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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I had an interview there before the holiday and they are actually working on a new division, which is in the field that I am in right now. Aldo seems to be an interesting company to work for. The amount of stuff that the employees get like: gym, food and other stuff is pretty awesome.
  2. Nicely done Desjardins. I wonder if they will ever open branches in New York. I know they have a few in Florida, because of many snow-birds.
  3. As a shareholder of Osisko, they won't go for a lowball bid. Plus Goldcorp for a while has been underperforming. I am holding out for maybe $6 billion (bid), but that won't happen anytime soon, because of how low the price is for gold.
  4. We should put a poll and see how many people on here wants a toll against who does not want a toll.
  5. (Courtesy of Vice) TeleQuebec Enjoy the read and after click on the second link for TeleQuebec so you can watch the 1st part of the doc.
  6. I am so happy that I don't take the 40. Who knows, maybe with me saying this... tomorrow my car will get crushed by one of the 6-7 overpasses on the way to work or 7-8 on the way back home.
  7. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    I read the funniest comments this morning on the National Post website. One commenter was saying; Quebec has it right. Keep their province clean, while they get money from Alberta from their dirty oil. Many people dislike the idea of a petroleum based economy, but it will be like that for a long time. Luckily for us we have hydro-electricity (somewhat eco-friendly) in the province and not coal power plants. True we have natural gas for heating, which is still pretty nasty. No matter what, many people dislike the way things are. Wind farms aren't helpful at the moment (make too much noise and kill birds). Solar works if you have panels all over your house. Geothermal is pretty good, but costly to install. We also need to develop our graphite and lithium mines. At least with that, we can work on having more battery powered vehicles and even newer technology that is graphene based (made possible because of graphite). Anyways a long story short. I do hope this province starts using their oil and making money off of it and paying down the debt. If Quebec always likes comparing this province to Norway and actual country. Lets start doing stuff right (economically) speaking. So this province can stop being a slave to Canada (that is the view of the separatists).
  8. I am using extreme cases, how an open society can go from "peace loving people" to "psychotic/tyrannical"; North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and Germany (pre-WII and post-WII) were all open and free. But certain individual(s) took away their freedoms and look where most of those countries are right now. Most are on the edge of decay and one manages to survive even with all the sanctions. If it can happen there, it can happen here. I bet people that lived in those countries didn't expect it to get that bad. Things always start off small. Lets see were it goes. Nope. When politicians start writing on the wall, who knows what will happen. When a government starts stepping on your basic freedoms, you know there is a problem. Who knows you might have a certain group of individuals come back and blow up mailboxes and even kill people because they dislike who they are.
  9. What amuses me, is if a French-speaking Quebecer leaves Quebec and goes to an airport or travels by plane and does not get served in French (within Canada only) they can sue for not having someone answer them in French, seeing Canada (on a Federal level you should be allowed to get both languages). Yet here in Quebec, we love the double standards. You must speak French and if you don't, we will do everything to make your life a living hell. I can't wait for this province to start public executions of people who do not speak the same language (i.e French) or do not conform to the "values charter". I know it is extreme, but it is a small possibility for that to happen. Let them small minded followers enjoy only one language, either French or English or whichever one they only know (if they moved here from another country). I am happy that we try to have an open society with two languages or more. Why do we keep trying to make ourselves more insular just like Norway or Japan. What makes them so much better than us? Anyways for Nicolas, I am happy that he is in Japan and doing what he needs to get by. I do understand what he means by the whole needed to learn Japanese. What do you expect when you live in a country full of Japanese speaking people. On Wikipedia it shows you the break down by country of who visits there: USA, Australia, Canada and the UK (not in that order) makes up 14.8% of the visitors per year of almost the 8.4 million visitors in 2012. Even with those amounts of probably English speaking tourists, it isn't enough for them to change their signage. The majority come from Korea and China, which is 59%. Even for them they do not change the signage. Which is understandable, seeing you have a population of over 125 million people, why the hell would you want to change the signage for 6% (total amount of visitors compared to the local population). I still haven't found the amount of visitors that come to Quebec each year compared to the amount of Quebecers. Quebec is a province, not a country as of yet and probably wont be one for another 20-50 years. So when that happens everything can be French or whatever. As for right now, lets stick with the bilingualism that doesn't seem to work at all here. More languages we know, the better.
  10. jesseps

    Des idées pour Montréal

    I do wish more and more buildings in Montreal would have parks on top of them or nice areas to relax, just like the Rooftop Gardens at Rockefeller Center. It would be nice to have an indoor "beach" but they have been thinking of something like that for over a decade now and no movement (bureaucratic nightmare).
  11. I wonder how many Lasalle students will want to move in there. Wake up 15 mins before class and be there on time and stay at school until 11 working on projects. True, it will probably be out of the reach for many students. I know there is a ton of foreign students that go there and their parents have money.
  12. I foresee NIMBYS objecting to this.
  13.]The Verge This is something I did not expect to see on that site. Plus I am surprised that no one posted this yet, or someone already did and I did not see.
  14. jesseps

    IGA Express

    Read more: I hope to see more of these. I am happy to see that they are working on something like this
  15. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    Competition is a good thing
  16. That would have been something. It reminds me of Park Ave in NYC or Champs-Élysée, but that is just me.
  17. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    So true. I will be surprised if most games will see 36,000 people. Maybe they will do what Winnipeg did, sold 3-5 years of tickets at one time.
  18. I have to schlep all the way to Mirabel so I can shop at J.Crew. Man that sucks. I will stick with shopping online.
  19. When I saw this topic... I thought Laval wanted to build their own Mont Laval and knock of Mont Royal, which would have been nicer then this whole condo development and more impressive from an engineering standpoint.
  20. I don't mind the new cars. 72.4 km/h is nothing, seeing if the system shuts off because the substandard computer that is put in place people will not be moving at all. I guess when the metro can run without any issues (people trying to commit suicide or losing power) the new cars are just like the old ones. That is just my two cents.
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