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Tout ce qui a été posté par GDS

  1. Nouvelle proposition de EUROPA sise au 408 rue St-Jacques à l’angle de McGill, dans l’immeuble patrimonial anciennement nommé l’Hôtel Ottawa, pour votre mode de vie actif et dynamique, coloré et stylé. La mise en ligne des informations complètes sera le 4 Juin 2013. Le lancement du projet et rencontre avec l’équipe EUROPA sera le 8 Juin 2013, après les qualifications du Grand Prix de Montréal, de 4 heures à 7 heures, au 417 rue Notre-Dame ouest, angle McGill. Vous êtes invités à vous inscrire pour savoir pourquoi Penny Lane? Vous recevrez une note de rappel de mise en ligne des informations et une invitation privilégiée au lancement. Peut-être est-ce pour vous … un appartement qui porte chance, rien de moins…
  2. ^ ok, thanks for sharing that. So it definately is a strategic change. Nobody is going to lease small office space 3 years ahead of time, but when a delivery date is more clear these locals will move. Here is the listing for Altitude, they waited till the building is almost complete to start advertising commercial space :
  3. Had anybody actually bought a unit on those floors or had they simply blocked them off as "sold"
  4. Le zonage n'est pas 80m maintenant ?
  5. Altitude has the exact same thing
  6. Elm Street :,-73.593507&spn=0.002467,0.006539&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Montreal,+Quebec&gl=ca&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=45.489473,-73.593375&panoid=JBBWrvzNp812vNegXWVXAw&cbp=12,132.4,,0,-2.73
  7. Vivre à la fine pointe, voila ce que vous propose L'Envol. Une élégante tour de 18 étages d'une architecture moderne et rafinée. Des condos lumineux à aires ouvertes, dotés de luxueuses espaces communes, le tout mettant en évidence une foule de charactéristiques 'haut de gamme' afin d'optimiser votre bien-être et qualité de vie. Pour voisins, les boisés et sentiers naturels du Parc Henri-Dunant et une vue imprenable sur la rivière.
  8. The subtrade construction bid lists came out this week at 30 storys and 3 storys below grade - 700,000 square feet
  9. The Panzini project from a few years ago on the site for the Jardins Babylone was slated to be a Conrad Hotel.
  10. This hotel is going to be under the Hampton Suites banner.
  11. No I didn't make them. These are actual prelim renderings. I just meant that I haven't had the time to post them. Pretty sure that they were done in 3dsMax
  12. Since covered glass was mentioned. Just for fun, some earlier renderings that I don't think anyone has seen This is what happens when I have a day off
  13. The implementation plan doesn't line up with the renderings. It shows the Bleury tower offset from Ste. Catherines by green space. The renderings show the Bleury building with street frontage. Even if we assume that the retreat will create a green roof podium, it still doesn't line up correctly. I'm not really sure what the point of creating an alley between the two buildings is. Why would anyone venture there? It seems like the space around PVM. A little bit crowded weekdays during lunch time in the summer and pretty much a waste of space 7 months of the year and 90% of the day.
  14. Statistics Canada : Annual Head Office Survey, 2011 03/26/2013| 09:21am US/Eastern From 2010 to 2011, the number of head offices declined 0.8% to 2,843. During the same period, the number of people employed in the head office industry rose 1.1% to 219,629. Distribution by province and territory The distribution of head offices by province and territory was relatively stable from 2010 to 2011. Ontario (40.0%) had the largest proportion in 2011, followed by Quebec (20.3%), Alberta (14.2%) and British Columbia (11.5%). Ontario (42.1%) also had the largest proportion of head office employees, again followed by Quebec (23.6%), Alberta (17.0%) and British Columbia (7.4%). These four provinces accounted for 86.0% of the head offices and 90.1% of the head office employees. From 2010 to 2011, the province with the largest increase in the number of head office employees was Alberta (+1,966), while the province with the largest decrease was Ontario (-333). Most head offices located in the largest metropolitan areas Most of the head offices were located in the eight largest census metropolitan areas (CMAs), namely Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa-Gatineau, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Québec. These eight CMAs accounted for roughly half of Canada's population in 2011, but 68.9% of its head offices and 83.6% of its head office employees. Among the eight CMAs, Toronto had the largest number of head offices and head office employees, with 734 head offices and 71,895 employees. It was followed by Montréal, with 405 head offices and 42,104 employees; Vancouver with 247 head offices and 14,458 employees; and Calgary with 224 head offices and 29,603 employees. From 2010 to 2011, the number of employees rose the most in Calgary (+6.5%) and Edmonton (+3.4%). Meanwhile, the number of employees fell in Toronto (-0.5%) and Winnipeg (-0.3%). Number of head offices per 100,000 population Among the eight CMAs, the largest number of head offices per 100,000 population in 2011 was in Calgary (17.7), followed by Toronto (12.6), Winnipeg (11.9), Edmonton and Montréal (both 10.4), and Vancouver (10.2). In 2011, two of the eight CMAs, Québec (7.7) and Ottawa-Gatineau (6.0), had fewer than 10.0 head offices per 100,000 population. Main head offices of Canada's top 500 enterprises The main head offices of Canada's top 500 enterprises accounted for 17.6% of the total number of head offices in 2011, but 57.9% of the total number of head office employees. From 2010 to 2011, the number of employees at these main head offices increased by 2,287 employees, or 1.8% and accounted for 95.3% of the total increase in head office industry in that period. These head offices were located mainly in Ontario (49.2%), Quebec (19.4%) and Alberta (15.2%). Likewise, the employees of those offices worked mainly in Ontario (44.2%), Quebec (20.9%) and Alberta (19.9%). Canada's eight largest CMAs accounted for 84.6% of the main head offices of Canada's top 500 enterprises and 89.1% of the people employed at those head offices. Among these eight CMAs, Toronto had the most main head offices of Canada's top 500 enterprises with 204 in 2011, followed by Montréal (82) and Calgary (62). Toronto also had the most people employed at main head offices, with 46,536 employees in 2011. As a result of a 9.2% increase from 2010 to 2011, Calgary (22,036 employees) rose to second place, slightly ahead of Montréal (21,399 employees). Analysis by industry sector In 2011, over half of all head offices belonged to enterprises in retail trade (20.2%), manufacturing (18.6%), or wholesale trade (13.1%). Head office employees mainly belonged to enterprises in manufacturing (18.8%), retail trade (17.0%), and finance and insurance (12.7%). Geographically, 85.3% of head offices and 98.8% of head office employees in the oil and gas extraction industry were located in Alberta in 2011. More specifically, 79.4% of head offices and 95.0% of head office employees in this industry were located in the Calgary. In the finance and insurance sector, 30.6% of head offices and 43.0% of head office employees were located in the Toronto. Note to readers "Head office industry" includes all entities, including Crown corporation entities, whose main business activity is to provide management or administrative support services to other entities of the same enterprise. Their activities include functions, such as strategic organizational planning, communications, tax planning, legal services, marketing, finance, human resource management, and information technology services. For this release, an enterprise may have more than one head office; however, only one of them may be considered the main head office. The others are considered secondary head offices. If an enterprise has only one head office, then that head office is the main head office. The list of the top 500 enterprises is compiled according to the enterprises' total revenue for each reference year. Since total revenue changes each year, the list may vary. The number of employees is the average number of people employed at a head office during the reporting period. It includes full-time, part-time and temporary employees and employees absent with pay. The industry sector and total revenue of the enterprise to which a head office belongs are determined from the enterprise structure recorded in the Business Register.
  15. It all depends on the condo board and the amount of investors. A large number of condo projects in Florida have no problem also providing supporting documentation in french.
  16. Nice - good find. This is cool image from the site :
  17. La tour dans le message de tête est la version que la ville presentera au MIPIM 2013.
  18. Canderel will be making a presentation regarding this projet at the "La métropole et ses grands projets" conference put on by the Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain on march 15th. Is anybody on here going?
  19. I am pretty sure that they are slowing this construction site because it doesn't make sense to have ready units with an active construction site connected to it. Unlike Unity2, Unity3 only has access from laGauchetiere, and the street will be closed quite often over the next 2 years, not a great incentive to live there during that time.They are probably going to schedule their construction to finish in a window similar to that of Altoria.
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