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WestAust: Techniquement t'as raison.


Le Quarter Dix30 est accessible en vélo, si on veut vraiment y aller...


Le mont Everest est accessible à pied, si on veut vraiment y aller...



Oui c'est possible, oui il y a accès, mais c'est loin, hors du chemin, les voies d'accès sont très limitées (A-30 au sud, A-10 à l'est, rien à l'ouest), les distances entre les points d'intérêt sont vastes, les endroits pour stationner éxistent mais sont très limités, etc. Bref : Dix30 n'est pas conçu pour le vélo ni le piéton.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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It isn't so much that it's competition. The competition is fine, i can live with that. Competition is healthy!


What's bad about Dix30 (primarily) is the focus on automobiles. You can't walk or bike to Dix30 (unless you live darn close). Dix30 is a catalyst for increased car usage, when we should be trying to promote transit instead.


Come on, it is a shopping venue, you can't take public transit or a Bixi and put your new 52" plasma on the handlebars :silly: People drive to Alexis-Nihon too...

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A better transit option that seems to be on the way is a bus on Leduc, there are currently a couple of black bus signs and the concrete foundation for a bus shelter.


I assume it will go from the Chevrier, down leduc to Dix30, and who knows where else.


In any case it would be a major improvement over the 35 which has a very infrequent circuitous route.

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What's bad about Dix30 (primarily) is the focus on automobiles. You can't walk or bike to Dix30 (unless you live darn close). Dix30 is a catalyst for increased car usage, when we should be trying to promote transit instead.


I do agree with you to a certain extent but how exactly is this different from the vast majority of other newly built malls? These lifestyle centers and shopping malls in general take so much space, there is just no way new ones can be built within walking / biking distance of "downtown" areas. They need to be built in fields on the outskirts of town. Metropolis at Metrotown in BC is one of the few that bucks this trend.


I actually think that lifestyle centers ENCOURAGE walking and getting some fresh air. Unfortunately, some like the one in Boisbriand are just horribly laid out and people do have to use their cars to get from one store to another. At Dix 30 and to a lesser extent the Centrepolis in Laval, people park their cars and then WALK between the stores. Devimco encouraged this through the use of limited parking spaces within the center of DIX 30 while the majority of the cars park closer to the big box stores around the periphery of the main shopping strip.


From what I have seen of the Phase IV plans, it will have a layout very similar to Phase I's pedestrian street concept and will use an extension of the Wal Mart parking lot for cars. Once again, encouraging people to walk and "discover".

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I do agree with you to a certain extent but how exactly is this different from the vast majority of other newly built malls?


It isn't. Newly built malls are just as bad. The only good mall from an urban perspective is *drumroll* an urban mall such as Ottawa's downtown mall.


The Dix30 concept is a step up from a regular mall, but it's still a mall, which is problematic on many levels.

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But malls have higher density than "high street" retail and encourage greater use of walking because of that density :) (and how the hell can you drive inside a mall unless it's West Edmonton Mall or you work for a car dealer and the mall is closed :D) We have plenty of downtown malls in Montreal also... and even a "lifestyle center" easily accessed from the Namur metro station on Decarie :D

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But malls have higher density than "high street" retail and encourage greater use of walking because of that density :) (and how the hell can you drive inside a mall unless it's West Edmonton Mall or you work for a car dealer and the mall is closed :D) We have plenty of downtown malls in Montreal also... and even a "lifestyle center" easily accessed from the Namur metro station on Decarie :D


Re-read my post again : i do approve of urban malls. Shopping centers seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric are a great thing. I'm thinking of Ottawa's downtown mall, Burlington's downtown mall... both are perfectly integrated into their surroundings. You won't find vaste surface parking lots, instead the parking will be consolidated in underground garages. In most cases, you can't even tell it's a mall from far unless you go up close, seeing as the buildings are of a comparable size and scale to their urban surroundings.

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Usually, same type of stores are next to each other, for example clothing stores are right next to each other, so the point of taking the car from one to the other is moot.


One the other hand, WalMart and Reno Depot at each side of the lifestyle center is understandable because they frankly do not sell the same stuff... most people will go to either, not both during the same visit, so the point of walking from each other is ... well moot.

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Then again, why does the plywood store need to be directly besides a clothing-store district?


Ta télé de 52 pouces, t'en a pas besoin dès le départ. Mais si tu en veut une quand même, tu peux te la faire livrer, même que souvent tu peux te dealer tout ça gratuit en la commandant du net. Ça fait en sorte que t'as pas besoin de t'acheter en conséquence un gros SUV pour les occasions du genre qui arrivent une fois en 5 ans... Et puis ça fait en sorte qu'on a pas besoin d'avoir 200 places de stationnement devant le magasin, tu peux ainsi y aller en bus. T'as pas d'excuse sauf la paresse.

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