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Est-ce que Prével a une bonne réputation au niveau de la qualité de la construction?


Je crois que ceci répondra à ta question!


(Sur le site de Prével)


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Membres prolifiques

Michel Beauséjour, président de la Chambre immobilière du Grand Montréal, y croit aussi. «Il y a de moins en moins d'inscriptions en vigueur dans ce secteur. La demande est forte, donc un projet de construction a de fortes chances de réussir.»[/Quote]


Ca veut dire quoi ça, ''moins d'inscriptions'' ?

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moins de personnes qui cherchent a vendre leur propriété


OK, ça ben du bon sens.....merci !!!


Cela explique le ''besoin'' de logement dans le secteur, ce qui est très logique et c'est pourquoi ce projet est le bienvenue.

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Montréal 2025 :





L'îlot Séville sera revitalisé


Le site de l'ancien théâtre Séville, situé sur la rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest au centre-ville de Montréal, sera développé. Les promoteurs, Claridge Investments et Prével, prévoient investir plus de 100 M$ pour la construction de plusieurs centaines d'appartements et des espaces commerciaux. La construction de l'ensemble Le Seville devrait débuter dès l'automne 2010 pour permettre une première livraison au printemps 2012. Les détails relatifs à l'évolution du projet seront disponibles prochainement à l'adresse suivante :

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A residental highrise will be constructed on Ste. Catherine between Lambert-Closse and Chomedey, with work beginning next week.


Seville Theatre back in the limelight

The Seville Theatre has been left to rot ever since it closed in the 1980s. (June 5, 2010)


The Seville Theatre has been left to rot ever since it closed in the 1980s. (June 5, 2010)


Updated: Sat Jun. 05 2010 6:53:41 PM


Boarded up and broken down, the Seville Theatre is finally getting a make-over.


On Tuesday, the site for the residential project known as "Le Seville" will be inaugurated, and many hope it will help revitalize the area.


Walter Massey remembers when the neighbourhood now known as Shaughnessy Village was the place to be.


"It was vaudeville and you know you get the roll down scenery," said Massey. "Variety shows coming in there, all kinds of stars."


The neighbourhood's decline began in the 1980s when the Seville Theatre closed.


When the Canadiens left the Forum to play in the Bell Centre, the decay continued, and the Seville was left to rot.


"Really what comes to mind is the sadness of how we can let Montreal decay," said Dinu Bumbaru of Heritage Montreal.


But now, after multiple plans to revatilize the area, something will finally be done.


A residental highrise will be constructed on Ste. Catherine between Lambert-Closse and Chomedey, with work beginning next week.


Louise Yard lives in the area, and hopes some of the old architecture is preserved.


"To keep some kind of character, that would be wonderful," Yard said.


Bumbaru couldn't agree more, and hopes the site isn't just bulldozed, but rather deconstructed.


"You send crews that dismantle the elements that can be salvaged," proposed Bumbaru. "Whether the steel, the brick, the concrete."


For Massey, the Seville is more than just a building.


"It resurrects the old feeling of the Seville for me, because it will be home of a different kind but it will still be back home," said Massey.

Modifié par monctezuma
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I live a few blocks away. A couple of weeks ago, I found flyers in my building from "concerned citizens" who opposed this project. I didn't read it all, but the flyers mentioned night clubs or something on Chomedey St.


Last week, a woman knocked on my door, said she was from City Hall (which I doubt). She wanted me to sign a petition that would force public consultation on the expansion of Sports Station, a bar that happens to be just a block away. I evidently refused: Sports Station is a great bar and one of the best and cheapest places to get breakfast downtown.


I don't know if the two initiatives are related. However, it scares me that some residents of Shaugnessy Village would rather maintain the status quo rather than encourage the healthy development of a neighbourhood that really needs it.

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