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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Merci JFrosty pour la photo! Mais même là, il n'y a rien de très interessant. L'intérieur oui... on est tous d'accord sur ça je crois! Mais l'exterieur, bof.
  2. Est-ce que tu parles de l'exterieur? Si oui, je regrette, mais l'édifice est crissement laid. Un gros mur quasi-aveugle avec des mini fenêtes laides?! [streetview],-73.566835&spn=0.002478,0.006866&t=k&z=18&layer=c&cbll=45.499948,-73.565891&panoid=vgNASbaLocIo0X3jFhQDHA&cbp=12,319.02,,0,-20.29[/streetview] Maintenant, si tu parles de l'intérieur, c'est une autre histoire! En effet notre mini-grand central terminal je le trouve fantastique! Ce qu'il faudrait faire, selon moi, c'est rénover de A à Z l'exterieur, préserver la grande salle de la gare, et construire une tour de 50 étages par dessus.
  3. What a waste. One of the best spots downtown for a 50-storey tower and they're going with 25-storeys? Pathetic.
  4. No, but suburban condos do exist, which is what these buildings will be, most likely. Urban condos typically have underground/indoor parking instead of surface parking. Their alignments are also closer to the street and nearly the entire lot is built up. Usually a variety of commercial/institutional/other activities will be situated within walking distance. Nothing wrong with suburban condos though! Eight buildings of 12-14 storeys is great for Laval!
  5. J'avoue que c'est particulier. Des condos "urbains" là ou il y a des champs vides Je suppose que ça va changer dans le futur si Laval continue à se développer.
  6. Tower 1 and 4 are rising (as pictured) Tower 2 and 3 will be at street level soon (foundation work being done) The memorial is due to open next year
  7. I'm confused by what's going on in this thread, so i'll just comment on some of the stuff: 1. Hugo Chavez: this guy is a terrible leader, but what else is new... 2. Reseau Liberté Québec: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz just another minority separatist organization trying to push for something the majority of Quebeckers don't want.
  8. It's a nice spot indeed! The only inconvenience is having to deal with the horrible Champlain bridge traffic... at least you can get to Montreal via the Bonaventure without too much hassle (most of the time)
  9. The thing is a person that usually enjoys an imtimate 500 sq foot apartment won't have any visitors. Also, they'll likely spend very little time there. My cousin in Manhattan lives in a ~700 sq foot studio and she only sleeps there and stores her things. Manhattan is such a lively place that she spends all her time outside her apartment - working, enjoying leisurely activities, walking, etc. For a person with such a lifestyle, a large living space is unnecessary.
  10. You mean 20 or 30, Habsfan? Lol. I've seen pictures far worse than this, where the same high-rise is copy/pasted 40 times. It's like the suburban life with the single-family home replicated a hundred times in the development, except in China they're doing it with highrises instead! And yes, it's ugly as hell....!... but still fascinating.
  11. Construire des tours à l'intérieur du stade... pff, moi je dis qu'on déménage l'ONU de New York et qu'on l'installe là! ;)
  12. Je compte également 31, et 32 avec l'espèce de truc qui dépasse sur le dessus.
  13. Merci pour la clarification cprail! Voilà comment on partage une information sans être irrespectueux. Prend des notes, Waterman.
  14. Wow, belle façon de faire ton entrée sur le forum : avec un message plein d'attitude! Bravo! "Le cours normal" des travaux, selon ce qui a été annoncé, c'est une réfection de la rue Sainte-Catherine à partir de 2011, pas 2010. Ou est-ce que tu vois du "bitchage" dans mon message? Je posais une question légitime. Si tu as une nouvelle information à propos du projet, tu pourrais le partager au lieu de chialer pour rien, y as-tu pensé?
  15. Ce fil est plutot calme et pourtant ce chantier est en pleine transformation! J'ai compte 12 pelles mechaniques qui creusaient cette apres midi! Je n'ai jamais vu autant de machines sur un site a Montreal. Le site au complet semble "pret"; il n'y a que de la terre sur le site, plus aucune structure. C'est impressionant! Quand les tours vont commencer a monter, nous aurons possiblement un mini-Dubai de grues!
  16. 10/10 pour tes photos et commentaires descriptifs! Merci!
  17. [streetview],-73.557627&spn=0.000534,0.003433&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=45.504502,-73.557002&panoid=2tfxEQrZXEXphfDCVnGpBA&cbp=12,209.03,,0,1.06[/streetview] Avant/après!
  18. Mais là, je suis perdu... On avait dit que le redéveloppement de la rue Sainte-Catherine devait se faire l'année prochaine seulement et que cette année ce n'était que des travaux d'infrastructures et que le tout serait repavé temporairement jusqu'à l'année prochaine. Voilà qu'on met de la brique selon le plan de l'année prochaine... I hope they're not going to tear everything up again next year to rebuild it again?!
  19. Correlation does not imply causation. Yes it is possible to be happier with more square footage of living space, but it also possible to obtain an increase in square footage and show no change in quality of life/happiness. Studies have been done to demonstrate this. This "rule" also applies with money. Up to a certain point, increased money (or increased square footage) will increase your happiness and quality of life. But when a certain "threshold" is met, additional money or additional living space no longer gives you increased happiness. It's like if you're living a 30-bedroom mansion and you upgrade to a 31-bedroom mansion. Odds are, you won't gain any significant happiness. If you have 100 million dollars or 101 million dollars, odds are, you won't gain any extra happiness. The threshold varies from person to person and it's a totally subjective thing. For some people, once you get up to 3000 sq. feet, your "relative maximum happiness" pertaining to living space is attained, and any additional space will yield exponentially diminishing returns. For some people, that "happiness threshold" is at 500 sq. feet. It might be hard for you to imagine how someone could be totally satisfied and content with such a living space if your own threshold is much higher (say 3000 sq feet or more) but as someone with such a threshold, i can assure you that it's true. For me, i'd rather have a small living space that is intimate rather than a vast living space. If i had unlimited money, i'd rather have a penthouse condo with < 1000 sq feet on the 40th floor of a Midtown Manhattan high rise rather than a 5000 sq foot mansion where i could practically get lost in.
  20. Wow. 0-60mph in 3 seconds! Déjà en construction? Super!
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