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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. I managed to extract some higher resolution images for your viewing pleasure. Can you imagine walking down René-Lévesque and having this Manhattanesque canyon in front of you?
  2. God damn Westmount. Cooperate already... this hospital is in your own interests too. I hope the threat materializes and Glen rd. is annexed.
  3. N'oublions pas le Quartier des Spectacles non plus... Ce n'est pas pour rien que cet emplacement a été choisi! Ce n'est pas pour rien non plus que nous avons le Louis Bohème et les Condos Delle'Arte et la rénovation du Hyatt-Complexe Desjardins.
  4. Wow. L'affiche est plus haute que la Maison du Dévelopement Durable...
  5. Because the CHUM is really, really big. The vacant land further east you're referring to will also be used for the CHUM. The CHUM will occupy 3 entire city blocks.
  6. Je préfère notre Marriott à celui de LA. Plus beau à mon avis! En passant: LA est vraiment drôle comme ville. Population immense... centre-ville miniature.
  7. J'étais présent à la consultation et je me rappel bien d'entendre M. Khan parler de résidences pour les étudiants même à l'époque. Ils voulaient offrir des services aux gens de Concordia, etc.
  8. Après si longtemps... Le CHUM est en branle. Pour vrai. Le MUHC est en pleine construction. L'autoroute 30 est ouverte. L'autoroute 25 achève. Le Quartier des Spectacles n'arrête pas pour une seconde. Et nous avons la belle surprise du Marriott Courtyard! Il y a une quinzaine de projets à Griffintown Vive Montréal! Manque juste que le corridor Notre-Dame débloque et nous avons le tour du chapeau!
  9. Off-topic a little bit, but: the word "collection" just makes Waldorf=Astoria seem so exclusive and wonderful. The word collection here evokes images of a museum filled with priceless artifacts.. so like something rare and to be treasured, Waldorf=Astoria brands itself as a top-of-the-line exclusive series of hotels. This isn't just an ordinary hotel.. it's part of a collection! Oooh! If I ever open up hot dog joint, i'll have to figure out a way to throw in the word "Collection" in there...
  10. Je rêve? ..Mais c'est la nouvelle de l'année! Wow. Things were somber in this city for a long time.. years, even decades.. but that's starting to change!
  11. Let's take this news with a grain of salt. In North America, most activity is American-based, so by definition cities like New York, Chicago and Dallas have mostly domestic conventions. Crossing into Canada constitutes international travel, so these conventions become international. Many U.S. cities have far greater convention activity but this ranking excludes that. Nevertheless... we stole the #1 spot from Toronto, and that my friends, is significant :)
  12. I did some photoshopping and combined the two halves of the nighttime front view Gilbert posted, cleaning up some of the text in the process. I had to clone some floors in the middle because the two halves cut off part of the middle. Sur toutes les photos on peut compter 40 étages! (..sauf sur les deux images découpés bien sur) I did a little analysis and can confirm with 90% certainty that given the images we have, the buildign should be between 117m-140m, most likely around 127m. The Marriott will be shorter than the Complexe Desjardins south tower and about as tall as the East Tower but much taller than the Tour Hydro-Québec!!
  13. C'est parfaitement raisonable et acceptable que les membres d'un forum se permettent de rigoler de temps en temps. Ce n'est pas nécessaire d'être sérieux 24/7 et ça n'enlève rien au site. Oui, certainement, il ne faut pas que ça déborde... mais je ne crois pas que le commentaire de mtlrdp est si sinistre que ça.
  14. Je ne suis pas trop d'accord avec ton premier point. Les édifices étaient pas mal vieux, mais pas au point d'être ce que tu proposes.. pas avant une couple d'années en tout cas. D'accord sur la réglementation, mais on peut tu s'entendre que demander aux promoteurs d'avoir le feu vert avant de démolir.. ce n'est pas ça qui va ralentir les travaux? Les dommages à la ville causés par les démolitions (sans construction qui suit) au cours des 30 dernières années est beaucoup plus importante qu'une tour à bureau de plus ou de moins.
  15. That's why we should only let the company demolish when they're ready to build. Demolish today, start building tomorrow. Bens was demolished and replaced almost seamlessly. There was what... 5 days between the end of demolition and the beginning of site prep/construction? This is proof that when everyone's shit is together, you can make it happen. As for the giant hole on Ste-Catherine street... it was much better when the buildings were there. They were old and in poor shape, but it beats the hole we have now. From certain angles that hole looks like a battlefield in some war-torn third world country.
  16. There ought to be guarantees and insurance measures enacted to prevent this sort of thing... In order to have the right to demolish, you have to provide guarantees that you'll begin construction within 2 months. If you don't, you have to pay hefty fines for every day that construction hasn't started. This would prevent developers from demolishing in a speculative way. Only projects that are certain to begin can proceed with demolition. Trop souvent on démolit... et le projet tombe à l'eau, et on reste pogné avec un terrain vacant pendant 20 ans.
  17. C'est temporaire. L'installation du look final c'est prévu pour 2014 ou une affaire de même.
  18. Tu ris, mais c'est précisement pourquoi j'ai décidé de ne pas l'inviter. Certains se souviennent, on a voulu l'inviter sur le forum pour débattre des choses avec lui. En fin de compte, on a décidé contre.. et voilà la raison!
  19. Lol. I'll check it out this afternoon By the way there are a lot of cool little projects going on in Longueuil.. i'll have to do some posts this afternoon. In the part of town i live in, i've seen the transformation of lots over the last two decades. Rather ugly and decrepit single-family home --> replaced by --> 2-storey duplex --> fire, replaced by --> 3-storey condos with 6 units This sort of thing is happening everywhere... my sector, which was formerly quite homogeneously single-family homes everywhere, is now a mix of houses and apartment/condos/mixed-use.
  20. Russell: That's a worthy and reasoned perspective. However, I strongly believe that economically beneficial projects such as this one can be created under a better format without compromising economic profitability. In the United States, they have some interesting smart growth retail projects built on former malls. The parking lots of former malls are constructed over and converted into actual.. city! The mall's commercial activity is restored under a different branding and format. Narrow streets are lined with high-density mixed-use development. Buildings face the street and public transit is emphasized. Due to the suburban nature of the surroundings, parking is still available, but in the form of one large parking garage instead of acres upon acres of surface lots. The partial urbanization of suburbs is what's at hand here.
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