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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Je suis d'accord avec Malek. Ça écrase les victoriennes, et puis? Le 1000 écrase le Marriott La TDLB écrase ses voisins Etc. Ça change quoi au juste? Devrait-on tout construire au même niveau (3 étages) et ainsi avoir une belle ville harmonieuse et homogène?
  2. En effet, le buffet Maharaja appartient à M. Ali Khan, qui est également proprio des maisons et du terrain.
  3. Main street will rebound for two reasons: -The recession is over, things will pick up. -QdS is really taking off, and nearby Saint-Laurent will profit from it!
  4. brubru: ils sont épais. Même si le projet sauve les maisons victoriennes... Même si le projet s'intègre au voisinage qui inclut des édifices de 20, 30 et même 48 étages.. Même si la majorité des citoyens étaient en faveur du projet Même si le département de la ville de Montréal elle-même était en faveur du projet Même si le projet aurait eu des effets positifs sur le secteur L'OCPM et Dinu Bumbaru ont jugé que le projet faisait trop "Dubai" pour Montréal. (Et oui, quand on parle de 28 étages, moi je pense tout de suite à Dubai) C'est une organisation d'imbéciles, brubru. Sans blagues. J'étais présent à la consultation publique.
  5. En effet, c'est totalement stupide. Va lire nos commentaires dans le fil du MacKay, les membres de mtlurb on étudié/analysé le projet sous toutes les angles.
  6. C'est le MacKay - ancien projet de Panzini refusé par l'OCPM et la ville.
  7. Ok guys. C'est le temps d'une Vision Cataclaw™. Plus que j'y pense, plus que je commence à croire qu'il y a meilleure façon de faire. À suivre...
  8. If they're determined to rebuild A-10 until A-35, could they at least rebuild the entire A-10/A-35 interchange correctly? It was originally configured to accomodate toll booths, which are long since gone. In some cases, you have to stop at a light in order to change from A-10 to A-35.,-73.301557&geocode=FWP6tAIdik-h-w%3B&hl=en&mra=mift&mrsp=1,0&sz=16&sll=45.410487,-73.310244&sspn=0.010198,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=45.407791,-73.312154&spn=0.020397,0.038581&t=k&z=15
  9. Screw abbreviations, real men call the banks by their full names.
  10. Well, at least this next phase of Dix30 looks pretty good. It's a pretty dense simulation of an urban setting. I'd rather have that than big box stores surrounded by 5000 parking spaces.
  11. True that my friend.. true that. Stupidity transcends all forms of transportation
  12. That's debatable. If you're going so fast that you lose control over a speed bump, then odds are you would probably hit somebody and/or lose control of your vehicle even without a speed bump. I mean, come on. Now we're taking this discussion into crazy hypotheticals. And another thing -- we have a serious problem of people not respecting pedestrian crosswalks. Pedestrians have priority at crosswalks and drivers are obligated to come to a complete stop in order to let pedestrians cross. But here in Quebec, it seems that nobody ever stops for pedestrians. As a pedestrian, i'm very weary of crossing at a crosswalk because all too often, the oncoming driver has no intention of stopping. Will i risk my life because some idiot doesn't feel like respecting the law? I wonder what measures we could implement to start changing this...
  13. If you're in a 30km/h zone and you go so fast that you actually lose control of your vehicle on a straight-line road over a speed bump, then you were driving recklessly to begin with. It's all about implementation. If you have a stop sign, and then a street, and then 50m later a speed bump, and another, and so on until the end of the street, it isn't possible to be going fas, unless you burned through the stop sign to begin with. Certains conducteurs dangereux ne sont pas affectés par des mesures psychologiques. Ton idée de vélo... j'aime ça! And another thing -- we have a serious problem of people not respecting pedestrian crosswalks. Pedestrians have priority at crosswalks and drivers are obligated to come to a complete stop in order to let pedestrians cross. But here in Quebec, it seems that nobody ever stops for pedestrians. As a pedestrian, i'm very weary of crossing at a crosswalk because all too often, the oncoming driver has no intention of stopping. Will i risk my life because some idiot doesn't feel like respecting the law? I wonder what measures we could implement to start changing this...
  14. Not to sound nasty or anything, but quite franky... too bad if you don't like them. They get the job done. 90% of the population respecting the speed limit means that 10% will still speed. Speed bumps ensure that 100% of the population respects the speed limit. It only takes one car going too fast to hit a little kid. The other thing i like in Europe is dynamic lights. Coupled with dynamic speed bumps, you have an excellent deterrent to speeding. 50km/h zone. If you go too fast, a speed bump will pop out of the ground 500m away and a green light will turn red for you. If you respect the speed limit, no such measures will come up. If you speed up to try and beat the red light, the speed bump will rape your car. If you blow through the red light anyway, a camera will ticket you.
  15. Then just put them every 50 meters like they already do in many places. Problem solved. It depends on the speed bump. Obviously a truck can just go through some of the softer ones, but believe me, some of the harder speed bumps can be damaging even to trucks. (Unless you slow down, which is what you're supposed to do.) They have dynamic speed bumps now that can retract when an emergency vehicle comes by. Also, speed bumps are often arranged in such a way as to permit vehicles to pass without "hitting them" if you drive in the middle of the road, between the going on oncoming lanes. An ambluance with lights and horn blazing will signal other vehicles to move aside, and the ambulance can go on its way unimpeded. Naturally, speed bumps are in low-traffic roads to begin with, so it's not like there would be tons of traffic there anyway. In fact, in your average speed-bump area, the ambulance would most likely not cross a single other car on its path. A lot of things can be painful for seniors. In my opinion this is a ridiculous argument. Why are you so against speed bumps? It sounds like you're exactly the kind of speeder i was describing above, that does 60km/h in 30km/h zones. If you are in fact a speeder, then i have no sympathy for you. There's no excuse for endangering others.
  16. I totally agree with you on that one. Frankly, speed limits alone are an insufficient deterrent to excess speed. If you designate a 30km/h zone, then you ought to automatically install speed bumps to go with it. I'm talking speed bumps. The kind where you'll lose your entire suspension at the speed bump if you don't slow down to cross it. When you have a 30km/h or 40km/h zone with a lot of little children playing around, there's no excuse for going 60km/h or more. None whatsoever... but some dipshits will still ignore the limit and fly down the street unless you put some killer speed bumps that force them to slow down. Additionally, if you want everyone to come to a full stop when they reach a stop sign, stick some speed bumps there too. In Portugal, my parent's home town has speed bumps at every stop sign and it's a wonderful thing. If you don't come to a stop, your car is going to suffer the consequences. I also have to agree with you that average streets ought to be 50km/h. It's the standard for a reason. It's a compromise between safety and practicality. However... if you're in a quiet residential zone on a street that does not accommodate through-traffic, 30km/h with killer speed bumps and that's that. I'm not in favor of a universal 40km/h speed limit, because it encourages complacent behavior. People won't distinguish the difference between an important artery and a quiet residential street with a school nearby. Leave the big roads 50km/h and even 60km/h or 70km/h in some cases, and make the local-only streets 30km/h with speed bumps. Roads are different, neighborhoods are different. There's no reason to apply one speed limit when you ought to have different ones to meet the differing needs.
  17. Dude, i watch the car go by.. i'm able to see how fast the car is going and approximate its speed. When I say 90km/h i mean 90km/h. My road is long and straight with enough distance between stop signs to build up to 100km/h+ if you wanted to. I live in a 30 zone and I have no problem with 40, 50 or even 60km/h. But when guys start going 70-80-90 it's just ridiculous.
  18. Je demeure dans une zone 30km/h et parfois il y a des voitures qui passent à 90km/h (soit 3 fois la limite) D'habitude ce sont des jeunes de 18 ans qui font ça.. heureusement il y a des stops partout. Quand je marche au dépanneur à 30 secondes de chez nous et que je traverse la rue au moment ou un char arrive à 90km/h, je fais exprès pour prendre mon temps pour traverser Il y a une fois ou je traversais pis le gars n'aimait pas le fait qu'il devait faire son stop car j'étais là (il aurait fait son stop à 20km/h sinon) et il a fait exprès d'avancer pour presque me frapper. J'ai arrêté, je me suis retourné vers lui, je lui ai fait un gros fuck you et j'ai sacré un coup de pied pas mal violent sur un de ses phares, assez pour mettre une craque dessus. Bref, je déteste les ptits culs de 18 ans qui pensent qu'ils sont dans une course F1.
  19. That's really interesting! I'm a big believer in balance. And i'm a big believer in our amazing downtown. To get people to come to our downtown, we need accessibility. That means good public transportation, but also some parking too. Because let's face it... people in the suburbs will go to Dix30 or other mega-malls instead of downtwon becaue of the parking hassle. But if we add some free indoor parking to the deal... we might just generate a lot of extra activity! I hope that came out right, i'm terribly wasted at thje moment
  20. Bonjour, Ta proposition est interessante! Cependant, il y a des problèmes : 1. Les voitures provenant de Marcel-Laurin n'ont aucun moyen de se rendre vers la 40 en direction est. 2. Les voitures provenant du boul Decarie n'ont aucun moyen de se rendre vers la 40 en direction est. 3. Ta bretelle provenant de l'autoroute Decarie nord vers la 40 ouest est un rond de 270 degrès. Il y a beaucoup de volume en direction A-15 nord vers A-40 ouest. Il faudrait que cette bretelle soit raccordée directement à la 40-ouest via un virage de 90 degrès au lieu de 270 dègres. 4. L'accès entre la 40 de l'ouest vers Decarie/Marcel-Laurie semble nécessiter un long détour et au moins deux sinon trois feux de circulation. 5. Un feu de circulation à cet endroit pourrait être incroyablement problématique à l'heure de pointe. La circulation pourrait se retrouver bloquée dans toutes les directions, ce qui pourrait également rendre difficile l'accès vers les sorties.
  21. Bienvenue sur mtlurb! Probablement entre 1 et 3 ans avant qu'on voit la première pelletée de terre. (Si on est chanceux)
  22. What's so wrong with public housing? Public housing = revitalization of derelict sectors supported by economic boost Taxes = Public housing Therefore Taxes = revitalization of derelict sectors supported by economic boost Not that bad a deal, i'd say.
  23. I know, I work in the A section. Formerely Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur. The A section is a residential zone. A grid pattern would have been great in a hypothetical Brossard mixed-use downtown area (such as the one i propose! hehe)
  24. A gridiron plan would have helped Brossard in many respects... unfortunately it's too late to try and go back to one.
  25. Haha nice signature Malek Why are you all surprised? You all act like i'm some hippy just because i think moderation in all things is a good idea. I'm not anti-car like some people on this forum. Yes of course I drive and of course i find incentivized parking to be a desirable thing. It isn't the only consideration, but sure it's something to mention. But you all know this.. i'm constantly praising and pushing for such projects as A-30, A-25, even A-720 Notre-Dame! It's so black and white with you guys, that's what i don't get. How can it be all or nothing? There is such a thing as a healthy balance.
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