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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Regarding the Centennial Plaza: 10$ says they're going to rebuild the entire plaza from scratch in the courtyard or at some other nearby location. It'll probably be cheaper for them to make new bricks and just create a new space rather than delicately remove the old ones without damaging them.
  2. J'hésite un peu car la tour de l'îlot Windsor, même s'il elle provient du même développeur, est une construction distincte. C'est comme, par exemple, lorsqu'on a un fil séparé pour la phase 1 d'un projet un autre pour la phase 2. Typiquement on regroupe multiples phases sous le toit d'un fil lorsque le projet consiste d'un seul édifice construit en multiples stages (ex. Solano) mais encore là, pas toujours, et dans ce cas ci, la tour à bureau est à quelques 100m des 3 autres. C'est comme si j'avais un fil pour "Places publiques du Quartier des Spectacles" versus "Place des Spectacles" et "Esplanade Clark". Personnellement je préfère avoir plusieurs fils car ça permet de rester spécifique sur un projet. Sur SSP par exemple, le redéveloppement du World Trade Center aurait bien pu avoir 1 seul fil nommé "New World Trade Center" mais ils ont un fil par projet (1 WTC, 2 WTC, 3 WTC, etc.) Bref.. si un autre modérateur juge que ça serait bien de fusionner les fils, je n'ai aucun problème avec ça. Pour ma part je vais m'abstenir pour le moment.
  3. Pour les tours de 44 étages, est-ce qu'on connait l'hauteur officielle? J'imagine 132m minimum (3m/étage) jusqu'à ~150m (3.4m/étage) Mesdames et messieurs, Montréal est de retour! On a eu la surprise de la décennie (le Marriott Courtyard) et on vient déjà battre ça avec cet incroyable redéveloppement!
  4. It may be art to this guy and his friends, but not everyone shares their opinion. It is selfish and disillusioned to think that one's own art is "doing the city a favor". Not everyone agrees with that and frankly it is narcissistic to think so. I think 5000$ is insufficient. I'd toss in 100 hours of community service to the fine. Art, artists and privately or publically commissioned works = wonderful and to be encouraged. Defacing public property illegally and without consent = crime that ought to be severely punished. Zero tolerance for unsolicited graffiti.
  5. Soundainement, de nul part, un projet de 44 étages comme ça.. wow! But what about the centennial plaza? I've been reading the last few pages of the thread and no mention of what will come of it. It seems strange to build a great public space only to tear it down. Won't people that bought bricks demand refunds? What of the statues? Huh?
  6. Uhh, no. If you look closely at the renderings, you will see that physical structure remains intact, the facades are preserved, and only some windows are changed -- in other words, exactly like the Maison du Jazz.
  7. mtlrdp: MartinMtl said it well. Just look at what they did with the Maison du Jazz. They did an oustanding job and i'm confident great work will be done with the Wilder. This is urban renewal at its best! + Renovations inside and out + New building additions + More density + Better enclosure for the new public square (Place des Festivals) + Preservation of built heritage and integration of new aesthetic elements 10/10
  8. Not gonna happen. Yes, the area is designated as a green space, but it's not a public green space - it's a golf course, which carries a vastly different legal baggage. It isn't zoned as a park. This claim that "there was no permit or the permit was granted in a sketchy way" sounds like a load of nonsense to me. This won't go far in court. Sorry Olympic Village NIMBYs, but your narcissistic self-centered complaints won't hold up in court.
  9. The Wilder is still there, 100% of it. The 2D renderings may be deceiving.. plus the building is L-shaped. Trust me, none of it will be demolished. The Wilder will stand intact, but renovated.
  10. I'm with MTLskyline on this one. This individual does not belong here. The racism is bad enough, but these kinds of threats are serious and must be taken seriously. If he's joking, well, then he still crossed a line. You simply don't make those kinds of jokes.
  11. Oui, c'est vrai, c'est du lego... mais je vous invite a regarder les petits projets qui se font un peu partout sur le Plateau, à Rosemont, HoMa, etc. C'est tout dans le même style, et celui-ci n'est pas différent. C'est pas pire, c'est dense, c'est parfait pour Longueuil, et le Chemin Chambly continue sa densification. J'le prend avec plaisir!
  12. Je trouve ça pas si mal! Est-ce que c'est parce que c'est à Longueuil que c'est automatiquement laid? Vous êtes sévères et biasés
  13. MartinMtl m'a battu au punch --- en effet, c'est l'Altoria...
  14. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    The Hall buildings is being renovated and has been for years now. It's a slow process but it is ongoing. Floors 7, 8, 11 and 12 are already renovated (and look nice and modern) Floor 10 is undergoing renovation now and 9 will follow. The lower floors will be renovated as well. The lobby and mezzanine are being worked on too (specifically, new escalators are being installed) The exterior is fine in my view. A cleaning might help, or perhaps a recladding one day, but in my view it's fine the way it is!
  15. Je ne sais pas pourquoi ça fait ça.. c'est la troisième fois que ça arrive. Les deux autres fois je m'en suis rendu compte et j'ai re-ouvert le fil tout de suite, mais cette fois-ci je ne l'ai pas vu. Ca doit être un bogue ou quelque chose car j'ai pas touché aux contrôles de modération du tout. :-/ Anyway... like i said, this bridge is practically an issue of national security. Start the new bridge!
  16. La dernière photo fait pitié un peu.. édifice miniature de 5 étages en plein centre-ville avec les gratte-ciels en arrière et autour. Ce projet aurait du avoir 10-15 étages :-/ Mais bon, je reste positif. Il a du potentiel. J'aime bien les fenêtres à date.
  17. The Champlain Bridge has become a matter of national security.
  18. For chrissakes... get the federal and provincial governments to agree to financing and build the replacement bridge NOW. (And use the alignment I proposed!)
  19. Our police is extremely courteous and professional. When we actually have true police brutality like in some other countries, then we should complain.
  20. I think we're actually fairly close to being on the same page.. we both agree reckless driving is bad and we both agree that perhaps speed limits in certain areas could be increased or at least adjusted so that it's more logical. The only area we disagree is concerning 160km/h and it being safe or not. I think we both agree it depends on context. If you're doing 160km/h on the A-15/A-20 approaching Turcot from the Champlain Bridge, i'll say that's reckless because it's a 2-lane narrow stretch of road with lots of curves and a veritable shit-ton of potholes. In this instance: reckless and dumb. It's reckless if only for your own car's structural integrity (lol). If you do 160km/h in the Nevada desert, that's.. more reasonable. But how many stretches of road do we have like that? Honestly with the pot holes we have these days, I'm scared going down local streets at 50km/h. It's a real sport.
  21. The greater the speed differential, the greater the risk of accidents. If the average car is going 100km/h and you're going 160km/h, it's trouble, even if the road is very quiet. If somebody merges or does some surprise maneuver, you'll have less time to react if you're going 160km/h. It's impossible to argue that higher speeds don't equal higher risk. It's sheer mathematics, physics and reality. You might consider yourself a very good driver, able to handle those risks, but that's highly subjective and other drivers might not agree with your assessment. Making that biased judgment call is essentially an inconsiderate gesture towards all other road users. You're increasing the risk of accident to others in order to satisfy yourself. It's selfish in my opinion. And don't tell me "there's nobody on the road" sure, 99% of the time perhaps, but what happens if some guy has burned out headlights and doesn't know it, and he merges onto the highway. Suddenly you crash into him because you were going too fast to have time to react. It just seems selfish and inconsiderate to me, not to mention it's a colossal waste of gas. I'm not saying drive 100km/h on the highway.. i do 110-115km/h myself, because that's the speed of traffic. I go the speed of traffic, +/- 5km/h. It's the large differences in speed that cause problems. I've seen so many accidents in Portugal where cars in the fast lane were doing 180km/h and the slow lane was doing 80km/h.
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