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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. J'habite a exactement 10 minutes a pieds de RL et Crescent. Pour moi je veux de la densite pour la vie que cela ammene. Cela veux dire les gens, commercent divers, meme le traffique et le bruit que cela produit bref tout ce qu'on associe avec un centre ville actif et en mouvement. I'm not necessarily looking at density for skyscrapers per se. Mais egalement je vois difficilement comment augmenter la densite de CV avec des immeubles de 15 20 etages. Il semble tout simplement d'avoir une pensee parmi certains que construire en hauter n'est pas une bonne chose. Si chaque immeubles au CV avaient disons cinq etages de plus est ce que cela serait si grave?
  2. When we look at what is being built in Toronto and Vancouver vs. here we can safely say the too dense argument is a long way off. If anything we need to encourage more of it in the downtown core. Let's spread out and increase density towards Atwater to the west and St. Denis to the east. Noublions pas qu'ont parlent de 25 etages au Seville et 34 sur Mackay. Far off from 75 stories seen elsewhere. How are we to continue growing an exciting downtown core if anything over 25 stories is deemed to tall for a variety of ridiculous reasons?
  3. Now is the city bound by any of this or this is strictly the opinion of the office and their recommendations can be ignored in part or in whole? I see the height thing is up for debate along with "...integrating the goals of the city's affordable housing inclusion strategy" into the project. Am I the only one who finds it incredibly galling that a consultative office should recommend what the goals and clientele of a particular project should be?
  4. How can a 34 story project for that part of town be too ambitious? I just don't understand. An 80 story condo tower on Nun's Island ... maybe. But 34stories downtown? We talk about density, brining people to live in the city, keeping downtown vibrant and alive, let's discourage urban sprawl etc. but it gets a little difficult if anything taller than 23 stories is deembed too ambitious! One hopes with the mayor's latest musings on how we have to stop bitching about every project that presents itself in the city and move forward will help get this one approved. When looking at what this guy is looking to accomplish with that part of R-L it would be a crime to turn his project down.
  5. I looked up the CPM and their mission statement can be found here,3122642&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL *** La mission du Conseil est ainsi de : -veiller à la protection et à la mise en valeur du patrimoine montréalais ; -participer aux efforts de reconnaissance, de mise en valeur et de protection du patrimoine, déployés par les citoyens, les organismes et les autres instances intéressées ; -contribuer à favoriser l'appropriation du patrimoine par les citoyens. Not sure how complaining about shade or wind impacts fits into their mandate. Nicely put together Cataclaw.
  6. La Presse ce matin. Inevitable position from le Conseil du Patrimoine de Montreal? *** Le Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal craint qu'une partie du centre-ville soit dénaturée avec la construction d'une tour à la Dubaï, à l'angle de la rue Mackay et du boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest. Dans un avis défavorable dévoilé lundi, l'instance consultative des élus en matière de patrimoine rappelle que le projet est situé dans une aire de protection, celle de la chapelle de l'Invention-de-la-Sainte-Croix de la maison mère des Soeurs grises. En conséquence, le projet d'une tour de 31 étages, sur 100 mètres de haut, dans un mélange architectural de verre et de maçonnerie, devra être approuvé par la ministre de la Culture. Selon la loi provinciale régissant les aires patrimoniales protégées, toute construction dans un diamètre de 500 pieds de la chapelle ne doit pas lui porter ombrage et doit respecter son architecture patrimoniale. Joint en après-midi hier, l'architecte derrière la conception de la tour, Michelange Panzini, a expliqué que seulement la ruelle du terrain, au 1475, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, est située dans l'aire protégée. Il estime par ailleurs «qu'il est temps qu'on fasse quelque chose de différent pour Montréal. On en a assez des édifices de pierres brun-beige», a-t-il dit. Son projet évalué à 80 millions, conçu pour le promoteur montréalais Ali Khan, a été présenté devant l'Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM), le 25 mai dernier. Le dépôt des mémoires aura lieu à la mi-juin. Lors de la première partie des audiences, peu de gens se sont dits contre l'idée d'ériger une tour dans le secteur Bishop-Crescent, un secteur où les terrains de stationnement sont nombreux. En plus d'accueillir un hôtel de 120 chambres, la tour abritera une centaine d'appartements dans les étages supérieurs, avec un stationnement souterrain de 220 places. Un basilaire de 12 étages, avec trois toits verts, doit relier le tout. La devanture, c'est-à-dire le hall de l'hôtel, sera construite en restaurant et intégrant quatre maisons victoriennes en rangée face au boulevard René-Lévesque. En plus de s'inquiéter «des effets cumulatifs des projets de tours d'une hauteur de 120 mètres» sur les vues du mont Royal, dans le secteur, le Conseil du patrimoine (CPM), n'est pas satisfait des simulations d'impacts sur l'ensoleillement et note qu'aucune étude sur les vents n'a été présentée. Selon le CPM, une étude historique retraçant les lieux et le potentiel archéologique devrait aussi être effectuée.
  7. In the 1175 Mackay thread someone posted that By-law 04-074-74 increases the density of construction from 4 to 6 in the sector bounded by Rue Mackay, Rue Crescent, Rue Sainte-Catherine and Boulevard René-Lévesque, in Ville-Marie borough. I assume this works in favour of this project so that now the only issue is height?
  8. Also interesting to note that Waldof Astoria is part of Hilton luxury brands. With the Bonaventure and Denizen that would give them three properties downtown (assuming Denizen is built downtown and W A is built at all).
  9. I remember reading in this thread "René-Lévesque / Guy - 1*32 / 1*38 étages" that a Hilton was to be built Guy/R.-L. Could this be related?
  10. It doesn't look unlike the ETS student housing building on Notre Dame Ouest corner Mountain. Now in that part of town opposite the True North built condos the housing building looks just awful and has nothing in common with its surroundings (except perhaps the ETS building corner Peel). On Ste. Cath (or De Maisonneuve for that matter) not sure how well these proposed buildings will integrate with their surroundings (though should look ok with the old Forum). Old and new can work well together if done right so let's hope we do better than ETS.
  11. I stepped into the sales office this past Saturday and the project is still slated to be completed summer 2010. In fact there was a couple in the sales office telling a salesman they wanted one of the upper floor condos and were willing to write a cheque on the spot. By looking at the remaining units left for sale it's safe to say over half the project is sold. It will make a nice addition to the area. If the corner opposite the TD can see new construction (BB?) this area could really be transformed!
  12. Combien de temps est que l'Office de consultation publique prend d'habitude pour rendre une decision? Si la livraison est prevu pour debut 2011 faudrait debuter bientot.
  13. Hi all, Not sure where to post this probably missed a previous thread. On southeast corner (Spectrum) fencing is up around property and at least one Panzini demolition sign is up. Guessing won't be too long before wrecking crews get to work.
  14. I live a ten minute walk to work from close to Atwater market to CCE - door to door. There's no price for convenience like that.
  15. On the subject of grocery stores in Old Mtl a new Metro supermarket is opening Mountain/Notre Dame on the ground floor of the new ETS student buiding (an ugly building at that. Just no harmony with the North West Propoerties condos built on N-D). Not Old Mtl but a little closer than Nun's Island or Park Ave. Provigo. On the subject of Cathcart/University. I know the answer must be stuffed somewhere in this thread but what is the hight limit there? At 29 stories what could be an imposing structure won't make much of an impact. That small corner reminds me of a tower at King/Bloor in Toronto. Built on the tiniest lot at the base it widens on top of the adjacent building at 3 or 4 stories and soars up 50 stories in the sky. Amazing!
  16. So the byline talks about one tower "Une nouvelle tour" but the article mentions a few projects. If the occupation rate (what class?) is overall 3.7% shouldn't that be the focus of the story and that already long ago announced projects may finally get off the ground? As an aside to this article's (and the thread's) focus on a new Phillip's Square tower Belcourt is renovating and converting a building into condos on St. Alexandre which lines the parking lot for the proposed Canderel project. Not sure where the green space comes from.
  17. Hi all City has given Sidev the goahead to demolish Bens.
  18. Bon tres interresente cette discussion! Mod how about a night of beer at a local brew pub downtown Mon point etait seulement d'illustrer ce qu'il ce passe a Toronto vs. Montreal. Carre Phillipe. Please. Just amazing to see what's going on in Toronto and that Montreal just seems absolutely unable to grab any piece of the action. Love this city but damn we've fallen behind!
  19. Gilbert, Babganouj a rajoute un jpg au bas a gauche de son poste qui correspond a ce qui est en rouge sur ta carte. Blue shade would be what Gillett purchased. The lot immediately to the south of blue shaded area is what Truth North seems to have sold.
  20. I work in the area and from 15 floors up there are is a large number of vacant lots (parking for the most part obviously). From Guy to Peel and Ste. Catherine's to R-L there is plenty to build on so let's hope doesn't take 20 years. But look at downtown and it hasn't really changed much since the last major office building boom in the late 80s so I wouldn't be surprised if takes that long to happen.
  21. Le terrain au quel babaganouj mentionne est sur De La Montagne angle St. Antoine. L'autre terrain est coin Peel a l'est donc pas la meme chose (l'article de Malek est Peel). Other interesting thing: True North Properties had applied to the city for approval to build condo towers on the site they sold at St. Jacques/Peel (south of the new Gillet property opposite Planetarium). City of Montreal signs asking for public comment were up as recently as 18 mos ago. Maybe True North thought the Griffintown project would kill any chance of a succesful condo project and decided to sell.
  22. I don't know this seems like a lot of product to throw on the market in a city like Montreal no?
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