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Tout ce qui a été posté par GDS

  1. I can almost guarantee that nothing of stature will go there. Especially not with Atelier VAP as the lead. This is some of their history: Beaubien / St-Laurent Platopolis
  2. MONTREAL, Sept. 21 /CNW Telbec/ - Journalists are invited to tour the Ritz-Carlton Montreal redevelopment project. The tour will be led by Andrew Torriani, president and CEO, as well as the project's architect Claude Provencher. It will provide a look at progress on the project, where the roof and walls on the upper floors are now completely open, in preparation for the installation of the glass that will enclose the condominium area. The tour will take place on Tuesday, September 23, at 11 a.m. Journalists are asked to report to the sales office at 1228 Sherbrooke Street West entrance.
  3. Bienvenue sur le forum Guy - Toute une entrée
  4. Y'en avait de la drogue en 1967 - Ils pensaient aussi que Montreal aurait une population de 10 million aussi.
  5. The Spadina-York extension in Toronto is costing 266 million per km and it started construction this year. I wonder how we will manage to do it for 150 million per km 3 years from now? I doubt we would be as bad as Amsterdam though - 15 years to build 10km at 450 million per km.
  6. It's hard to beat Burger de Ville in MoWest, but Five Guys isn't bad when you consider that its a chain.
  7. The Courtyard Mariott was bought by McGill this May. They had also bought the former Four Points Sheraton in 2009 and the Hotel du Parc in 2003.
  8. Nice scoop - Merci Gilbert. From the first pic, I thought it looked more like St. Catherines as the building in the far background appears to be Place Dupuis, but the last picture is definately Rene-Levesque and Anderson
  9. 500-1000 pi carrés 200,000 - 350,000 8 étages - I'll post some pics later if I get the chance
  10. Seems to me to be a bit of a scam, kinda like when people lined for for a week for 1 Bloor in Toronto yet that project never went up yet 400 people were in line. I am not saying that this project won't go up, but there is no way there was reason to line up. I bet people were paid to stand there to draw media attention just like they did in Toronto.
  11. The on-sale date for tickets is Saturday, August 28 at noon. Tickets are available at the Bell Centre box office, by calling (514) 790-2525 or on Ticket prices are $9, $19, $29, $39, $59, $69, $89 and $119. Courtside seating is also available at $250, $350 and $500.
  12. The outside brick has been cleaned up about 70% I'd guess. I always thought the building was brown, but it turns out that was just grime. It is actually orange.
  13. THE SDH proposal calls for a light rail to replace the buses, they however do not have the mandate nor power to implement that part of the proposal. The STL and AMT studied putting a LRT on the ice bridge, however, the study revealed that it would be unfeasable as it would require close to a billion dollars in repairs and modifications to the structure alone, not including the cost of the LRT. SDH is currently in discussions with the AMT and CP to have a train use the Victoria, regardless, eliminating the bus lane on the Champlain is a completely unrealistic idea that would only be counter productive. The SDH is also studying the possibility of having a LRT run only on the Montreal side until a new Champlain bridge is built. As you may know, this is simply the first phase of the project with subsequent phases calling for moving the 10 further north to reclaim the waterfront. The idea would be to have a temporary bus depot and terminal where the former toll station was, and have a LRT stop in Pointe-Nord and then follow Marc Cantin where the highway is proposed and stops in Griffentown, ETS and end in Place Bonaventure, which could use a new vocation.
  14. Dalhousie devient maintenant une rue, et non pas un corridor unique aux autobus. Nazareth sera aussi utiliser pour les autobus. De plus, Peel sera utiliser pour les autobus vide.
  15. Un géant de six étages dans le Quartier chinois Jean-Louis Fortin - 24 HEURES - Le mercredi 28 juillet 2010 Dans quatre jours, le Quartier chinois de Montréal aura son propre centre commercial. L’ouverture de la Plaza Swatow, un complexe de six étages qui domine ses voisins plus modestes de la rue Saint-Laurent, pourrait marquer le début de la transformation du voisinage. Les promoteurs veulent attirer dans le quartier une nouvelle clientèle plus huppée, et se fixent l’objectif ambitieux d’accueillir un million de visiteurs par année. Par comparaison, trois millions de personnes visitent annuellement le Quartier chinois. Le gabarit et la facture visuelle de moderne de l’immeuble tranchent avec le reste du Quartier chinois, ce qui a été rendu possible par des dérogations aux règlements d’urbanisme. « Oui, ça donne un impact sur toute l’apparence du quartier, mais c’est un impact positif. On va aller chercher plus de clients pour le quartier, et plus de commerçants », assure Lawrence Dong, directeur géneral du groupe Canada Swatow Development Inc, le promoteur. Les deux premiers étages, où on retrouvera un restaurant japonais et une cinquantaine de boutiques, ouvrent au public le 1er août. 70 % d’entre elles ont déjà trouvé des locataires, selon le promoteur. « La plupart des clients travaillent autour du quartier, comme au Complexe Guy-Favreau ou au Complexe Desjardins. Il y aura aussi les visiteurs du Palais des Congrès, et les touristes », prévoit-il. Restaurant huppé Au début 2011, des salles d’exposition aux troisièmes et quatrièmes étages devraient voir le jour, tout comme des bureaux au cinquième étage. Au sixième étage, le promoteur aménagera un restaurant de 600 places, appelé Lys, et promet qu’il s’agira du restaurant asiatique le plus haut de gamme en ville. Quant au marché d’alimentation chinois du rez-de-chaussée, il devrait ouvrir pour une période d’essai à partir du 8 août. Rien pour mettre en péril d’autres commerces du quartier, soutient Lawrence Dong. « Dans le voisinage, c’est surtout des restaurants, on ne retrouve pas beaucoup de boutiques de marchandise comme celles du deuxième étage », dit-il. L’investissement, composé à 100% de capitaux étrangers, a dépassé les 20 millions $. La construction, qui a pris deux ans, a permis de combler deux terrains vagues en plein cœur du centre-ville.
  16. coming soon/ soon undefined
  17. I saw it tonight. It was quite good. Made me think of a modern day Total Recall with better acting.
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