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Tout ce qui a été posté par GDS

  1. That is one sick pic. The two Ferrari FFs were vandalized by protesters Sunday night in front of the St. James Hotel.
  2. Well Buzzbuzzhome is a pretty reliable source. According to the article/promo they posted two days ago, the tower is 35 stories.
  3. I have also being hearing some rumors that SITQ might be willing to go ahead with this building on speculation alone. You have to keep in mind that the risk on this building is not as high because of the significant amount of parking. With the amount of parking, the building would actually generate over 30 million in revenue annually which represents close to 15% of the revenue potential of the building.
  4. Thanks for the link. The development looks quite nice - similar in style to le333.
  5. Security Message for U.S. Citizens – Student Protests The U.S. Consulate in Montreal alerts U.S. citizens traveling to and residing in Quebec Province of the potential for continuing student protests, some of which have resulted in violence and arrests. The U.S. Consulate urges U.S. citizens to avoid the areas of demonstrations, and to exercise caution if within the vicinity of any protests. For several weeks, there have been large demonstrations in Montreal and outlying cities protesting university tuition increases. While the majority of the protests have been peaceful, some participants have incited violence, by throwing rocks and engaging in other acts of vandalism. These demonstrations have varied in size, with some attracting thousands of protestors to downtown Montreal. Businesses remain open although vehicular traffic patterns and public transportation may be temporarily disrupted due to protest actions. Most of the protests have been well-publicized and announced several days in advance, while others have occurred with no prior notice. While the demonstrations are intended to be peaceful, some can turn into confrontational or potentially violent situations. There are no indications that foreigners or U.S. citizens are being threatened or targeted. Nonetheless, U.S. citizens are advised to remain alert to local security developments and to be vigilant regarding their personal security. The local police service, Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM), provides frequent security updates in French and English via Twitter (@SPVM). The Department of State strongly urges U.S. citizens to avoid demonstrations, as bystanders can quickly be caught up in unforeseen violence and in some cases detained by the local police. If you believe your security is compromised, call the police at 911.
  6. According to Cushman Wakefield, Tour Viger (Altoria) will be annoucing their lead tenant "momentarily". The building is actually 239,000 square feet, and if it is a true lead tenant, I would expect that they are taking to close to 50% of that available space.
  7. La priorité et le podium pour respecter l’échéancier de l’hôtel qui ouvrira avant que la tour soit complétée.
  8. La tour BNC has its height listed from the main entrance on de la Gauchetière while Altoria height is being calculated from Viger. That is why you see a discrepancy in the models, if you calculated la tour BNC height from Viger also (which is now the skyscraper standard), its height would be close to 140m.
  9. You guys fail to realize that the other lots being developed in a timely manner is essential the CF project. Yes, it is probably true that this towers sales will be affected by the fact that their are 800 units for sale in the immediate vicinity but you are forgetting that CF owns essentially all the other land around the Bell Center. Had these other projects not been announced, it would have delayed their other plans, because they would have been building/proposing in disconnect with downtown. In all likely hood, we will see phase 1 of Roccabella, Icone and CF go up around the same time, it will be an amazing site. But those projects only have 2 phases while CF has 8, they will have a monopoly for the area in a few years.
  10. BMO Harris Private Banking Relocates its Montreal Office MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Apr 16, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- BMO Harris Private Banking today announced that it has relocated its downtown Montreal office to 1250 Rene Levesque Ouest, 46th Floor. Occupying more than 28,000 square feet, the prestigious new office location is 50 percent larger than the former one; it follows BMO Harris Private Banking's rapid growth in greater Montreal in the past two years, during which its staff doubled in size. "In our new office with its state-of-the-art design and technology, we've brought together a team of seasoned professionals whose diverse expertise and dynamism set them apart," said Yannick Archambault, Vice President and Managing Director, Quebec, BMO Harris Private Banking. "We are able to offer individuals and families a comprehensive range of wealth management strategies and solutions that cover the disciplines of banking, investment management, estate and trust, and wealth planning as well as philanthropic services and business transitioning." Mr. Archambault noted that the affluent, high-net-value population in Quebec is expected to increase by about 65 percent between 2009 and 2018, and that BMO Harris Private Banking expects to grow its client base approximately 20 to 25 percent a year. BMO's unique offer is based on a multi-disciplinary approach where each client is served by a private banker or a portfolio manager who acts as the primary relationship manager. These professionals are supported by a team of in-house experts in financial, tax and estate planning and business transfers. When needed, external experts and consultants are utilized to support client needs. Mr. Archambault noted that this approach has made BMO Harris Private Banking a leader in wealth management among the country's affluent families. Recently, BMO Harris Private Banking was named the best private bank in Canada by Global Banking & Finance Review for the second consecutive year. BMO earned this recognition because of the following:
  11. ^ its because the site was just declared a National Historic site putting constraints any development there.
  12. Édifice de bureaux Septembre 2013 : Class: A Size: 49,000 SF Floors: 6 Available Space: 49,000 SF % Leased: 0% Average Floor: 8,200 SF Completion: TBD Status: Pre-leasing LEED Status: LEED Certified Developer: TBD Owner: Groupe Mach (9167-5355 Quebec Inc.) Underground Connection: No Tenant: None
  13. 6 x 6 étages 3 x 8 étages 8 x 12 étages Fermez les yeux et imaginez-vous habiter dans un secteur où nature et vie pratique cohabitent à la perfection. C’est ce que vous offre Domaine Mont-Laval par son développement résidentiel situé au cœur de Sainte-Dorothée et à proximité du plus grand site naturel de cette belle ville. Nos condos et penthouses spacieux et abordables vous offrent le meilleur des deux mondes. Ils sont situés près des services tels qu’arrêt d’autobus, épicerie, dépanneur, restaurants, mais également bien lovés près d’un lac, d’une montagne, de parcs, de pistes cyclables et autres attraits naturels.
  14. GDS

    Îlot Overdale (2013)

    I was quoting : L’îlot Overdale, un futur complexe résidentiel et commercial, sera situé sur le boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest. Il est prévu enphases. La première (80 M$) consiste à aménager un basilaire d’une hauteur de 44 mètres, et une tour qui s’élèvera sur 120 mètres. La maison Louis-H.-La Fontaine devrait être restaurée et réhabilitéelors d’une seconde phase. Ce projet implique la démolition d’une ancienne station-service, et permettra de pérenniserun bâtiment patrimonial. « Côté architectural, il était primordial de tenir compte de l’historique du site. Il a également fallu considérer la volumétrie des bâtiments environnants du centre-ville, et celle des maisons situées sur la rue Overdale », indique AnikShooner, de la firme MenkèsShoonerDagenaisLeTourneux architectes, concepteur du projet, en collaboration avec Stefano Domenici Architecte.
  15. Because Square Phillips has been cancelled and Cité International II already has an anchor tenant. I have heard that the fifth largest accounting/advisory firm that recently completed a major acquisition in Montreal wants to consolidate its staff and will be looking for 100k sqft in the same area as their current office (le1000).
  16. I think this is the same team that was behind the Roc Fleuri: Giotar.
  17. Based on the press release, the architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox is participating in the design. They are the same firm that designed the 1250, though imo this pales in comparison.
  18. GDS

    Îlot Overdale (2013)

    IluvMTL, it is awesome that you have become our resident city hall insider. I, as I am sure others, really appreciate the effort you put into keeping us posted.
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