuellement les offres reçues », dit Bryan Tucker, porte-parole de l’entreprise. Alcan a confié le mandat à la firme Cushman Wakefield. Le géant de l’aluminium pourrait encore décider de garder ses immeubles et d’y réaliser les rénovations de « 40 à 50 millions » de dollars annoncées en 2007, mais suspendues lors de la crise financière, indique le porte-parole. Mais dans la rue, les courtiers considèrent le complexe en vente, et sa fiche descriptive circule. La Ville de Montréal l’évalue à environ 47 millions de dollars. L’acheteur devra se soumettre aux exigences du ministère de la Culture et des Communications. Le complexe d’Alcan inclut la maison Lord-Atholstan (1176, rue Sherbrooke Ouest). Construite en 1894 et 1895, puis agrandie en 1929 et 1978, elle est « reconnue » comme monument historique. « Le propriétaire aura l’obligation d’informer la ministre de tous travaux ou modifications au moins 60 jours avant de les faire », dit Annie LeGruiec, porte-parole du Ministère. Si Québec considère que les changements sont inacceptables, il peut lui donner à l’édifice le statut de monument historique « classé ». Le cas échéant, il serait protégé de toute altération sans autorisation. Rue Drummond, l’ancienne Église de la Citadelle fait aussi partie du complexe du géant de l’aluminium. Elle est inventoriée par le Ministère et devra elle aussi faire l’objet d’une attention particulière par le futur propriétaire. Alcan veut un immeuble à la fine pointe « Si nous optons pour la réinstallation, nous prévoyons étudier uniquement les propositions de locaux ultramodernes, situés au centre-ville et durables, dont Rio Tinto serait le locataire principal, dotés de toutes les commodités auxquelles nous sommes maintenant habitués (cafétéria, centre de conditionnement physique, garderie et accès aux transports publics) », précise Bryan Tucker par courriel. C’est donc dire qu’Alcan magasine ses pieds carrés surtout auprès des promoteurs des projets de nouvelles tours de bureaux de prestige dans le centre-ville de Montréal. Selon nos sources, l’entreprise serait en discussions avec SITQ, Magil Laurentienne, Westcliff et Cadillac-Fairview, qui ont tous des projets de gratte-ciel dans le cœur de la métropole. Le géant de l’aluminium cherche 200 000 pieds carrés, soit 100 000 de moins que ce qu’il occupe en ce moment à son siège social. « Cette réduction de la superficie s’explique par une utilisation plus efficace d’un complexe de bureaux moderne, explique Bryan Tucker. Dans nos installations actuelles, l’espace est utilisé de façon très inefficace; on y retrouve par exemple beaucoup de longs corridors. » Alcan a 700 employés à Montréal, dont la vaste majorité à son siège social. Pour les reloger, l’entreprise met la barre haute pour son futur siège social. Selon nos sources, elle tient mordicus à s’installer dans un immeuble LEED Platine. C’est le plus haut niveau de cette certification environnementale. Depuis des années, SITQ compte justement construire un gratte-ciel certifié LEED au 900, de Maisonneuve Ouest. Mais la filiale de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec refuse de commenter. « Toutes les discussions qui mènent à la signature d’un contrat sont de nature confidentielles », dit Jean-Michel Laberge, porte-parole de SITQ. Le vice-président, location chez Canderel, qui a aussi un projet de tour au square Philips, dans le centre-ville, indique qu’il a lui aussi eu des discussions avec Alcan, sans succès. « Nous ne sommes pas dans les alternatives retenues », dit Peter Picciola. Il n’a pas été possible de joindre les responsables des autres projets de tours de bureaux.
  6. Michael Douglas's cancer diagnosed in Canada, now he's helping Montreal hospital By Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press – 13 minutes ago MONTREAL — Michael Douglas's battle with throat cancer began in Canada — and now the Oscar-winning actor is giving back to the Montreal hospital that detected a disease others had missed. An appreciative Douglas, star of Hollywood films such as "Basic Instinct" and "Wall Street," volunteered to headline a posh fundraiser next month for McGill University's head and neck cancer fund. Last year, Douglas underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments in the United States for a walnut-sized tumour he now says is gone. But the cancer diagnosis first came from the McGill-affiliated Jewish General Hospital — only weeks after several physicians elsewhere had given him a clean bill of health. As a thank you, the 66-year-old actor, who owns a vacation home north of Montreal in the Mont-Tremblant area, personally offered his star power to the hospital. Douglas's publicist confirmed Monday the Montreal hospital discovered the cancer first. "That's where he found out he had his cancer," Allen Burry said of the Jewish General Hospital in a phone interview. "He was happy to do it (the fundraiser)." Organizers of the $375-a-head gala on May 3 have pencilled Douglas in as the honoured invitee, meaning he will mingle with ticket holders, sign autographs and say a few words to the guests. Those hoping for more face time with Douglas can buy a $750 VIP ticket, giving them access to his pre-event cocktail. "It was his very gracious offer to help us in view of his own battle with throat cancer," said Dr. Saul Frenkiel, a co-chair of the fundraiser who was personally contacted by Douglas. "We're hoping as the evening unfolds that it will be a big year (for the event). . . there's a buzz." Douglas and his actress wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, have even put themselves up for auction. The biggest item on the live auction list is a golf outing at Mont-Tremblant with the Hollywood power couple. The annual event has featured celebrities in the past, including Montreal Canadiens legend Jean Beliveau and Canadian Olympic Committee president Marcel Aubut. But Frenkiel is pretty sure Douglas is the most prominent drawing card in the event's 17 years. "Certainly, Michael Douglas . . . helps to bring to the attention of the public the need to do important research in the head and neck cancer field," said Frenkiel, a head and neck surgeon, or otolaryngologist. He underlined the importance of the charity because some head and neck cancers are on the rise, including thyroid cancers and throat cancers caused by the human papillomavirus. The money raised will fund research and improvements to direct patient care. Last year's event brought in around $1.5 million, said Frenkiel, who hopes to break the $1 million mark again. "We were very appreciative of his kind support — it was a gracious personal offer and certainly reflected his own inner personality and willingness to help battle head and neck cancer," he said of Douglas. Shortly after announcing last August that he had been diagnosed with cancer, Douglas told David Letterman that he had his persistently sore throat checked out earlier in the summer. "I actually went through a litany of doctors and tests — they didn't find anything," Douglas said during an appearance on Letterman's "Late Show." Douglas, who will begin shooting the film "Liberace" this spring, announced in January that his tumour was gone and that he had regained 12 of the 32 pounds he had lost during treatment. "He's doing well, he's doing extremely well," Burry said.
  7. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is seeking information for the possible lease of space that meets the following criteria: (A) Lease components A lease term of ten (10) years, commencing on March 1, 2013; with the amount of space equal to approximately 4 040 usable square metres (um2) of contiguous office space in a block of space, on a minimum of two (2) consecutive floors and maximum of three (3) consecutive floors with a minimum area of approximately 1 350 um2 per floor and with access to the same elevators; twenty (20) um2 of contiguous storage space in the basement; thirteen (13) indoor parking spaces reserved for the exclusive use of the occupant; 52 um2 of contiguous workshop and storage space adjacent to the parking spaces; and available approximately twenty-four (24) weeks prior to the above-noted commencement date so all spaces may be prepared for occupancy. Only office and commercial buildings will be considered. Buildings and sites under industrial use will not be considered. The space shall be no more than 500 metres walking distance from a metro station and located within the following boundaries: North: Sherbrooke Street South: St-Jacques Street East: St-Urbain Street West: De la Montagne Street The geographical boundaries include sites on either side of the roads. PWGSC may wish to visit or inspect the premises upon reasonable notice. PWGSC’s Standards for Leased Accommodation apply; a copy may be obtained through the contact listed below.
  8. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is seeking information for the possible lease of space that meets the following criteria: (A) Lease Components: A lease term of twenty (20) years, commencing around February 2014; with the amount of space equal to approximately 6250 usable square metres (um2), and 12 parking spaces. At least 4600 um2 must have a minimum ceiling height of 3660 mm measured from the top of the finished floor to the underside of the suspended ceiling and a minimum distance of 9 m between columns, to accommodate courtrooms. The whole space must be contiguous, in one block, divided equally on a minimum of two (2) floors and a maximum of four (4) floors. The space must be available at least 8 months prior to the above-noted commencement date in order that it may be prepared for occupancy. Only office and commercial buildings will be considered. Buildings and sites having residential or industrial use will not be considered. The building must be accessible by public transportation, must have parking in the vicinity to accommodate the tenant's clients, must offer contiguous premises without obstacle and must be located within the following boundaries: North: Sherbrooke Street South: De la Commune Street to Bonaventure Highway and St-Antoine Street to de la Montagne Street East: St-Denis Street West: De la Montagne Street The geographical boundaries include sites on either side of the roads. PWGSC may wish to visit or inspect the premises upon reasonable notice. PWGSC’s Standards for Leased Accommodation apply; a copy may be obtained through the contact listed below.
  9. 14 avril 2011 Communiqué [Ville de Montréal] Les membres du conseil d’arrondissement ont approuvé mercredi soir, lors de la séance du mois d’avril, une résolution qui demande au conseil municipal d’adopter un projet de règlement qui autoriserait l’agrandissement de l’Hôpital général de Montréal. Ce projet fera l’objet d’un avis de motion à la séance du conseil municipal du 16 mai 2011. Le projet d'agrandissement se déploierait dans deux immeubles, soit sur le site actuel de l'hôpital sur le chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges et sur le site de l'ex-projet résidentiel projeté au 1750, avenue Cedar. À ce dernier endroit, l'Hôpital prévoit aménager une clinique externe et des bureaux. Sur le site de l'hôpital s’ajouterait un stationnement intérieur semi-enfoui de 230 places qui serait adossé au stationnement étagé existant. L'Hôpital envisage aussi une expansion de quatre étages dans la cour ouest de l'hôpital pour accommoder une nouvelle urgence et le bloc opératoire. Enfin un plan paysager serait élaboré dans la partie est du site et inclurait un toit vert, la consolidation du bois des Bénédictins, la mise en valeur des propriétés résidentielles d'origine, le verdissement d'aires de stationnement et l'intégration d'un parcours piétonnier d'accès public vers le parc du Mont-Royal.
  10. HQ est encore a la Place Dupuis - ils voulaient regrouper leurs employés, qui sont a la Place Dupuis avec ceux qui sont dans l'ancien Eatons, plus proche de leur siege social. Comme tout est tombé a l'eau, ils ont simplement renouveler leurs bails.
  11. I will be interested in seeing how this projects sells compared to MLS in Toronto. They too initially planned on building in stages, but they managed to have one tower 85% sold and the other 50% sold by March 2006 when the units went on sale August 2005, so they built both at once. I am not sure when both towers where fully sold. The podium there houses the Hotel St-Germain, and hotel services are available to both tower residents, so I would be surprised if at some point a hotel portion is not annouced.
  12. I don't remember if I posted that the hotel portion is being proposed under the Conrad brand by Hilton.
  13. Warner Brothers snags a Montreal home By Allison Lampert Mon, Apr 4 2011 Warner Brothers has just landed its permanent Montreal studio. The gaming company which produced Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest will eventually be leaving its temporary offices in Old Montreal (see picture above) for permanent digs at Place Dupuis near Berri St. The company, which is looking to hire 300 workers, will be leasing 70,000 square feet of office space at 888 deMaisonneuve East, Cushman & Wakefield broker Lloyd Cooper tweeted Monday. Besides easy access to public transit and being in close proximity to the trendy Plateau, Place Dupuis has a secure source of electric power - Hydro Québec is the anchor tenant. "It's got great infrastructure," Cooper said.
  14. Its a very interesting idea - the NFB has about 400 employees in Montreal and this would be an good spot of have a showcase theatre and interactive space that would be better then the CineRobotheque. They would easily be able to absorb 300k sqft. Another federal agency could also help fill out a tower - Telefilm Canada that is also headquartered in Montreal. Telefilm Canada is in the Royal Bank tower on St. Jacques because there is no room for them in Guy Favreau. They used to have 32k sqft of space in the 600 la Gauchetiere (National Bank Tower). Considering the size of lot and that design would have to consider public space, I think the footprint of the building would probably be around 15k sqft - so you would be looking at around 25 stories max, which seems appropriate for the area (similar in size and height to 1000 Sherbrooke)
  15. Yes - but they moved into 1501 McGill College instead. For fun, I made a list of potential anchor tenants for the many proposed office towers : RioTintoAlcan - obviously because they have gone public. They recently moved one financing department from Montreal to London though Groupe Aeroplan - recently made strategic investments in Italy and Mexico and is attively looking for a mid-size (250million) acquisition Molson - despite not being the Molson Center anymore, an office tower next to their largest investment wouldn't be bad Semafo - assuming with the increasing price of Gold they manage to stay independant Genivar - now that they passed 500m in revenue, they are where SNC was when they built their tower Rogers - also another previously annouced company that had the intention of setting up downtown
  16. I went before a hockey game last week. 50$ for two burgers and a couple of 7ups. The novelty is not worth that much.
  17. True - based on the location of the office tower, it could actually be 215m without breaking zoning regulations, but even at 27 stories (120m) - it will be a while before they find a tenant unless RIO is serious about moving.
  18. ^ MtlUrb should apply for its media credentials - its not like any of us amateurs are gonna lose a day and pony up 400$ - but media get to go for free!
  19. MONTREAL, March 29 /CNW Telbec/ - Mr. Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, is pleased to invite media representatives to the Strategic Forum of the Board of Trade, which will focus on major projects in Montréal, on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, at 7:30 a.m. With the Mayor of Montréal, Gérald Tremblay, to be on hand, along with a number of experts and nearly 500 participants, this unique event will enable to learn more about how various key and shaping Montréal projects are advancing. The major development projects will be on-hand: The Montréal of tomorrow, an overview of the city's major projects Emilio Imbriglio, Partner, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton TOWARDS MAJOR PRIVATE PROJECTS The impact of condo development on the Montréal landscape Jacques Vincent, Co-President, Prével Urban renewal, from Angus to Quadrilatere Saint-Laurent: The need for a territorial approach Christian Yaccarini, President and CEO, Angus Development Corporation The Windsor sector: Major developments for the Bell Centre and its surrounding area Salvatore Iacono, Senior Vice President, Development, Eastern Canada, Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd. LARGE-SCALE HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURES Sainte-Justine UHC - Grandir en santé: Innovation in personalized medicine for mothers and children Dr. Fabrice Brunet, Executive Director, Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center MUHC Normand Rinfret, Associate Executive Director and COO McGill University Health Centre The Jewish General Hospital Dr. Hartley Stern, Executive Director, Jewish General Hospital and Philippe Castiel, Director of Planning and Real Estate Development, Jewish General Hospital CHUM Christian Paire, Executive Director, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS A space for life Charles-Mathieu Brunelle, Executive Director, Montréal's Nature Museums The UdeM's Outremont Campus Guy Breton, Rector, Université de Montréal The Innovation District: Progress report and guidelines for its implementation Yves Beauchamp, Director General, École de technologie supérieure and Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University The redevelopment of the CBC/Radio-Canada site Maryse Bertrand, Vice-President, Real Estate, Legal Services, and General Counsel CBC/Société Radio-Canada The Quartier des spectacles Jean-Robert Choquet, Director, Department of Culture and Heritage, Ville de Montréal and Stéphane Ricci, Coordinator, Quartier des spectacles project, Ville de Montréal The Silo No. 5 and the Bassins du Nouveau Havre: Major revitalization projects for Montréal Cameron Charlebois, Vice-President, Real Estate, Quebec, Canada Lands Company Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Time: From 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Where: Palais des congrès de Montréal 1001 place Jean-Paul Riopelle Room 710 The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal has some 7,000 members. Its primary mission is to represent the interests of the business community of Greater Montréal and to provide individuals, merchants, and businesses of all sizes with a variety of specialized services to help them achieve their full potential in terms of innovation, productivity and competitiveness. The Board of Trade is Quebec's leading private economic development organization. Contacts RSVP with Sylvie Paquette Advisor Media Relations by phone at 514 871-4000 ext. 4015 or by email at
  20. GDS

    M sur la Montagne

    ??? Je pensais que il y aurait un bâtiment en forme de U - mais ta raison, un des bâtiment (sud-ouest) ne semble pas être connecter.
  21. <vomit>
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