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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    For over a decade Concordia has been a never-ending construction zone, but students are pretty much used to it. When everything is eventually finished in the coming years, campus is going to be outright amazing! Best thing ever : Guy metro-Hall building tunnel. (Although i wonder why only one side of the tunnel is finished.. the other is still bare concrete!)
  2. cjb: you apparently only read my first post and not my subsequent posts. Please do so before blaming me for something that i withdrew myself. Atticka: i didn't quite get the sense of your first message. Your complaint didn't some legit to me until i realized that you live in the building bordering the parking lot and not across the street. My mistake! Indeed, if they're on your property you should fight tooth and nail for them to stop, or at least have the obtain permission and compensate you for any damages. I hope my welcome did not seem sarcastic because it isn't in the slightest, and i apologize for my reading comprehension being less than perfect in this instance So truly : welcome to the forum and good luck dealing with this subcontractor! Take pics of the construction for us!
  3. Comment ça on drill dans sa proprieté? Il n'y a t'il pas une rue entière qui sépare son édifice et le site de construction? C'est peut-être moi qui ne comprend pas ou qui visualize mal la situation...
  4. Atticka: i sympathize with the annoyances you're having to endure, however choosing to live in a city means accepting the fact that construction will happen, sometimes across the street. If these occasional inconveniences are too much to handle, you may exercise your right to move to the country where you will be sure to have none of these problems. Otherwise, you should keep quiet because your frustration is akin to complaining that it gets cold in the winter or that water is wet, if you get my drift. ;) That being said, welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  5. 202.5m. La limite à cet endroit est de 232.5m au dessus du niveau de la mer Le site en question se retrouve à 30m au dessus du niveau de la mer 232.5-30m = cet édifice peut avoir jusqu'à 202.5m
  6. Floor heights are not universal... i know of some residential buildings with 4.5m heights and some office buildings with 2.7m heights! We can safely assume this building we have "standard" residential floors but you never know! This lot is zoned for 160m... we have no official data.. who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and get a 150m'er!
  7. Cataclaw

    M sur la Montagne

    Il y a plein de problèmes avec le nouveau projet incluant la réduction de l'accessibilité... mais ouf, on a coupé quelques étages alors c'est une énorme victoire, n'est ce pas? ...
  8. And to think some of us doubted Gilbert... shame on us! From zero-to-construction in record time for such a tall building (by Montreal standards) is absolutely phenomenal. Unquestionably by far the #1 surprise of 2010!!
  9. Merci pour les photos tout le monde! J'adore ce projet. J'ai hate de voir l'impact sur le skyline a partir du fleuve!
  10. So about 2km of A-720 will be designated route 136? Then you fall back onto A-720? As far as i know, the rest of A-720 is built to autoroute standards and won't be affected by the Turcot reconstruction... I've been navigating the new Turcot project site and on all-but-one of the maps, the affected portion of the A-720 retains its original label. I have to say though, this caveat aside, the rest of the project looks great. A definite improvement over the first proposal.
  11. They're gonna renumber a small part of a-720 to route 136?! The rest of the expressway is still an autoroute... they're just going to change that? Why? Waste of money changing signs and it serves no purpose. This smells like propaganda here, falsely trying to please the anti-car crowd. Just repair the damn structure so it doesn't cause a serious accident. That's all most people want here.
  12. C'est souvent comme ça. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, peut-être OursNoir pourrait nous éclaircir, mais bref. C'est rien de nouveau les fenêtres comme ça!
  13. Ce qui m'étonne avec ce projet c'est le temps entre le dévoilement et le début de la construction. Le premier message de ce fil date du 28 Aout! en Octobre la construction été déjà commencé!
  14. Agree to disagree, Rocco. I for one think the STM building is splendid, considering what it actually is.
  15. Pas assez, OursNoir. Il faut pousser ça au max : Je m'oppose aux cônes de chantier sur le pont Champlain car ceux-ci bloquent une partie de la vue du Pont Champlain à partir du Pont Champlain!!!111111111 Mais sérieusement ça va être bien de faire du vélo dans ce coin là le printemps prochain et admirer les travaux.
  16. Laissez faire la protection de l'église... Laissez faire la protection de la vue de l'église... La prochaine étape c'est la protection des vues sur les places ou c'est possible d'avoir une vue sur l'église!
  17. Looks sharp! La construction dans 1 an seulement? Pourtant il y a beaucoup d'action sur le site... mais bon, ce n'est pas trop surprenant. Avec un site comme ça, j'imagine que les travaux préparatoires sont immenses!
  18. Tu devrais ecrire aux medias, Oursnoir. Sans blagues! J'ai deja vu des articles publiés pour beaucoup moins que ça!
  19. According to this page on their web site 33 of 63 presale units are sold, for 52.4% sold. The units facing the square have sold well, those facing north.. not so well. Also according to the web site, construction should have started 2 months ago...
  20. I see it more as a survival thing. If Héritage Montréal, the OCPM and Bumbaru never oppose anything... what is their purpose? Why is money spent on them? It's like having a military and never using it. At some point, there is pressure to use it in order to justify its expense. Perhaps Bumbaru opposes so many projects in order to seem "relevant" and continue to receive funding. Whatever his justification, i still think the man is a fool. It doesn't taken a degree in urban planning to understand that 80% of what he says is flat out wrong or misguided. I can tolerate his nonsense... but what i really wish --- I really wish we had a pro-development pro-smart-growth pro-urban organization to promote good city life in Montreal. It feels like our voices are seldom heard. Even when we show up to public consultations and give our support for projects like we did for the MacKay (where everyone except for Bumbaruband one random other guy was in strong support of the project) our voices seem to be ignored. Citizens: We love the MacKay project. It will do so much for the neighborhood! Yes!! OCPM: Clearly the people have spoken and have rejected the project. Citizens: ....wat?
  21. La semaine c'est different, grace à l'Université de Montréal et ses étudiants. J'ai utilisé la ligne bleu récemment et j'ai resté étonné par le volume de personnes. Beaucoup de monde!
  22. Fortunately there is close to 0% chance that Bumbaru and his band of irrationalists can stop this project. They're too late.
  23. On voit à peine 5% de l'église à partir du Square... c'est vraiment mais vraiment stupide cette histoire là.
  24. Des gens qui ont du sens : Récemment, on apprenait que les imbéciles chez Héritage Montréal ont fait une plainte contre la construction d'une tour de 33 étages dans le but d'atteindre leur quota de stupidité pour le mois en cours. Un projet de qualité est donc menacé de disparition par l’appétit irrationnel et l’insouciance de l'organisme Héritage Montréal. Les actions de Mtlurb Mtlurb propose que Héritage Montréal cesse immédiatement ses entraves. Les bâtiments à être démolis ont zéro valeur patrimonial et le fait que Héritage Montréal utilise un tel language pour décrire ces édifices est un véritable insulte envers les édifices qui ONT une valeur patriomonial. La basilique Saint-Patrick est déjà entourée de tours et de gratte-ciels. Il est totalement absurde de croire qu'un édifice d'une hauteur comparable à ce qui se retrouve déjà dans les environs peut nuir à la beauté de celle-ci.
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