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Tout ce qui a été posté par rufus96

  1. rufus96

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    L'économie montréalaise a crée 60,000 emplois depuis octobre 2015. Meme s'ils ne sont pas tous des emplois à temps plein, c'est une bonne nouvelle. There is reason to be cautiously optimistic, I find. In one year Montreal's unemployment rate has fallen to 7.1% from 8.5%, while Toronto's has risen to 7.3%, the economy having shed some 12,000 jobs. Labour force characteristics, unadjusted, by census metropolitan area (3 month moving average) (Sherbrooke (Que.), Trois-Rivieres (Que.), Montreal (Que.))
  2. Further in the report - annual performance - Calgary down 19.4%. Yikes.
  3. I find the proportions to be fine because this building reads as two adjoined volumes from most points of view. En tout cas, nous ne verrons pas ce bâtiment de cette perspective aérien!
  4. What a disturbing turn of events for a disgusting project. "Unauthorized alterations to the building." These developers don't care in the slightest about the city or its heritage. Time for the city to send a clear message by making them pay for the deconstruction and reconstruction of the building they disrespected. Dinu Bumbaru is on point here. These guys "covered up parts of the stone exterior with cement siding." What a shameful display. I look forward to the reconstruction project eating into their profit from the horrible 12-floor piece of crap they planted behind it.
  5. I strongly doubt that the city of Montreal imposed design features such as cladding colour/materiality for a building that is not situated in a heritage zone and doesn't violate any zoning by-laws. It's clear to anyone that looks that the panels used on Roccabella are different from 1250 R.-L, because if the sun produces a brown tint on Roccabella it would therefore do the same to IBM. Given this non-sense spouted by the sales team, it's not hard to conceive that their post- rationalization about the city "imposing" the colour of the cladding is non-sense too. Profit-oriented project using cheaper materials to maximize profit.
  6. Ah! That makes much more sense. Thanks for the clarification!
  7. Let's use a real world example here. Think NYC with it's crazy levels of demand for new residential and office space, the likes of which Montreal will likely never see. NYC will sooner implode a 40 floor tower to replace it with a 90 floor tower than even consider rezoning any portion of Central Park for building upon. The idea that Place du Canada or Dorchester Square will ever be developed just isn't realistic, especially with Montreal's powerful heritage groups. And honestly, those squares are downtown's lungs. Would you really want 4 120m buildings to replace them?
  8. From the article: "The city has been looking at increasing heights from 120 to 220 metres in current studies as part of the urban plan for the Quartier de gares. 'If there is zoning that allows higher, we will look at that.' "
  9. ^ I'm no structural engineer, but my best guess is that concrete is more suitable to our climate. Steel will contract and expand with variations in temperature (freeze-thaw cycles) which are frequent in the Montreal climate and the populated-Canadian climate as a whole for that matter. Look at the myriad of construction projects in Toronto/Calgary and you'll see that they have concrete structures as well, for the most part - exceptions typically being office buildings. Condo towers are typically built with concrete structures because the floor slabs are denser, have a higher thermal mass (retain heat) and block more noise from floor-to-floor, so you don't have to get to know you neighbors too well. Lastly, though Canada is a natural producer of steel, Quebec, and indeed Montreal, is a natural producer of cement (many mines in Southern Quebec), so there are economic spin-offs as well. Steel is 'pre-fab,' as they say, manufactured and refined offsite and then imported, so it may not be very cost effective in our case. I may be mistaken though so if anyone has anything to add I'd be interested in learning more!
  10. Publié le 03 juin 2015 à 10h26 | Mis à jour à 10h33 SNC-Lavalin dans la ligne de mire de deux firmes internationales La multinationale montréalaise SNC-Lavalin (T.SNC) est convoitée par des entreprises d'Espagne et d'Australie, rapporte le Financial Post. Selon le quotidien torontois, Actividades de Construccion y Servicios (ACS), de Madrid, et WorleyParsons, de Sydney, ont fait part à la direction de SNC-Lavalin, de façon «informelle», de leur intention d'acquérir l'entreprise. Un porte-parole de SNC, Louis-Antoine Paquin, a toutefois indiqué au journal que la firme d'ingénierie «ne mène pas de discussions de cette nature avec quelque entreprise que ce soit». Dans un courriel envoyé mercredi à La Presse Affaires, un porte-parole d'ACS, Juan José Diaz Clavel, a soutenu que «l'information publiée (par le Financial Post) n'est pas véridique». Il a toutefois refusé de commenter davantage. Le quotidien indique par ailleurs que des conseillers ont proposé à SNC-Lavalin de scinder l'entreprise en deux afin de séparer les «actifs souillés» par des malversations de ceux qui n'ont pas été touchés par les scandales.
  11. The renderings for QUAD Windsor show 4 buildings, at least two of which appear taller than 120m (in the 150m range). Since there is no designated height limit between 120m and 210m in the PPU, I'm guessing the city has simply ammended the PPU to approve the buildings as proposed, nothing more.
  12. Speaking of the TTC, Toronto has had a massive dumping of snow in the last 12 hours that has crippled the subway system this morning because the outdoor sections aren't equipped to deal with the volume of snow. I am living centrally in Toronto, along the Bloor-Danforth line and it took me and hour and a half to get downtown this morning. Perhaps an outdoor Blue line expansion to Anjou really isn't the best of ideas.
  13. J'ai comme impression que la hauteur de TdC est de 167m mesuré de l'Avenue des Canadiens et 180m de la rue Saint Antoine, à cause de la changement de niveau entre ces deux rues. Je pense que la hauteur officielle d'un immeuble se mesure par rapport à une entrée au niveau de la rue (pas nécessairement l'entrée principale). Alors, si la TdC possède une entrée sur la rue Saint Antoine, l'hauteur sera bel-et-bien 180m.
  14. <a href=" " title="IMG_0211 by rufsjrdk, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_0211"></a>
  15. Maybe Christmas has come early, courtesy of travis3000 at skyscraperpage: "I have gotten official word from Cadillac Fairview that they will be adding two floors to this project in January taking the total to 50, which would officially put it onto this list. Sales are doing extremely well I'm told. I'm not sure if somebody has already posted that here. "
  16. Je dirais qu'ordinaire serait un compliment... Au moins que ca ne compte pas 12 étages de plus!
  17. Graduated in '06. So class of 2005-06, if I'm not mistaken. Good times.
  18. Took a look at it... can't bring myself to look at it again. Remember a few pages back when we were guessing the floor count? Did anybody come close to 16? Disappointed.
  19. ^ ^ Belle photo, Olivier Benny! Prise ce soir, de Parc Jean-Drapeau: <a href=" " title="Montreal 2011 005 by rufsjrdk, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="Montreal 2011 005"></a> <a href=" " title="Montreal 2011 003 by rufsjrdk, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="Montreal 2011 003"></a>
  20. Il faut aussi remarquer que ses informations ne sont pas toujours 100% fiables - en regardant sa liste des grattes-ciel montréalais, j'ai remarqué qu'elle a omis une tour assez importante...
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