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Univers will have individual commercial operators run businesses on the ground floor, such as gyms, etc. So we can provide far richer services than could ever be provided through amenities and condo fees. Each owner will be able to build his own “Univers” and pay for only what he/she uses. That is how we could offer a dog park, a fitness center with full service gym, indoor/outdoor pool, Scandinavian spa, etc. The condo fees start at 0.25$/sq.ft. and if our VIPs want added amenities such as an owner’s lounge, a cinema room, a virtual concierge, then each service will add a couple of cents per service to condo fees.

Welcome on this forum. Your new design had well deserved unanimous positive comments...which is pretty rare here. :shhh:


How high is going to be the tallest of the buildings ?

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Univers will have individual commercial operators run businesses on the ground floor, such as gyms, etc. So we can provide far richer services than could ever be provided through amenities and condo fees. Each owner will be able to build his own “Univers” and pay for only what he/she uses. That is how we could offer a dog park, a fitness center with full service gym, indoor/outdoor pool, Scandinavian spa, etc. The condo fees start at 0.25$/sq.ft. and if our VIPs want added amenities such as an owner’s lounge, a cinema room, a virtual concierge, then each service will add a couple of cents per service to condo fees.


That's actually quite brilliant.

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Univers will have individual commercial operators run businesses on the ground floor, such as gyms, etc. So we can provide far richer services than could ever be provided through amenities and condo fees. Each owner will be able to build his own “Univers” and pay for only what he/she uses. That is how we could offer a dog park, a fitness center with full service gym, indoor/outdoor pool, Scandinavian spa, etc. The condo fees start at 0.25$/sq.ft. and if our VIPs want added amenities such as an owner’s lounge, a cinema room, a virtual concierge, then each service will add a couple of cents per service to condo fees.


Now that is pretty awesome. Would be interesting if the VIPs do choose to add in a cinema room (would be interesting to get other residents who like watching certain shows to meet up and watch together)

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Bonjour à tous! Vous êtes nombreux à suivre les développements du site 701 University sur le forum de Montréal URB et plusieurs questions et commentaires ont fait surface suite au lancement du projet de condominium UNIVERS par DevMcGill :

Hello everyone! Many of you have been following the developments regarding the site at 701 University on the Montréal URB forum and several questions and comments have come up following the launch of DevMcGill’s UNIVERS condominium project:


@LaRonde « Est-ce que ces 2 immeubles remplaceront tout les 5 autres du vieux rendus? »


@Cataclaw “Still no clear impression of what the street level will look like.”


@GDS “The office portion is looking to be 15-18 stories, but I would assume that is very prelim and would be subjet to redesign by the time they even start looking for a tenant.”


@flight_from_kamakura “as long as we have some sort of commercial space at the street level - restaurant, bar, anything - i'm calling this an excellent fit for the corner.”


@jesseps “So this will only be condos or will they still have two small 10-20 buildings with office space?”


@SKYMTL “South-west (views) will be ok as long as they don't decide to make the commercial towers taller...”



Nous aimerions vous inviter à visiter la page Facebook officielle du projet au où vous pourrez trouver les plus récentes informations sur les plans d’ensemble du projet. Vous y trouverez aussi les dernières nouvelles du projet ainsi que des liens intéressants sur lesquels nous vous invitons à nous donner vos opinions. Au plaisir de vous y lire!


We would like to invite you to visit the official Facebook page for this project at where you can find the latest information regarding the overall plans of the UNIVERS project. You will also find the latest news about the project as well as interesting links on which we invite you to give us your opinions. We are looking forward to reading your thoughts!

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Just as I suspected - the office component is still the same crap that was proposed a year ago that is way to short and plain for such a prime location. At least the condo portion now approaches the zoning potential of the site, but it looks even more now like a project that is for a suburb like Burnaby rather then dowtown Montreal (I already posted pictures). The office buildings will be dwarfed by the condos next door and what's worse is that the office portion is on the prime location with inferior design. Also, still don't see how these building comply with zoning regulations. I take solice in the fact that the likelyhood of the office buildings being built in the next decade is close to nil.

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