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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Relis, crosbyshow, j'ai clairement indiqué que ma vision pour le site serait: -Commerces et stationnement souterrain, connecté au RÉSO -Commerces et salle de spectacle ou autre usage culturel au niveau de la rue -Bar/club/resto-terrasse au deuxième -Bureaux au troisième et quatrième -Apartements et condo du cinquième au vingtième Je verais une architecture unique pour ce coin. Maintenant... si Best Buy veut occuper une partie de l'usage commercial, je ne vois pas de problème avec ça. La clé du succès c'est l'usage mixte.
  2. C'est quoi le problème avec Best Buy? C'est correct de retrouver ceci sur Sainte-Catherine : Ce que je ne veux pas, c'est ceci:
  3. Commerces au sous-sol reliés à RÉSO, commerces au niveau de la rue + salle de spectacle, bar/nightclub au deuxième, bureaux au troisième et quatrième, condos et apartements au cinquième jusqu'au vingtième (dans une tour retiré de la rue Sainte-Catherine - située plus an arrière) Voilà ce que je ferais.
  4. Le CICM est presque topped-out. C'est une grosse structure. Il y a présentement une deuxième grue sur le site! C'est le fun à voir!
  5. Torontonian chills out in chic Montreal Posted: August 20, 2009, 4:25 PM by Karen Hawthorne food, travel Slow down: Linger at sidewalk cafes, stroll the neighbourhoods and eat some cheese Karen Hawthorne, National Post Most days, I embrace the go-go mentality of Toronto, but every now and then I need a break. A getaway to Montreal, lingering at the sidewalk cafes, strolling the neighbourhoods and eating good cheese sounded like the perfect late-summer diversion. Montreal has a chic but easy-going attitude, so even A-types don't feel the pressure to see everything or get everywhere. (...) Read the article
  6. C'est vraiment simple... ça prend un équillibre dans la vie. Oui au transport en commun, et oui à l'accomodement raisonable de la voiture. Raisonable implique une réseau routier intelligent et 'juste correct' en ampleur. On ne veut pas un champ de blé d'inde, mais on ne veut pas une toile d'autoroutes qui découpent la ville partout non plus. Je crois qu'actuellement, notre situation est 'correct'. Avec le recouvrement de l'A-720 et la démolition de l'autoroute Bonaventure, on s'approche de l'équillibre parfait. Et en ce qui concerne les transports en commun, oui, il faut des investissements sérieux. In New York City, everyone takes the subway - businessmen and students alike. The system is so vast and so efficient that it is by far the fastest way of getting around. It's even faster than driving in many cases! Imagine if Montreal had 4x the network we have today. A line down Pine, a line down Sherbrooke, a line down Maisonneuve, a line down Ste-Catherine, another down René-Lévesque, and all these lines spread out across the whole island, Laval and the south shore. Wherever you'd be on the island, you'd be within a 10 min walk from a metro station, in most cases just a few short feet away. If we had such a system, the only people driving in town would be Taxi Cabs, out-of-towners and people who really-really-really want to drive. That's actually how it is in New York... surprising? Nope, it makes perfect sense. And yet, paradoxically, New York also has a vast highway network. SOLUTION: Ca prend un réseau routier adéquat, et ça prend un réseau de transport en commun adéquat. Présentement, le réseau routier à Montréal est adéquat... quelques petits problèmes ici et là (ex: Turcot) mais le système est majoritairement correct. En matière de transport en commun par contre, il y a BEAUCOUP de place à l'amélioration. Bref, comme OursNoir dit, statut quo pour les autoroutes, et investissons dans le transport en commun. Mais faut pas commencer à tout démolir les routes à gauche et à droite non plus.
  7. Raison de plus de construire un prolongement de la ligne jaune vers le sud et griffintown
  8. Après une période de calme sans travaux apparents, le chantier progresse. Le revêtement noir est à 50% et je crois même que la rue va être ouverte prochainement. J'ai passé tantôt et ils démontait la publicité pour le projet. Il y avait du monde qui semblaient installer des vitres aux endroits manquants (enfin!) Photos à venir..
  9. Un jour de smog par année c'est trop, oui, mais quand on prend un pas de recul et on a un peu de perspective, 14 sur 365 c'est vraiment pas si mal. Je pourrais facilement dire qu'un mort en accident de voiture par année c'est trop, mais soyons réalistes, il va toujours y en avoir. Pareillement, il y aura toujours du smog, (dans le court terme, en tout cas... qui sait vraiment dans 25 ans?) alors soyons fier qu'on se classe quand même bien en matière de pollution. Est-ce que ça veut dire qu'on ne devrait rien faire de plus? Non. S'il y a des mesures qui peuvent réduire d'avantage le smog, on devrait les essayer. My point is... our city is pretty good when it comes to smog. We shouldn't shit all over that fact just because "one day of smog is too much". A little bit of realism please? YES we should continue to improve air quality, but let's be real too. It's like saying "all the cities around us have 5000 cases of robbery per year, but there was only 1 robbery in all of Montreal this year! That's an all-time record low!" and then someone comes along and says "1 robbery is one too many..." Get real here. The point isn't that 1 robbery is too many, it's that considering all the factors, circumstances and variables, there being only 1 robbery is a comparatively excellent outcome, one that should be lauded, not shat on. Ditto for smog.
  10. I don't think smog is an issue for Montreal. Even if we do nothing, it'll only improve, not get worse. New automobile technology is already leading to far cleaner cars. In the future, with automobiles causing very little pollution, there will be a drastic reduction in smog. Industry is also becoming cleaner. In fact the RSQA has noted a reduction in pollution from industry in Montreal. Smog is getting better, not worse. Sorry for responding in english when you asked me a question in french, mon clavier est incapable de produire des accents, je prefere ecrire bien en anglais que mal en francais. C'est excessivement long produire des accents via les touches ALT+###. I wish they'd enact some stricter regulations regarding wood burning stoves though... And for the record etienne, i agree 100% with you on the importance of concentrating on the city center -- getting people to live downtown and promoting the city! I'm doing my part... i'm moving downtown in a few months!
  11. Etienne.. noble intentions, incorrect thinking, incorrect facts. Your perception of smog is skewed. According to the RSQA, downtown Montreal experiences 14 days of poor air quality, or smog. 14 days of smog out of 365 for a city of millions is a fairly good statistic, i think you'll agree. Comparatively, big cities in the United States suffer from up to 10 times more smog days! Cities in China live in perpetual 365-day smog! Yes smog sucks, but i don't think we can complain too much..
  12. [#1] L'aéroport Montréal-PET a amplement de resources et de place pour continuer d'augmenter sa capacité. Est-il possible que Mirabel prend de la place un jour? C'est certainement possible, mais une chose est certaine... l'aéroport de Dorval ne déménagera pas. [#2] Le rond point Dorval... aéroport ou pas... a besoin d'être refait. Il est victime d'un design pitoyable. Etienne, tes interventions sont toujours interessantes et j'apprécie ta présence sur ce forum, mais les histoires que tu nous as sorti dans ce fil sont vraiment ridicules.
  13. Il semble dire qu'il croit que PET va déménager en 10 ans?...
  14. C'est quoi cette histoire là de déménagement en 10 ans? Source s.v.p.???
  15. What the hell is this guy rambling on about... vraiment chialer pour chialer! It's like some people always wake up on the wrong side of the bed and manage to make everything out to be bad.
  16. Get over it? Overreacting? Don't flatter yourself, your comments aren't worthy of such attention. I merely pointed out that what you said is asinine, nothing more, nothing less. The bottom line is this: [#1] You think compromise and cooperation is stupid. I think it's what the United States was founded upon. You're free to believe the former, but i'll believe the latter. [#2] You're close-minded and you try to force your opinions on others. Insisting i read the CRA article and "Report back to you" was just another casual way of doing that. You want to be correct and you want others to acknowledge it. When you're proven wrong or when people point out the logical fallacies in your claims, you roll out the ubiquitous "wow lol immature" or "wow you're over reacting dude lol a/sl/???". When i debate, i do it to share my thoughts and gain insight on what other people think. Open my eyes to new ways of thinking, new perspectives, all in the goal of ultimately refining my views and bettering my comprehension of the issues. As a result, my opinions are constantly evolving and changing whenever new information is acquired. When you debate, you want to win and have others acknowledge it. And that is why this debate is over. I have nothing more to say. Go back to your sandbox.
  17. If your objective was to disgust me to the point of dissuasion from this debate by spewing some of the most absurd comments i've ever read... then congratulations, you've succeeded! Oh by the way, for the record, i did read the article on the CRA, here's what it said: "The Federal Reserve and the FDIC holds that empirical research has not validated any relationship between the CRA and the 2008 financial crisis."
  18. I'm not going to have a debate with someone who thinks only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for. Find someone else to play with in your sandbox; i've got grown-up things to do. Cya.
  19. Just because the United States has the ability to offer the best possible care for someone who is extremely wealthy doesn't mean the system as a whole is the best possible system. Don't get it confused - their system CAN provide great care if you have a LOT of money. If you're 90% of the population, you'll have to rely on insurance (if you're even lucky enough to get it) which will screw you from behind on any given occasion, in the interest of making profit. But don't take my word for it, the World Health Organization's last results for the United States is 37th. Unfortunately, the United States' status as the lone Superpower does not automatically bestow upon it "the best of everything in every possible category". I was reading your post up until i got to that part, at which point i laughed out loud. I didn't read the rest of your post, i hope i didn't miss anything exciting, but anyone who says something as stupid as Bipartisan? Give me a break! Only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for. has zero credibility. Let me get this straight: You believe only neutral idiots are bipartisan... i had to re-read that... only neutral idiots are bipartisan... if you don't pick a side then you don't know what you stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... only neutral idiots are bipartisan because they don't know what they stand for... it's still not sinking in. I kid you not, that right there is the most asinine fallacy i've ever read on mtlurb. Congratulations! I'm not even going to bother explaining why, because if you're downright ridiculous enough to make such an outrageous statement, then no explanation will make sense to you as it will likely fly 10 miles over your heard.
  20. Allow me to clarify, if you don't understand my views: 1. The American health care system is in bad shape. Far from being the "Best in the world", it is dominated by insurance companies that are allowed to run rampant. Costs are ridiculously high, service isn't available to everyone, and coverage can be denied at a whim. That being said, I do believe in American innovation. I strongly believe they'll implement reforms and regulations, introduce bipartisan cost saving measures and improve the lives of millions. 2. The socialized health care systems of the world, while still not perfect (far from it) are all superior to America's current system. That could change, but for the moment, that's the reality of the situation. The raw numbers all indicate this (spending vs quality of care vs insured and uninsured vs life expectancy, etc etc) 3. Blaming Democrats for the housing bubble is shallow and false. The housing bubble was a complex problem with multiple factors leading to its inception. 4. Cheering for the right and lampooning the left just makes you sound like another wharrgarbling partisan hack.
  21. Ouaip! Jacques Goyette sera un bon successeur à Claude Gladu! Il a mon vote!
  22. That is some heavy duty wharrgarbl, GoMontreal. Have you been pallin' around with Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck? By the way, just because you claim something is a fact, doesn't actually mean it's a fact. Too bad, eh?
  23. Merci, je comprend le principe; j'ai passé mes sciences au secondaire. L'été dernier j'ai passé une heure en plein centre d'un stationnement et l'air n'était pas si drastiquement chaud que ça. Quelques degrès oui, mais 20 degrès? Non. Une telle variation me semble fortement invraisemblable, à moins d'avoir des conditions vraiment mauvaises (aucun vent du tout, le stationnement entouré de 4 mirroirs, etc.) Je ne te conteste pas la chaleur urbaine, au contraire, mais je trouve que 20 degrès de variation est peu probable. Même 10 degrès, je n'ai jamais vu ça. Une différence de 7 degrès (montagne versus Brossard, comme raconte Habsfan, ça par contre c'est totalement plausible!)
  24. Are you telling me it's 40 degrees at a Bombardier parking lot and across the street it's 20 degrees cooler? I find all this a little hard to believe. I was always led to believe that temperature variations due to built-up land was a couple of degrees - significant but not serious or extreme. I've never experienced the kind of temperature variation this map suggests!
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