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Ce projet est complètement tombé de la face de la terre. Pourtant, le site web est toujours fonctionnel, la page Facebook est mise à jour avec des banalités. mais rien n'a jamais été lancé. Très bizarre!

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Membres prolifiques

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Probablement un promoteur international frileux qui a peur du PQ et des référendums.. Cough cough.... Pendant ce temps, des promoteurs d'ici comme Canvar, Prével et Devimco continuent sur leur lancée et lancent des nouvelles phases.. Too bad!!

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I can confirm. The promoter is taking a "wait and see" approach. All developments on this project have been put on hold due to the economic viability of development in a market that's showing all the signs of a hard landing.


As of January, their resources have been "refocused" to a new development in Mississauga, near Square One shopping center.


From my conversations with people associated with this project, there's no doubt in my mind that the current political situation here played a major roll in this decision.

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Bad information , the Brivia Group has tossed construction from this spring to this autumn , sales should permit start of construction between September to October 2014. On the other hand they only invest in Québec since it is there natural market place. The promoter is well backed , I have a good feeling for this one will roll , but like all the other projects , they are taking longer to start. There is nothing to do with politics, they do not give a damn , but would like to see better economic growth .

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I don`t mind an honest attempt to look at the current economics of investment; but what we have here from is not even honest political assessment; it is pure partisan views tinged with bigotry. Very unpleasant to see this crap from AC month after month.

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