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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Je reviens de New York City... suite à cette cinquième visite en 14 mois, j'approuve ce que dit Yarabundi : douze étages ne font pas vraiment une "tour"... une tour c'est 20-25+ étages, et un gratte-ciel 40-50+ étages. Mais bon. Comme je disais, je reviens de New York City, ou j'ai resté chez ma cousine dans le upper east side. J'ai resté dans un édifice de 12 étages, entouré d'édifices de 6 à 20 étages, avec quelques uns de 30-40 étages. Croyez-moi que mon impression du quartier était que c'était très très humain. Bref, à mon avis il n'y a aucune relation entre l'hauteur d'un édifice et le degrès "d'humanité". Ca vraiment pas rapport. Je ne me suis jamais sentis dans un milieu aussi "plein de vie" et remarkable et pourtant c'était des édifices en hauteur tout autour!
  2. C'est pas si immense que ça comme boulevard urbain. Tu sors de chez toi et tu traverses la rue, c'est tout. Je ne vois pas le problème! Try this - four very tall apartment buildings surrounded by roadways.. including a major highway passing directly underneath! Wow.. those apartments must be abandoned! Nope, their occupancy rate always hovers around 100%. Inside, the apartments are very trendy and modern and quite expensive too!
  3. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Not too surprising that a hardcore separatist would insist the Habs be made up of only french-speaking Quebecers almost to the point of discrimination. I like home-grown players on the team, but i don't lose sleep over the issue! Does the language a player speaks affect his slapshot, puck control and skating ability?
  4. Someone should move this to the appropriate thread.
  5. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    L'affinité ça se gagne avec le temps, mais l'histoire du CH est pour toujours. À mes yeux tu n'es pas un vrai fan du CH.
  6. Man's got a point. Self-deprecation is self-defeating..
  7. Stop thinking rationally! Your proposal would make far too much sense. That's not how things are done around here!
  8. Une des villes les plus "humaines" en Amérique du Nord... New York City... et il ne manque certainement pas de gratte-ciels!
  9. HOLY SHIT, GOD FORBID THE VIEW OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BE OBSCURED FROM CEDAR AVENUE!!! That'd be just as terrible as having the view of the St. Lawrence River obscured from... *shakes 8-ball* Elm Avenue!! If i ever meet Dinu Bumbaru, i will walk up to him, hand him a scale model of the Empire State Building and tell him, word for word: "Mr Bumbaru? Yes, hello. I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry about your tiny penis. As you know, it fosters that famous irrational desire of yours to bring everything else down in size, to unconsciously match the small stature of your genitals. I'm not insensitive to your plight, so here, i brought you something with which to sodomize yourself. And no, you can't reduce it by 5 floors." Because 6 storeys is too high for downtown Montreal?! These OCPM people need to be sterilized at once, lest they further contaminate the gene pool.
  10. Maybe it'll be very thin! One hotel room per floor... for 35 floors total! Better yet, half a hotel room per floor (don't ask me how that works), for a total of 70 floors!!
  11. S'ils auraient proposé 30 étages, ça aurait été trop et l'OCPM aurait suggéré une réduction à 25 étages... et là ça aurait été OK. Il faut quasiment proposer des projets plus hauts pour ainsi obtenir, après les réductions irrationnelles, quelque chose d'une bonne hauteur.
  12. The Cataclaw report was released. It wants the OCPM reduced to shut the hell up you god damn nimby idiots.
  13. Olympic Stadium, building downtown last week, Turcot... Falling concrete is definitely a theme around here. Unsurprisingly the one place we'd all like concrete to fall -- into the potholes that populate our streets -- is the one place we never see it...
  14. Clearly, Turcot is in NO need of urgent repair, and this whole reconstruction project is a waste of taxpayer money!
  15. I'm jealous too, Ornello, but worry not.. as we continue to plug holes, lack of space will force promoters to aim higher. By the way, Ornello, you've yet to respond in the "2156, rue Sherbrooke Est - 5 étages" thread. We're waiting for your answer
  16. Zoné résidentiel? Excellent. Construisons des condos! Une tour de 10-30 étages SVP! Avec accès Métro Joliette selon les plans d'expansion du métro ligne jaune! :goodvibes: If i were mayor, that's what i'd push for. Imagine being the promoter? NEW! CONDO DEVELOPMENT! - Direct access to the metro - Five minutes from Vieux-Longueuil historic village - Directly across from mega-shopping mall Place Longueuil - Five minutes from the Jacques-Cartier bridge and Montreal Talk about an easy sell!!!
  17. My dad worked at that dealership for 4 years.. long time ago, in the 80s.. kind of sad to see it go. Then again, an honorable tribute to that timeless dealership would be a 30-storey tower ;) Personally, i would make a metro stop at this precise location. I'd build a tower and place the metro entrance in the lobby. This is prime land at the entrance of Vieux-Longueuil. Just please... don't sell it to some douchebag that wants to build single-family homes!!!
  18. If you ask me, it's incredibly stupid to make generalizations about a country with 1 third of a billion people. Things such as "Americans are all fat" or "Americans are all dumb".. absolutely ridiculous.
  19. Nice job Longueuil! Vive le maire Gladu!
  20. Our only hope for high-rises and skyscrapers lies in the hotel/condo/apartment/mixed-use category
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