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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Thanks for the pictures. It is coming along nicely, but the traffic is a major thorn in my side.
  2. Read more: If I do manage to stay in the West Island, I wouldn't mind driving to Dorval and taking the train or whatever they decide to do.
  3. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    I know I am late for April fools, but good job Google
  4. Simple answer, bureaucrats filling their pockets. Also a ton of incompetent fools running everything. I would like my tax dollars back, a nice $50 would do, actually make it $100 because interest and inflation.
  5. Nicely done I can't wait to ride in one of these.
  6. Saw that on Facebook. There is supposedly something on the airport website, about the rail line.
  7. The "look" but thankfully not the smell
  8. Nicely done Concordia, now if only more buildings in the city would do the same.
  9. jesseps

    BÔME - 4 étages

    Great area for a new project.
  10. Last week or the week before, there was a small building or a sales office going up somewhere on St Patrick. I am not sure if it is part of this project though
  11. I remember hearing about this a while back. Nice to see they are actually going through with this. It probably won't be as luxurious as the original design (from the previous developer)
  12. Nice to see this will be spared and revitalized. There is so many old theatres that have been destroyed or gutted for other things.
  13. I have yet to hear from my friend, there was supposed to be a tasting a while back at the restaurant. I should really bug them and get their feedback.
  14. I really like the skywalks. It reminds me of a condo project, that was supposed to have on Notre Dame Ouest (near the Centaur theatre).
  15. They want to talk about sustainable growth, yet you have to pay Go figure they want $390 so they can talk crap about the whole system. I wonder if this money will go towards certain causes or are these people pocketing the money?
  16. Read more: This should be interesting.
  17. <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
  18. I wonder how much money STM would need, to use barriers (similar to the ones used in Europe and Asia) to stop people from tossing smoke bombs onto metro lines and also stopping people from trying to commit suicide. Seeing yesterdays smoke bomb stunt cost supposedly $15 million.
  19. Understandable. It would be nice if they make it more tree-lined similar to Andrassy Ave, in Budapest. Also keep the green space in the middle.
  20. I still say convert some of these buildings, that are in parks all over the city and use them for non-mobile "food carts", something like Shake Shack in NY.
  21. True, apples to oranges, but it could be done to a certain extent.
  22. This could have been like a mini version of the outdoor walkway from Rockefeller Centre, minus the skating rink.
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