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Membres prolifiques

Under an awning set up at the corner of Chomedey and Ste. Catherine Sts., the mayor of Montreal, a member of one of this city's most distinguished families and the co-president of a major real-estate development firm took turns explaining how important it is that the remains of the Seville Theatre - one of downtown's most notorious eyesores - become a $100-million condo project.


But perhaps the most eloquent statement came before the speeches and was made by a couple of men who said nothing at all.


They were construction workers employed at the other end of the block where demolition work had begun earlier in the morning. The pair manhandled a piece of masonry pried from the facade of what used to be a row of stores and restaurants onto the front of the stage shared by Mayor Gérald Tremblay, Claridge chairman Stephen Bronfman and Prével co-president Jacques Vincent.


And while the trio's speeches would be backed up by corporate logos and artists' conceptions of the project, that single piece of rock was the most tangible proof of why this event had been called in the first place - that after nearly a quarter-century of debate, analyses, feasibility studies, graffiti, squatters and pigeon droppings, somebody finally had figured out what do to with the Seville Theatre.


Construction is scheduled to begin in November, and will transform the derelict block of Ste. Catherine between Lambert Closse and Chomedey Sts. into four condo complexes - one seven storeys tall, two more reaching 11 floors and the fourth standing 20 storeys.


A total of 450 housing units will be built, ranging in price from $139,000 to $400,000, and the ground floor of the complex will house half-a-dozen stores.


The project, dubbed Le Séville, is scheduled to be completed by 2012.


Bronfman told the audience of journalists and local residents that it took so long for the construction to be launched "because we wanted to do it right." Afterward, however, he added that the recent economic downturn had in fact stalled the project.


"The economy kind of got sour on us a few years back, so it took a while to rethink.


"Once the world got back on its feet, we had a lot of potential partners, and we really like the work Prével has done in the past."


And as enthusiastic as PrÈvel's Vincent is about the Seville project, he acknowledged his firm was also ready to look farther west - toward the Cabot Square area, which, for the past two years, has also been examined as a site for redevelopment.


"We're interested because it's something that would really improve the entire neighbourhood," he said. "I don't think it's a secret that this neighbourhood is in need of some improvement."


Bronfman predicted the Seville project would start an economic "beat" that would echo throughout the neighbourhood.


"You've got a $100-million injection of capital going into this corner, you've got a lot of young professionals coming into this corner," he said. "They will bring money, they will bring energy, and I think that they will demand a refresh of what's around here."


For Roger Peace, local resident and head of the Shaughnessy Village Association, the Seville project "is something we've been waiting for for 20 years."


Peace was also happy that the final version of the project, which at one point called for the land to be used for student residences, would be exclusively residential.


"I think it's really nice that people are going to come and buy and, hopefully, stay and live here and be part of the area.


"I've nothing against students, but students come and go."


Tremblay singled out Peace in his speech, thanking him and his fellow residents for their patience, and pledging that Cabot Square would also see itself transformed.


Asked by The Gazette whether that transformation might take another 24 years, Tremblay replied: "I've already started an action plan for Cabot Square and I've told my (planning) services to come back (with a result) as soon as possible


"So I hope that in the very near future (we'll be able to make an announcement)."


Peace said his association was scheduled to meet with the mayor in the next three weeks to discuss what can be done with the Cabot Square area.


"There are some ideas; we've formed a separate committee in Shaughnessy Village to ask the residents what they would like to see in Cabot Square, because we're seeing more and more children, more families in the area.


"And it's becoming more important for us to make Cabot Square a family friendly area - which Cabot Square isn't.


"So I have hope."


(Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette)


As for the picture of rendering. Thats what that area needs and this city needs.

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450 units. I have a feeling some will most likely be bought and rented out for students.


Plus starting at $139,000 thats pretty good and at 550 sq.ft, that size of unit not that small. Its for sure going to be great for a student (renting) or young professional.


Now it consists of 1x 7-story tower, 2x 11-story tower and 1x 20-story tower.

I guess that 7-story tower making up for the lost floors on the previous 3 lol

Modifié par jesseps
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J'ai modifié le titre du fil. 7 ,11 ,11, 20 étages


Je commence a croire de plus en plus que je ne verrai pas de tour de plus de 40 étages en construction de mon vivant à Montréal puisque l'objectif de tout le monde semble maintenant de construire le plus à l'horizontal possible.


Tout le monde à Montréal, on s'entends.


Vive Toronto, Mississauga, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton !

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C'est quand même un bon projet, ça manque de hauteur, mais pour ce coin de la ville ça va être suffisant je trouve.


C'est plein de petites maisons victoriennes autour, 20 étages c'est un bon compromis.


Ce que j'aime le plus, c'est que ça va créer de la vie dans ce secteur de Sainte-Catherine, et ça va allonger la partie critique de Sainte-Catherine.


Quand je prends une grosse marche sur sainte-cath vers l'ouest, souvent j'arrête près de Guy-Concordia car je trouve la suite ennuyeuse et déserte.

Maintenant, on va pouvoir continuer jusqu'a Atwater et même faire le pont avec la rue Greene.

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Quand je prends une grosse marche sur sainte-cath vers l'ouest, souvent j'arrête près de Guy-Concordia car je trouve la suite ennuyeuse et déserte.

Maintenant, on va pouvoir continuer jusqu'a Atwater et même faire le pont avec la rue Greene.



J'ai fait cette marche aujourd'hui de Montagne jusqu'à passé Atwater.


J'ai pris des photos de chaque commerce vide, et surpranement c'est assez limité en nombre.


Pleins de petits commerces ont profités de loyers bas (je suppose) pour ouvrir passé Guy Concordia, tu devrais y jetter un coup d'oeil.


Mais en effet, ce bloc redéveloppé va donner un bon coup de pouce.



Est-ce qu'il y aura des commerces au niveau de la rue?

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J'ai fait cette marche aujourd'hui de Montagne jusqu'à passé Atwater.


J'ai pris des photos de chaque commerce vide, et surpranement c'est assez limité en nombre.


Pleins de petits commerces ont profités de loyers bas (je suppose) pour ouvrir passé Guy Concordia, tu devrais y jetter un coup d'oeil.


Mais en effet, ce bloc redéveloppé va donner un bon coup de pouce.



Est-ce qu'il y aura des commerces au niveau de la rue?


Un des articles dans l'actualité mentionnait qu'il y en aurait, une demi-douzaine si je me souviens bien.

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