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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. C'est vrai que look est so so ca fait plutot St. Jacques/De La Montagne. Ceci etant dit il est bon de voir d'autres immeubles de ce genre dans ce coins du CV. Par compte ce que je trouve vraimement cool sont les condos a deux etages de la phase 8. Chose parfaite pour essayer d'attirer les familles en ville.
  2. La hauteur n'est pas un problème pour ce cote de la rue j’espère?
  3. Au rez de chaussée il y a un bureau des ventes en train de ce mettre en place avec affichage au dessus des portes. Pas été voir a l'intérieure donc pas certain a quel point d'avancement le bureau est rendu.
  4. This may not be the right place to post this link but here's a story in today's Gazette about low vacancy in the downtown core and rumors about a new office tower.
  5. When a developper sees this kind of demand for its project does he think "Did we underestimate demand? Should we have designed a project with more units for the first x phases..."? Now is there any chance the third phase can see a few more floors added (assuming no issues with city bylaws) or is the process already too far advanced?
  6. BiloMtl ecrit "C'est quand même pas si pire 15 étages, à la hauteur de St-Denis tu n'es pas encore dans le downtown core." **** Dude c'est que dans ce coin la de la ville ça serait cool de dire que le core débute a St. Denis (ou dans ces environs) t'se veut dire? Dire qu'un tel immeuble est quand même pas pire est comme dire que le Mackay a 20 étages est pas pire plus a l'ouest. Minimum height requirements are needed such as was done in the Time Square area of NYC.
  7. La manque simplement de développer les terrains coins St. Jacques nord et sud sur Peel (en hauteur si possible!) incluant possiblement le Planétarium.
  8. ETS cool. Encore plus de vie donc dans ce coin. Merci!
  9. Close! C'est la bâtisse juste a cote (a l'ouest donc Peel/William) de Lowney sur William coin Peel. The whole thing is gutted , la brique extérieure a été nettoyé cette été, il y a des nouvelles fenêtres ... le tout doit coûter un bras a rénover! Google map william and peel montreal you'll see it. Kitty corner to the VW dealer.
  10. Creusez vous pas la tête invitez Bumbaru il va vous expliquer tout ca. Autre sujet mais pas certain si c'est relier au projet Lowney: la bâtisse au coin s/e Peel/William vit présentement de sérieuse renovation. Ca fait tu parti de Lowney (don't think so but not much there telling us what the renos are for)?
  11. Some of these cities have jaw dropping degrees of construction activity! Just crazy how quiet it is here....while we can all come up with the usual reasons it would make for a very interesting analysis of what drives some cities to see such levels of construction vs. the utter lack of activity here.
  12. Interesting little article in the National Post on street food. You have to wonder why Montreal is so stubborn on insisting to not allow street food in this city. Ca fait plutot provinciale non?
  13. L'arrondissement de Ville-Marie a le mandat de densifier le plus possible le centre-ville, dit Jacques-Alain Lavallée, porte-parole de l'arrondissement. La construction d'immeubles résidentiels avec des commerces au rez-de-chaussée est favorisée. Quand un projet sera présenté, on sera heureux de l'étudier.» **** Tell that to Mr. Khan.
  14. Another area to consider bulldozing: the many HLMs around Little Burgandy bounded roughly by Des Seigneurs, St. Antoine, Notre Dame and Lucien L'allier. This area could be so much cleaner.
  15. Well the Bumbaru set should feel comfortable with a 50ish story tower in that area. For one the area is at a lower elevation than R-L. For another there's precedent with IBM and the 1000 just a few steps up the hill.
  16. I think it is Peel/St. Antoine. Just to the right of the pic is the south side of Windsor Station. At that point St. Antoine is a two way street to accomodate traffic heading north off the VM at the Mountain St. Exit. Just west of that St. Antoine is one way heading west.
  17. This lilkely suddenly makes the Dow site more interesting to redevelop along with the site just east of True North's project bound by St. Jacques to the north, Peel to the east and bordering ETS. I live a stone's throw away from there west of Guy so this is awesome news.
  18. Incoryable comment la ville travaillent a contre courrant. Stop urban sprawl. Bring people back to the city. Le francais est menace parce que les gens quittent la ville pour les banlieus. And then this. On it goes...the suspects who want to run this city are joke.
  19. joaobruno writes: The clock is ticking. In December of this year, the United Nations will meet to decide on the replacement of the Kyoto protocol, a defining agreement that will determine the future of our planet in the face of the climate crisis. **** Yawn....replacement of Kyoto ... cuz Kyoto was such a hit with world governments. And please stop with the dramatic claims like a defining agreement that will determine the future of our planet in the face of the climate crisis.
  20. GoMontreal writes: Climate justice? What the hell is climate justice? **** ROTFL .. dude that made my day TGIF!
  21. I haven't seen this article posted anywhere. Given the challenges presented with putting up the Mackay project I suspect this doesn't bode well for future tall development. Megaproject proposals put Montreal at 'major crossroads': founder Lambert
  22. If you have to provide tax breaks to help attract business .. isn't that an admission that taxes are too high and/or lower taxes is good for business? Lower taxes all around.
  23. Est ce que quelqu'un connait une ville la ou construire en hauteur (34 étages!) semble être si difficile (yeah I know I've asked this before...)? Quel genre de message est ce que la ville donne aux gens du milieu immobilier? Déjà la que la demande pour des nouveaux immeubles en hauteur n'est pas exactement a travers le plafond et il y a des fonctionnaires qui ce permettent de carrément refusé leurs appuie. Let's not dare to dream big, be bold and step outside the box. Et pourquoi les résidences Seville a quelque mettre de moins du plan originale c'est acceptable mais cet immeuble est carrément refusée? Aren't both projects both surrounded by relatively low rise buildings? If anything the Mackay fits in better with its surroundings, both current and potential at Guy/RL and to the east, than does the Seville proposal close to the old Forum. Do they look at the big picture? It's an outrage really. Again, hopefully the city will take this report lightly. When Tremblay talks about X number of projects for X amount of dollars ready to go and the time for immobilisme is over let's hope he means it.
  24. Stunning. Leaves you speechless really. "Given developers' renewed interest in the area, a consistent vision is required to strengthen the urban fabric". Does anyone, seriously, does anyone know what this means? What urban fabric? We're talking about a couple of blocks here. Effects of sunlight and wind currents. Since I'm not an architect, I just enjoy tall buildings, is this something that needs to be taken into account and is this reasonable to reject this project? And does this create a precedent for any future plans on the south side of Rene Levesque/Guy street? You have to hope the city will reject these recommendations.
  25. Habsfan wrote: Exactement! Je ne crois pas qu'il y a quelqu'un d'assez fou ici qui supporterait la construction d'une tour de 50 étages à P.A.T. ou Blainville, mais quand on parle du C-V, il me semble que c'Est un "no-Brainer"! **** Interesting point of view. Most of us here agree 50 story towers downtown should be a given yet a few posts above suggest 50 story towers in the suburbs would be crazy. Yet look at Toronto and 60+ .. 70+? story towers downtown are a given while in Mississauga around roughly Hurontario and the 401 40+ story towers are being thrown up. I guess it's a matter of perspective
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