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Des patrons unilingues anglais à la Caisse de dépôt


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I mean the prime minister needs to be bilingual, but the Auditor only needs to know numbers, if he is a good auditor and speaks Chinese he is OK. Plus he says he will learn it anyway! And he didn't even ask for the job! :rotfl:


Absolument faux, un auditeur se doit de bien maitriser la langue utilisée dans l'entreprise où il effectue sa mission d'audit. La même chose s'applique aux vérificateurs gouvernementaux. C'est pas des techniciens, vous vous trompez de métier...


Et pour commenter le sujet, selon moi, les cadres se doivent de parler français dans le contexte où ils ont des employés francophones à leur charge. C'est complètement idiot de demander à un employé au Québec de s'adresser à son supérieur en anglais, surtout dans une société d'état.

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Absolument faux, un auditeur se doit de bien maitriser la langue utilisée dans l'entreprise où il effectue sa mission d'audit. La même chose s'applique aux vérificateurs gouvernementaux. C'est pas des techniciens, vous vous trompez de métier...


Et pour commenter le sujet, selon moi, les cadres se doivent de parler français dans le contexte où ils ont des employés francophones à leur charge. C'est complètement idiot de demander à un employé au Québec de s'adresser à son supérieur en anglais, surtout dans une société d'état.


ding, ding, ding!!! Voilà!


Le problème ici avec les cadres ce n'est pas qu'ils soient anglophones, mais plutôt qu'il ne savent pas parler français ce qui oblige leurs employés à communiquer avec eux en anglais seulement. Il y en a un en plus qui est VP ressources humaines... Après 11 ans à Mtl sans apprendre le français, ils ne le fera jamais.

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De Vaillant,sujet Provigo:


«Il est maintenant interdit aux employés de parler aux journalistes sous peine de congédiement. C’est rendu l’enfer», a relaté un employé.


«Ils n’ont aucun respect du Québec, aucun respect du français, car parfois, on ne peut pas communiquer avec eux si on ne parle pas anglais», a affirmé un autre employé dans un autre courriel.


Si les anglos recommencent comme ça à redevenir arrogants je ne donne pas dix ans pour que l'indépendance réelle et définitive du Québec intervienne.

Il faut dire que si pas prioritaire en ce moment il suffirait de quelques incidents majeurs pour relancer le débat(erreurs ou provocs de Harper et ses extrémistes de droite).

L'électeur au Québec étant très versatile, tout peut aller très vite dans un sens ou dans un autre.

Mais c'est certain qu'on a beaucoup plus de puissance économique et de ressources naturelles en 2010/202(plan nord) que lors des années des deux référendums.

Un Québec de 8 à 9 millions d'habitants ca vaudrait un pays comme la Suède, l'Autriche la Norvège ou la Suisse pas pire...nos plus gros clients sont les Etats,l'Europe et le Canada d'ici dix ans l'Asie et l'Amsud va aussi monter.Alors tout peut vite changer en ce monde.Moi le Canada from Coast to Coast ça m'a jamais fait tripé.

On a plus en commun avec des gens de NYC ou du Maine ou d'Europe qu'avec ceux de Vancouver, Calgary etc...

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and you're so blind to see that a TORONTO Based company will build Montreal's largest downtown skyscraper in more than 20 years. this isn't belgium.



Yes, but at the same time in a totally different universe; the tallest condo tower in Toronto is being built by guess what? A Montreal company.


What should have happened is this; Upon hiring these guys, the Caisse should have been more demanding, and stipulated a french language course as a mandatory part of accessing the job. Whoever wants the job in Angloland is more than welcome to have it; but needs to brush up or learn the language outright. If a franco goes to Toronto for a high level job, you can bet he will speak english, and he wont complain. If I hear another crybabyreason for not learning french from a stubborn anglo, I will feel like giving up, but unfortunately for him/her, I wont; because guess what: I'm stubborn too.

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Yes, but at the same time in a totally different universe; the tallest condo tower in Toronto is being built by guess what? A Montreal company.


marc ac, you gotta hand it to montrealiste, He's right about the tallest condo tower in Toronto... it is being built by a Montreal based company.


Ironic! ;)

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marc ac, you gotta hand it to montrealiste, He's right about the tallest condo tower in Toronto... it is being built by a Montreal based company.


Ironic! ;)


before you get so smug does this name below look like a that of a francophone ?,in fact check the names of the "executive team" of Canderel

Jonathan Wener

Chairman & CEO


Getting back to the original topic, do the people who cowardly ran to the media know how to speak English? did they find working with 2 anglophones so repulsive that they tried to have them removed from their jobs, and when did working for CDP become the exclusive domain of francophones along with virtually all provincial government jobs?

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before you get so smug does this name below look like a that of a francophone ?,in fact check the names of the "executive team" of Canderel

Jonathan Wener

Chairman & CEO


Getting back to the original topic, do the people who cowardly ran to the media know how to speak English? did they find working with 2 anglophones so repulsive that they tried to have them removed from their jobs, and when did working for CDP become the exclusive domain of francophones along with virtually all provincial government jobs?



As far as I'm concerned the cowardice was in hiring these guys and not compel them to learn the language of Quebec's majority. Since when does the rest of Canada not have the right to call the shots in a corporate setting as far as language goes. It's not about keeping people out, it is about integrating them. It goes both for Quebec and the ROC.

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before you get so smug does this name below look like a that of a francophone ?,in fact check the names of the "executive team" of Canderel

Jonathan Wener

Chairman & CEO


Getting back to the original topic, do the people who cowardly ran to the media know how to speak English? did they find working with 2 anglophones so repulsive that they tried to have them removed from their jobs, and when did working for CDP become the exclusive domain of francophones along with virtually all provincial government jobs?


The problem is not that they speak English, it is that they don't speak French. At home, they can speak English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Klingon, German, Russian or sign language, but at work, in a French-speaking environment, they need to be able to use French.

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before you get so smug does this name below look like a that of a francophone ?,in fact check the names of the "executive team" of Canderel

Jonathan Wener

Chairman & CEO


Getting back to the original topic, do the people who cowardly ran to the media know how to speak English? did they find working with 2 anglophones so repulsive that they tried to have them removed from their jobs, and when did working for CDP become the exclusive domain of francophones along with virtually all provincial government jobs?


I know Mr Wener, seeing as I've met him on a few occasions, and he does speak french... and is a native Montrealer. I also know Daniel Peritz (Senior V-P) and I am friends with Peter Picciola (V-P Leasing). Both are fluent in both french and English.


Again, the idea is not about hiring only french speaking Quebeckers, but making sure that anglos can communicate with their employees in French, which everyone I've mentionned at Canderel can do. So, i'm not sure what your point was by mentionning Jonathan Wener in this conversation. What we said was that Canderel is building the tallest condo tower in Toronto just like C-F is building the tallest condo tower in Montreal.

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Aura by Canderel is not the tallest condo building being built in Toronto - Trump is.


We have to make a distinction here : this is not an anglo that was placed into a high position ahead of francophones simply because he is anglo. He was hired and promoted by francophones.

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