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  1. officiellement abandonné vu les ventes d'unités décevents. Par contre un autre promoteur à acheté le terrain pour en faire un projet mi-hotel, mi résidentiel, tel que lu dans Les Affaires du 20 avril 2007. à suivre.
  2. Construction de nouvelles résidences Le campus de l'ÉTS s'agrandit ! Le futur bâtiment au coin des rues Notre-Dame et de la Montagne Montréal, le 20 avril 2007 - Les travaux de construction des nouvelles résidences étudiantes de l'ÉTS débuteront dans les prochains jours. Avec un nouveau bâtiment au coin des rues Notre-Dame et de la Montagne, l'École pourra loger 450 étudiants de plus, portant ainsi à 850 le nombre total de places en résidence sur le campus. Une bonne nouvelle pour les travailleurs et les habitants de Griffintown et du Sud-Ouest : une épicerie occupera le rez-de-chaussée du nouveau bâtiment. Ce supermarché est très attendu dans ce quartier en pleine revitalisation. La construction sera terminée pour la rentrée scolaire 2008. Par ailleurs, l’agrandissement du pavillon principal de l’ÉTS va bon train. Des laboratoires d’enseignement et de recherche, des salles de cours, des locaux départementaux et de service y seront aménagés afin de répondre aux besoins de l’établissement d’enseignement et de recherche universitaire. Installée sur les anciens terrains de la Brasserie O'Keefe depuis 1994, l’École de technologie supérieure prend racine de façon très marquée dans le Sud-Ouest de Montréal, ce qui profite à toute la communauté. Depuis plus de 30 ans, l’ÉTS forme des ingénieurs et professionnels reconnus pour leur approche pratique et innovatrice. Elle compte près de 5 000 étudiants, 130 professeurs et une centaine de laboratoires dédiés à l'enseignement et à la recherche. Ses activités sont axées sur l’enseignement coopératif, la recherche appliquée, le développement de nouvelles technologies et leur transfert en entreprise. Pour information Sébastien Langevin Service des communications 514-396-8664
  3. mtlurb

    Nouvelle section

    Bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans cette nouvelle section du forum! Une section qui vous est entièrement destiné. En effet, vous pouvez nous montrer ici VOS propres projets pour la grande ville de Montréal. Comment voyez-vous le Montréal du futur? Quels projets voudriez-vous qu’il y ait? Simplement quelques petites restrictions (plus «recommandations» que «restrictions», pour que la section soit tout simplement plus amusante à regarder;) ) : 1- Les projets devront être accompagné d'un appui visuelle Tout simplement que ce soit plus agréable. Un projet avec un rendu est toujours plus attirant à la critique. Exemple: Prenez comme exemple une des propositions de tour pour le Silo no5, même si elle aurait 50 étages, personnes n'en parle vraiment, parce que nous ne savons pas de quoi elle aurait l'air. Autre exemple : La tour d'Aluminium, dont tout le monde connaissait comme n'étant qu'une vision, mais qui a tout de même réussi à remplir 4 pages de son fil en deux jours! Si j'avais seulement parlé d'une vision de tour de 240 mètres sans rendus, personnes n'aurait répondu à mon fil! 2- Les projets doivent venir de vous Simplement pour ne pas se retrouver avec des projets annulés. Ce fil n’est pas un fil nostalgique de projet abandonné. Aussi, simplement pas prendre de projets existant ailleurs et simplement le mettre, juste pour que Montréal reste la ville unique qu’elle est. Instrument conseillé pour l’appui visuel : Google sketchup Le logiciel est juste…INCROYABLE! Il est gratuit, complet (pour les débutant) et surtout…facile à utilisé. Je l’ai téléchargé pendant le temps des fêtes et j’ai déjà créé quelques petites choses pour ce fil! Vous pouvez le télécharger ici : Logiciels Adobe (Photoshop, illustrator, etc.) Quand on les connaît bien, c’est quand même assez facile de travailler avec eux. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintenant, à vous de créer vos propres projets! Comment voulez vous que Montréal ressemble? P.S. Ce fil est pour les commentaires, les annonces, etc.
  4. "Montréal's New Harbourfront": Canada's New Government to redevelop nearly 5 million sq. ft. of its properties MONTREAL, April 20 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Minister responsible for 16 Crown corporations including the Canada Lands Company (CLC), and the Honourable Michael M Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, today announced a major redevelopment of a number of Crown properties in Montréal's harbourfront. The ministers also announced that the CLC has been mandated to carry out the redevelopment following the broad development principles announced today. "Over the past decades, Montréal's harbourfront has largely remained simply a collection of Crown properties, with no plan to develop their potential," said Minister Cannon. "Today I am proud to announce that Canada's New Government has put an end to years of inaction and mandated the Canada Lands Company to carry out a planned redevelopment of these exceptional properties. The CLC is renowned throughout Canada for its experience and success - it will be able to work closely with a range of agencies and authorities, community groups and the City of Montréal, while respecting the jurisdictions of each party. In the end, we want to help create an exceptional urban space where people will want to live. 'Montréal's New Harbourfront' will enhance the economic vitality of the City and Canada." "With this decision, we aspire to create an area that is greener, cleaner and more welcoming for residents and tourists visiting Montréal. It is high time that the federal government made possible the enhancement of these exceptional properties for the great benefit of all Canadians. In the coming years, we will be proud of the 'New Harbourfront'," added Minister Fortier. The "Montréal's New Harbourfront" initiative is based on four specific objectives: healthy and prosperous cities and communities; clean-up of contaminated land and sustainable urban redevelopment; respect for all levels of government and the interests of third parties; and economic vitality. Canada's New Government is first taking action to consolidate federal lands for residential and commercial development, under the responsibility of CLC. In all, some 4.8 million square feet (448,242 square metres) of federal land will be rehabilitated and developed by the CLC, an area three times the size of the Montréal Convention Centre. The properties include Canada Post's site (1500 Ottawa Street), two lots belonging to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Cité du Havre, as well as a variety of lots currently managed by the Montréal Port Authority, including Silo No 5. The two ministers specified that this redevelopment would not obstruct current port activities in any way and that existing leases would be respected. The Port of Montréal is of vital importance to the economy of Montréal and is a top ranking maritime gateway for North America. The ministers also stated that the Old Port of Montréal Corporation (OPMC) is a Crown corporation that has made an outstanding contribution to the recreational and tourism development of the Old Port of Montréal. The CLC's redevelopment activities will support the efforts of the OPMC, helping to increase the recreational, tourism and cultural value of this famous Montréal area. Canada Lands Company The CLC is a federal Crown corporation that optimizes the financial and community value obtained from surplus properties no longer required by the Government of Canada. The company is self-financing and implements innovative property solutions to create strong and competitive communities where it operates. The CLC's approach to redevelopment is focussed on working with and consulting the local community. The Crown corporation works closely with municipal authorities and a variety of interest groups to reach consensus on the future use of the land it is developing. The CLC has already chalked up a number of successes throughout Canada, including the redevelopment of Benny Farm in Montréal. For further information on the sites involved in this initiative, please consult the attached backgrounders. << MONTREAL'S NEW HARBOURFRONT Cité du Havre Montreal's Cité du Havre peninsula faces Old Montreal, from which it is separated by a basin and the wharves in the Old Port. A remarkable window on the St Lawrence River, it is linked to St Helen's Island by the De la Concorde Bridge. The area was used for the 1967 World's Fair. The site has immense development potential for the creation of a wide variety of housing and recreational facilities and will become an integral part of the existing neighbourhoods that adjoin it. Two lots of land currently owned by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation on Cité du Havre will be sold to the Canada Lands Company. 1. Lot A is an unbuilt 90,000 m2 (968,700 ft2) space belonging to the CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) and is zoned residential and commercial. 2. Lot B is an unbuilt 15,800 m2 (170,000 ft2) space belonging to the CMHC, located at the entrance to the De la Concorde Bridge and currently zoned as green space. >> Montréal Port Area Properties Under the strategy, certain properties owned by Transport Canada and managed by the Montréal Port Authority will be sold to Canada Lands Company (CLC). These properties are located in the following sectors: Pointe-du-Moulin, rue des Irlandais and Lachine Canal. These three Montréal port area properties are historically significant to the city, representing three important development periods: the building of Victoria Bridge, the rise of the city as a modern commercial power and Expo 67. The Government of Canada will respect all contractual rights of existing tenants on these sites until the respective agreements have expired. Archaeological and heritage issues affecting these properties will be considered by CLC in future development plans. Pointe-du-Moulin / Grain Elevator No. 5 Sector The grain elevator No. 5 is recognized for its historic and architectural value and illustrates the importance of wheat exportation to the Canadian economy, an industry that began in the 1880s. For several decades wheat was the Port of Montréal's most important export commodity. The square steel form of the oldest part of elevator No. 5 was built between 1903 and 1906 for the Grand Trunk Railway Company and was considered an engineering marvel. It was designed by Chicago's John S. Metcalf Company. Mr. Metcalf was a native of Sherbrooke, Quebec. Additions and expansions followed in 1913-1914, 1922-1923 and 1958-1959. Although the elevator ceased operations in 1995, all of its essential internal and external components are still in place today. Archaeological and heritage issues affecting these properties will be considered by CLC in future development plans. The site is approximately 86,000 m2 (925,700 ft2). Rue des Irlandais / Irish Stone and Autostade Sector This area is named to commemorate the Irish immigrants who arrived in large numbers in Montréal during the 1840s and who were hired as labourers to build the Victoria Bridge. Workers lived in a tent city at the foot of the bridge and contributed to building what was then known as the world's longest bridge. In this location, workers unearthed a mass grave of 6000 Irish immigrants who had died in an earlier typhus epidemic. The large potato shaped Irish Stone at the bridge's entrance commemorates the tragedy. The Autostade was built in 1966 as an Expo 67 venue. It is best remembered for its odd shape that allowed the stadium to be dismantled and re- erected on a new site if required. The stadium was financed by donations from the five major auto manufacturers in Canada at the time: American Motors, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, and Volvo. It was the home of the Montréal Alouettes from 1968-1976. The stadium was demolished in the late 1970s. The approximate land area is 78,000 m2 (839,500 ft2). Lachine Canal Sector The sector is bordered on the north by the Peel Basin, Mill Street to the east, Bridge Street to the South and the railway and Wellington Street to the West. Inaugurated in 1825, the Lachine Canal was built in response to the need to bypass the rapids, which hindered navigation, and therefore trade, on the St. Lawrence. The canal was instrumental in the expansion of navigation on the St. Lawrence and in Montréal's urban and industrial development, serving as Canada's main industrial centre for many years. At its peak, the surrounding area was home to factories, metal workshops, breweries, printing plants, shipping companies, among other industries, as well as the home of thousands of mostly Irish immigrant workers. The area's industrial decline began in the first half of the 20th century. With the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, traffic dropped off significantly. The canal was formally closed in 1970. In 1978, Parks Canada designated the Lachine Canal a National Historic Site and proceeded with the creation of a linear park along its banks. After the closure of the canal in 1970, the federal government contributed substantially toward improving it and adjacent properties. Between 1997 and 2002, the federal government and the City of Montréal invested more than $100 million dollars to restore the canal's locks, to rebuild the Peel Basin, and to add new bridges, paths and green spaces. In 2002, the Lachine Canal reopened for recreational boating and other pleasure craft. The Lachine Canal sector covers approximately 83,000 m2 (893,400 ft2). Canada Post Site The Post Office Site, located at 1500 Ottawa Street on the north shore of the Lachine Canal, measures approximately 23.5 acres (9.5 hectares). It includes a large-scale 96,599 m2 (1,039,781 ft2) vacant industrial/office building that was constructed in the late 1970s and a parking lot. The building covers nearly 40% of the site currently zoned for industrial and commercial uses. In 2003, Canada Post Corporation vacated its mail processing plant pursuant to its decision to move these operations to other locations within the city. The building has been largely vacant since then. The Postal Site physically impedes public access to the canal, and severs one end of the district from the other. Consequently, it not only limits the recreational and tourism potential of the waterway, but also restricts new residential growth and economic activity in the district. Project Considerations The site presents tremendous redevelopment potential to create a neighbourhood offering a variety of housing forms with ancillary retail and commercial uses. Upon redevelopment, the lands will become part of the surrounding neighbourhood and will provide increased accessibility to the Lachine Canal. The redevelopment of these lands may help further promote recreational tourism and showcase its industrial heritage, and create public spaces for the Sud-Ouest community. Currently, the site does not reflect the historical significance of the location as the cradle of Canadian industrialization. The Post Office Site, occupying almost 500 metres of canal frontage, rests on top of four basins, which were filled in the 1960s and formerly used as loading docks.
  5. dans lA presse du jeudi on parlait de complexe hotelier et bureaux autours du stades construits par la familles saputo.
  6. Exploration minière: le Québec, chouchou des investisseurs 19 avril 2007 - 06h00 La Presse Philippe Mercure Le Québec est le deuxième endroit le plus intéressant de la planète pour faire de l'exploitation et de l'exploration minière. C'est en tout cas la conclusion d'une vaste enquête menée par l'Institut Fraser auprès de 333 entreprises de partout dans le monde. Cette enquête annuelle, publiée en mars dernier, montre que seul le Nevada devance le Québec dans ce concours de popularité qui prend en compte autant fois la richesse du sous-sol que le contexte qui permet de l'exploiter - lois, régime fiscal, normes environnementales, infrastructures, main-d'oeuvre, conflits avec les autochtones et bien d'autres. Comment expliquer une telle performance? «C'est très simple, répond Fred McMahon, coordinateur de l'étude à l'Institut Fraser. D'abord, vous êtes chanceux - votre potentiel minier est extrêmement riche. Et il y a une chose que vous faites comme il faut: mettre en place un cadre réglementaire prévisible, clair et transparent.» Selon M. McMahon, le fait que les entreprises soient satisfaites des lois en vigueur ici ne signifie pas qu'elles ont le champ libre pour polluer l'environnement ou brimer les droits des autochtones. «Certains croient qu'il y a une contraction entre avoir un cadre légal qui encourage l'industrie et des facteurs comme la protection de l'environnement. Ils ont tort, tranche-t-il. L'industrie n'est pas opposée à la réglementation. Elle veut avoir des règles du jeu claires et transparentes, et avoir l'assurance que si elle les suit, il n'y aura pas de surprise.»
  7. Effectivement! Je crois d'ailleur que l'on devrait remercier Radio-Canada de télédifuser les match de l'Impact! Ça pourrait être un bon remerciement à la famille Saputo si les cotes d'écoutes étaient hautes. Même en tant que fan assez moyen du soccer, je crois que je vais quand même en regarder un peu!
  8. National Tour Association NTA selects Montreal and Las Vegas for 2010 and 2011 annual conventions Thursday, April 19, 2007 The National Tour Association Board of Directors has selected the host cities for its 2010 and 2011 Annual Conventions — Montreal and Las Vegas, respectively. “NTA could not be more pleased to announce our return to Canada and the great city of Montreal,” said NTA Chairman and CEO Randy Julian. “This chic metropolitan city is rich in culture and history. And the grand hotels and tremendous entertainment venues of Las Vegas make it a perfect host for the industry’s top travel professionals. NTA looks forward to doing business in these two great destinations known for hospitality and flare.” The Convention draws tour companies, as well as destinations and suppliers, to network face-to-face, develop future travel packages and attend top-notch seminars that deliver the latest market research and trends. The Annual Convention also is home to the Tour & Travel Exchange® — the industry’s only arena for buying and selling packaged travel with a business floor that is all-access, all the time. The 2010 Convention will take place Nov. 13–17 at the Palais des congres de Montreal. “We are thrilled that Montreal has been chosen as host city of the National Tour Association’s Annual Convention in 2010,” says Charles Lapointe, president and CEO of Tourisme Montreal. “The tour operators, tour suppliers and DMOs attending this prestigious event will have the chance to discover a sparkling city on the St. Lawrence River whose European charm and North American energy never fail to dazzle the thousands of visitors who come here annually.” Las Vegas is the number one-trade show destination in North America for the 12th consecutive year, according to Tradeshow Week 200. The 2011 NTA Annual Convention will be held there Dec. 5–9. Rossi Ralenkotter, president and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, said, “We look forward to hosting the National Tour Association for the first time and are excited to showcase Las Vegas at its Annual Convention in 2011.” Theodore Koumelis - Thursday, April 19, 2007
  9. I don't know how it happened exactly, but I wonder why didn't the student ganged up on him and just jumped on him to destabilize him, instead of getting butchered like sheep
  10. Moi, je pense le contraire (pas pour les Expos, c'est certain que ça les a achevé, mais disons qu'ils n'auraient pas pu s'en sortir même avec la construction de leur nouveau stade...). Je pense que la majorité des fans de soccer se retrouvent plus dans l'est (centre-est), nous n'avons qu'à penser à la communautée italienne. Le stade sera un élément clé pour une espèce de revitalisation du parc olympique (comme il l'aurait été au technoparc), avec le projet du nouveau planétarium. De plus, tout comme si il était au centre-ville, il bénificit d'un accès par metro.
  11. Montreal police learned from previous school shootings By The Associated Press When a lone gunman entered Dawson college in Montreal and began shooting last September, police counted on new procedures and a bit of luck to neutralize the assailant quickly. Kimveer Gill, 25, opened fire at the downtown Montreal college last September, slaying a young woman and wounding 19 other people before he turned the gun on himself as police cornered him. As luck would have it police officers on the scene for an unrelated matter were rapid first responders able to spot the suspect. But in a city which had seen two college shootings in the 17 previous years, police had also gained experience from the previous incidents to keep the situation from getting out of control. Montreal Police Chief Yvan Delorme said last September that precious lessons learned from other mass shootings had taught police to try to stop such assaults as quickly as possible. "Before our technique was to establish a perimeter around the place and wait for the SWAT team. Now the first police officers go right inside. The way they acted saved lives," he said. Montreal police refused to comment Monday about the tragic shooting at Virginia Tech, but as Americans try to make sense of the deadliest campus massacre in U.S. history which left at least 33 dead, including the gunman, questions have begun to emerge about the time allowed to elapse before authorities contained the shooting. In Canada the lessons were painfully learned from the Dec. 6, 1989 college shooting at Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique, Canada's bloodiest, during which Marc Lepine entered a classroom at the engineering school, separated the men from the women, told the men to leave and opened fire, killing 14 women before killing himself. While shots rang out at Ecole Polytechnique emergency personnel "had a perimeter outside and they waited. No one went inside," Delorme recalled last September. Another shooting in Montreal occurred in 1992, when a Concordia University professor killed four colleagues. By last September Montreal officers had changed their modus operandi and rushed into the building only a few minutes after the gunman. "This time it was very efficient, very proactive," Delorme then said. Aaron Cohen, a SWAT trainer based in California, said time is of the essence during such circumstances, as the quick intervention in Montreal eventually showed, avoiding a similar bloodbath. "While they wait another innocent person is dead. There's just no time to sit around," Cohen told Canada's CBC TV. "It has to be fast. On Monday a gunman opened fire in a Virginia Tech dorm and then, two hours later, shot up a classroom building across campus, killing 32 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. The gunman committed suicide, bringing the death toll to 33. Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said authorities believed that the shooting at the dorm was a domestic dispute and mistakenly thought the gunman had fled the campus. Copyright The Associated Press 2007. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  12. Une biotech américaine s'amène à Montréal 18 avril 2007 - 12h13 Presse Canadienne L’américaine Molecular Biometrics va ouvrir une installation de recherche et de développement à Montréal. Cette entreprise de métabolomique développe des méthodes d'analyse pour le diagnostic moléculaire, les applications de surveillance en médecine et la découverte et le développement de médicaments. Son siège est situé à Chester, dans le New Jersey. L'emplacement de Montréal sera géré et exploité par Molecular Biometrics Canada. Le pdg de l’entreprise, James Posillico, a expliqué que le temps était propice pour mettre sur pied une installation de recherche à Montréal. Il souhaite y développer davantage de produits de fertilité et initier de nouvelles recherches dans des secteurs thérapeutiques additionnels. Cela comprend la médecine materno-foetale et les maladies neurodégénératives. Selon M. Posillico, il y a un bassin de talent scientifique hautement expérimenté à Montréal et la région possède un long historique de soutien aux percées dans la recherche biomédicale. Molecular Biometrics Canada servira aussi de base d'exploitation commerciale pour servir le marché canadien. Les installations canadiennes se concentreront sur le développement et le progrès de la nouvelle plateforme technologique de la société, fondée sur les sciences novatrices de la métabolomique, de la bioinformatique et de la biospectroscopie. Les détails sur le moment de l'ouverture des installations et leur lieu n'ont pas été précisés.
  13. If noise is an issue for you and you have big(bigger) hands, then the 30D is a better choice. My friend has a Rebel, the user interface is akward. Try them both, go to a futureshop and hold them both in your hand and check the buttons. also check for an extensive review.
  14. Rien de bien nouveau, juste un rendu que j'ai trouvé. On voit bien que la tour de la première phase (celle en construction) est la plus petite du complexe et que celles des phases 3 et 4 semblent être le double de sa hauteur.
  15. 30D is really strong camera, I have a 20D for over 2 years now and its a charm, plus the build is amazing. Mine went thru everything, and it survived, I guess a normal users would use for an eternity.
  16. Le projet consiste en la phase IV du réaménagement du Vieux-Port, commencé il y a de ça plusieurs années. Les grands points : Réaménagement du Quai de l'horloge Transformation du Hangar 16 en Centre d'exposition International Aménagement du Quai Jacques-Cartier INVESTISSEMENT PRÉVU 190 millions de dollars ÉTAT D'AVANCEMENT DU PROJET Étude de faisabilité HORIZON 2015
  17. POur les conditions du sols, j'ai aucune idée, mais j'imagine qu'elles étaient bonnes, car ils ont creusé vite! C'est pas super profond, comparé au crystal et aux autres chantiers, mais tu peux le voir sur les photos.
  18. Belle trouvaille! Ça reste beau, mais le lien entre lui et le building à sa droite est pas vraiment hot...
  19. une gallerie de photos:
  20. Photo Armand Trottier, La Presse La phase I du M9 est présentement en construction. Trois autres phases sont à venir. Projet immobilier Vivre au M9 dans la Cité du multimédia Simon Diotte collaboration spéciale, La Presse Dans une structure en béton armé de sept étages, le M9 propose de grands appartements dans un style ultramoderne, avec murs et plafonds de béton apparent, portes coulissantes et fenestration surabondante. À VOIR: >> Portes ouvertes: le projet M9 en photos Projet : M9 Promoteur : Développements McGill Nombre d'appartements : 47 Superficie : de 700 à 1700 pieds carrés. Prix : de 189 000 à 359 000 $, plus taxes, pour les unités restantes. Quartier : Cité du multimédia. Description : Les murs extérieurs sont vitrés du plancher au plafond. M9 comprend quelques maisons de ville au rez-de-chaussée avec entrée privée et petite terrasse à l'arrière, dans ce qui deviendra une cour intérieure quand l'ensemble sera complété. Selon l'emplacement du condo, les propriétaires jouissent d'un balcon ou d'une juliette. Les places de stationnement intérieur coûtent 32 500 $ plus taxes. À 5 cinq minutes : métro Bonaventure, canal Lachine, Vieux-Montréal, restaurants et bars à profusion. Clientèle cible : les jeunes professionnels. On aime : l'architecture moderne et l'emplacement du M9 (près de tout). On aime moins : les acheteurs devront vivre sur un chantier de construction pendant des années. Plusieurs phases du projet sont à venir, dont une tour d'une vingtaine d'étages. Adresse : 800, rue Wellington (quatre rues à l'ouest de McGill) Tél. : 514-798-2100 Internet:
  21. peut etre qu'il y a pas de stationnement interieur ?? ou bien que les sols soient favorables...
  22. what is your budget? That is the real question, there's no point recommending a 5D if you can't afford it And yes there's some new models coming up this year, including the 40D.
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