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Tout ce qui a été posté par GDS

  1. ^ It's the levels of parking - a parking floor is barely 2.5M.
  2. There request for partners went out Montréal, Communauté urbaine de Montréal, comté QC NEGOTIATED/PLANNING intersecrion rues Ste-Catherine Ouest et Bleury, H2X $150,000,000 approx est Note: Project is at the preliminary stage of pre-development, coordination with municipal authorities and zoning change. Timelines for planning, sub trade tender and construction have yet to be determined. Further update late fall 2012. Project: proposed construction of an office tower with commercial and food service areas on the ground floor. Scope: 700,000 square feet; 30 storeys; 3 storeys below grade; 43,800 square feet Development: New Category: Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services; Restaurants
  3. GDS

    Griffix - 20 étages (2013)

    Et le Square Thémis?ÉMIS-18-étages
  4. All announcements were on hold because of the strike in Alma. Now that an agreement has been ratified, there is a chance of an annoucement before the fall, but somewhat unlikely to be that quick.
  5. They are still using the height calculation based on the address which will be on Ave. des Canadiens. The height of the building from St. Antoine should be ~15M more.
  6. People jumped on me for making stuff up or just speculating.
  7. Nombres d'étages = Nombres de victoires des Canadiens 2012-2013
  8. Non, il a juste dit que les ventes aller très bien, pas de %.
  9. 25% sold now (Tower 1) - if this sale rate doesn't diminish too much, there is a strong chance both towers would go up at the same time.
  10. Dunno if this was posted, but I ate at Bowfinger today and stopped at the sales office for fun. The guy told me that TOM = Tower Of Montreal
  11. This lot is for now sale. The proposal is being used just to show the potential of the lot, but I thought it was worth posting anyways. Even more development soon be scheduled around the Bell Center.
  12. There are six more towers planned for this area by the same developer and a retail component. It is a temporary urban design problem, but it is not designed that way permanently. It is just taking longer to build then was originally planned as Point-Nord wasn't factored in, nor was the redoing of the 15 and 10. It is hard sell for a condo that is at the center of the two biggest road construction sites in the city for the next few years. Evolo2 is taking much longer to sell then phase 1 did for similar reasons, but it has a way more aggressive price point.
  13. With approval from Malek to affiliate to MTLURB - I had the opportunity to talk to Anthony Broccolini as well this afternoon. I will skip over what has been covered already. I only had about 10 minutes so I didn’t get into major details. I can tell you this, this guy is super passionate about construction and Montreal. The excitement around this project for him is very obvious, there is a huge amount of pride that Broccolini will be able to make a mark on downtown Montreal. In his words, “Place Ville Marie changed the face of downtown Montreal for office and that’s what I want L’Avenue to do for residential” Details -The podium will have 3 floors of retail space that will be devoted mainly to restaurant style establishments. The lot is too narrow to offer the possibility -The Hotel component proposed is from floors 3-8 and projects from 130-150 rooms. They have already been approached by a few hotel chains and have started serious discussions. I took the liberty of asking him if he was concerned that other high end hotel projects like the Waldorf-Astoria and Hilton Conrad stalled. He said he wasn't that concerned because Broccolini has the advantage of being the builder and developer that offers them more flexibility and better economies of scale. He wasn't sure why those other projects hadn't moved forward but was confident that due to their advantages and location, a hotel chain signing on was almost guaranteed. They did explore doing a mixed use with an office component, but opted for a hotel instead. There will be 5 underground levels for parking The architectural firm behind the project is IBI/Page Steele from Toronto. There was no coordination with IBI/Cardinal Hardy and the Cadillac Fairview project. They chose Page Steele because they wanted a firm that has a strong background in high rise development. The local liaison is Claude Marcotte from IBI/Martin+Marcotte. The architectural design is not completed but will maintain the look we see on the current rendering with three pillars. The project was submitted to the city on Tuesday and will go before council on July 12th. There are no zoning changes requested or required. The density for the lot is 12. Competition According to Anthony Broccolini, the competition is both good and bad. He personally knows the other developers and, sure, they will eat into each other sales at the beginning but "5 years from now all these towers will be up and successful and the area will be completely transformed" on the same note he is not concerned about the Cadillac Fairview project, he views it in the same way. Marketing of the tower will highlight the tallest residential tower in the city. What’s next Broccolini has built over 1.5 million sqft of office space in Ottawa over the last years which gave them the expertise for this project. They are obviously focusing on this current project and are very pleased that they were able to enter to downtown market so quickly and in such a grand way. No other projects are on the horizon right now, but they want to become an active player in the downtown market. -- As the project moved forward, I will meet with him again and give you guys and update.
  14. That was a very fast incubation
  15. In 1907 it looks to be mostly housing : in 1949 some the housing remains and the businesses on Mountain (from north to south) are identified as being the Mountain Garage, the Bell Telephone Garage and the Studebaker Service Garage from Cartes BANQ
  16. The crane was being set up as I walked to the bus terminal on de la Gauchetière this evening.
  17. 20 years later ... here are some basic renderings
  18. Stationnements sont moins hauts - env. 2.5m
  19. GDS

    Évolo 1 - 31 étages (2013)

    ^ no Dauphin on Papineau and LaCité are taller.
  20. This article from LesAffaires says 44 storeys - misprint? dated June 9 Le Groupe Canvar jumelle hôtel et appartements au centre-ville de Montréal PAR CLAUDINE HÉBERT . Les Affaires . 09-06-2012 L'hôtel Marriott Courtyard, en construction à l'angle du boulevard René-Lévesque et de la rue Bleury, comptera beaucoup plus de locataires permanents que de clients de passage sous son toit. L'imposante tour vitrée de 44 étages que construit le Groupe Canvar au coût de 60 millions de dollars au centre-ville de Montréal abritera davantage d'appartements de prestige à louer (240 studios et appartements d'une et deux chambres) que de chambres et suites hôtelières (212). Pourquoi privilégier la formule logements au lieu de vendre des condos comme le font certains ? «Nous voulons demeurer à 100 % propriétaires de l'immeuble, répond d'emblée Marc Varadi, chargé de projets et actionnaire du Groupe Canvar. De plus, nos analyses démontrent qu'il y a une demande pour ce type de logements de luxe au centre-ville.» La société immobilière montréalaise, qui existe depuis 1975, agit également à titre d'entrepreneur général. La conception architecturale de l'immeuble est signée par l'architecte Brian Eldsen Burrows, du Groupe Architex, de Montréal. Les locataires et les clients disposeront chacun d'une entrée distincte. Tous partageront néanmoins le garage souterrain ainsi que le 11e étage, où se trouveront la piscine d'eau salée avec terrasse, le gymnase et les salles de réunion. La plomberie, l'électricité et les systèmes de protection contre les incendies des deux entités seront indépendants. La fin des travaux est prévue pour le printemps 2013. Canvar reste à l'affût Spécialisé dans la construction et la rénovation de bâtiments industriels, commerciaux et résidentiels, le Groupe Canvar possède déjà plusieurs autres immeubles locatifs (résidentiel, commercial et industriel) et deux résidences pour aînés dans la région montréalaise. Ce sera le deuxième immeuble de l'entreprise qui jumelle hôtel et appartements locatifs. Canvar a ouvert un Hilton Garden Inn sur la rue Sherbrooke durant l'été 2008. Le Groupe Canvar est également propriétaire à 50 % avec le groupe Jesta de l'hôtel Sheraton Montréal Aéroport depuis trois ans. Pour l'ensemble de ses trois immeubles hôteliers, le Groupe Canvar demeure gestionnaire à 100 %. Cet ajout à l'offre hôtelière survient dans un marché déjà considéré comme saturé par certains hôteliers montréalais. Malgré tout, Marc Varadi demeure confiant... et à l'affût de nouvelles occasions d'affaires. «Nous n'ajoutons pas de chambres. On remplace des chambres et des enseignes disparues», dit-il en précisant que l'ancien Marriott Courtyard de Montréal, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, a fermé ses portes en 2010. Racheté par l'Université McGill, l'ex-hôtel a été transformé en résidence pour étudiants.
  21. Without listing the one that had discussion Via Rail Air Canada Genivar Deloitte BCF Rogers Federal Govnt
  22. ^ I gave some clues as to one big potential that has had conversations. But there are now several companies shopping around for space.
  23. A little bird told me that this guy named "Conrad" has already expressed interest.
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