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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Somewhat related... Three Quebec helicopter escapees captured at a Old Montreal condo
  2. Amazing article from the Journal de Montreal... Accurso veut 14 M$ pour son terrain du Quartier chinois
  3. Interesting, did not think about this angle. Thanks JoelB but please tell me you weren't in the driver's seat!
  4. That was my point. I'm sick of political discussions creeping into every god damn project thread. Put some pictures, bring us some news, but don't necrobump threads with your useless opinions.
  5. Useless comment.
  6. You win some you lose some... Comedyworks abruptly goes out of business
  7. > Il reste à savoir ce qui adviendra du projet No man's land for the next 20 years.
  8. This is getting ridiculous. Mods please delete all messages starting with #34.
  9. Nice picture and all, but come on. I hope that was sarcasm.
  10. June 17th 2014 - no pictures * three men with hardhats on site this morning * parking lot is closed
  11. June 16th 2014 -- still advertising in 24h
  12. June 16 2014 - STK BAR vertigo is now open. Looks too fancy for a simple guy like me.
  13. Wow! Rocco actually contributing with a picture instead of .... you know what! Good work, keep 'em coming.
  14. June 14th 2014 -- looks like we've got ourselves another crane, boys
  15. June 14th 2014 -- sewer work for Roccabella and second TDC tower crane.
  16. According to this PDF, Gramercy is requesting a "delai de realisation" extension. Presumably that's one extra year?
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