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Tout ce qui a été posté par MARTY

  1. MARTY

    Le 1248 - 6 étages (2013)

    You know what really gets me, is that everybody is looking for is the most popular item on the political landscape. Let's make the government at all levels transparent and accountable to the citizens. We want development and there are empty lots all over and nothing gets built on them for decades. When empty lots belong to the city the perfect scenario is available for development. Here's an idea.... so what give the land to Aquilini, Prevel ,Cholette ,Samcon or Devimco with a signed notarized contract to build a viable approved project. Think of no more speculators who's only intent is to boost the price and flip it without ever intending to build anything!! What did the Quebec government under the PQ do to get La Cite Electronique et la Cite Multimedia built? What is the difference of giving millions of dollars of subsidies to giving a piece of idle land for free with a 100% certainty??? First of all it is a lot cheaper and it actually costs the city money for the upkeep of empty lots. You give the lot free of charge, a building project goes up because it is the basic condition of the land transfer that generates thousands , hundreds of thousands of property taxes and untold thousands in spin off effect. Government should not be in the real estate business. The city is in a win win situation when it can get the projects rolling in the private sector. :)
  2. Thx WestAust for the headsup.It will be a nice addition to the area. Sami Hakim says the new development is in buildings with a "hugely interesting past," which will be reflected in the modern new homes built into them. Photograph by: PIERRE OBENDRAUF THE GAZETTE, The Gazette Condo project honours building's history former pharmaceutical labs; First 46 units scheduled for winter 2012 with 118 more coming to fruition later. So I guess the 118 units will probably be part of a tower that can reach 20 floors quite easily. Unless thjey decide or are forced to go horizontal instead of vertical!! So here is the famous Roland Hakim with son Sami. Go check out the video very nice great little tour of the area!! Click on le Quartier in the menu on the right. Sami Hakim (left) and his father, Roland, say location, attention to detail and the high level of finishes and energy efficiency make their new development a good investment. Photograph by: PIERRE OBENDRAUF THE GAZETTE, The Gazette Read more:
  3. Avant-projets à surveiller 23 novembre 2011 Marie-Anne Poulin La compagnie Selby a entrepris la démolition intérieure de l’ancien collège Dawson, situé dans l’arrondissement Westmount, à Montréal, pour y aménager une tour d’habitation. Celle-ci comptera près de 130 unités de copropriété, réparties en lofts et appartements. On prévoit chauffer et refroidir le bâtiment à la géothermie. I think that this is Hakim construction which owns the Selby Campus and not the Selby company which does not exist. Hmm that is the same developer that wants to put up 2 x 60 storey towers at the edge of Griffin Town. Maybe he is serious after all...just starting, If I read this right the building is being gutted in preparation for a tower with 130 condos. That could be at least 20 floors!!! Maybe the 2 x 60 will be coming soon...Roland Hakim must be a little pissed that Cadillac Fairview is really going to build our first 60+ tower...Early bird catches the worm!!!! :stirthepot::goodvibes:
  4. Bregatto, 24 minutes to walk about 1 kilometer????? Are we sure about the 24 minutes? Sure it can take an hour if you walk to Decarie Square and back to De La Savane. From WikiPedia "Although walking speeds can vary greatly depending on factors such as height, weight, age, terrain, surface, load, culture, effort, and fitness, the average human walking speed is about 5.0 kilometres per hour (km/h), or about 3.1 miles per hour (mph). Specific studies have found pedestrian walking speeds ranging from 4.51 km/h to 4.75 km/h for older individuals to 5.32 km/h to 5.43 km/h for younger individuals." I think somebody miscalculated the time. Going up Roydon and cutting across Decarie at Royalmount, I'd say tops 12 to 15 minutes.
  5. I worked on Devonshire across from Kraft from 1978 to 1996 when we moved to Griffith in St.Laurent and let me tell you traffic was a nightmare way back then. However, Ericsson built their sprawling complex right around the corner from there. And look at Troronto at the corners of the 401 and any main roads there are dozens if not hundreds of business centers like this one proposed for Decarie and Cote de Liesse. Our own Hwy 40 and Hwy 13 with the Telus tower and all the other concrete panel clad 2 and 3 storey white buildings. Businesses need to be near main roads and this corner is being redesigned by the MTQ so it should be somewhat more efficient in moving traffic(I hope!!) Let us hope that this project starts soon and sparks other developments in the area... Go to the website below and go to the presentation on Réaménagement de la partie nord and see the clip. Plan du projet Menu. * Plan de l’échangeur Décarie existant * Plan du projet de réaménagement de la partie nord de l’échangeur Décarie * Réaménagement de la partie nord - animation du projet Télécharger le logiciel Microsoft Windows MediaMD. (46 Mo) (2010-11-01)
  6. Here we go Scoop Time!!!!...I checked in google so I hope it's a real scoop. Anyways enjoy. Prochainement édifié sur Côte-de-Liesse, à l'angle de l'autoroute Décarie, Campus 54 offre plus de 700 000 pieds carrés d'espaces locatifs. Projet phare dans le développement du quartier industriel de Ville Mont-Royal, Campus 54 est un leader en termes de nouvelle génération d'espaces à bureaux en Amérique-du-Nord. À contre-courant des immeubles ordinaires, le complexe s'inspire du style de vie de la génération Y.* Situé à proximité du réseau de transport collectif et des grands axes routiers, Campus 54 est un véritable oasis urbain pour les employés où le travail rime avec partie de plaisir: - bureaux modernes et aérés; - nombreuses aires communes, tel que cafés, lounges,*restaurants;* - salle de gym; - terrasse et potager sur le toit;* - service de buanderie; - et bien d'autres avantages jouissifs. from the architects Pelletier de Fontenay http:// :shhh::shhh::shhh:
  7. Check out the first few minutes of the attached video no sound though, and you'll see that Montreal waters have already been tamed by the Gondolas!! Enjoy the past!! http://
  8. MARTY


    A great insight into the costs of the pavillions and their complexities. Enjoy!!
  9. In our conversation this morning my friend also mentioned that the other companies that have everyone speculating are Rogers and Telus Telus is actually contemplating a brand new headquarters, moving out of the former C.I.L. House on Rene Levesque.. Right now just preliminary but things could happen soon enough. Getting back to Rio Tinto, if all sides finally agree the building should start in spring 2012!!
  10. Good morning, Here's the scoop on Rio Tinto and Westcliff. Just spoke to a friend of mine about a half hour ago, who is, let's say very well connected to the players.Apparently Rio Tinto is making Westcliff jump thru the hoops on this project. Rio wants a "Taj Mahal" impact with this building. 14 foot ceilings because they want their services under the floor!! The project was 31 stories but now has been readjusted to 27 stories (approx 350,000 sqaure feet). It will be entirely taken up by Rio Tinto because the cost will be way over the standard $/sq ft. We're looking about $62/sq ft. with this apparently awe inspiring building. Westcliff has already poured about $300k into the planning and studies. Rio has also outsourced the architect. My friend did not have the firm's name , but it's an Italian name out of NYC. They have already presented the plans to the city and someone at the city commented they had never seen such an ugly building!!(not very encouraging) I guess beauty will be in the eye of the beholder. So my friends we're close to an announcement but it may be weeks or a few months. I am really anxious to see some renderings.I just hope it does not all fall apart. :stirthepot::begging:
  11. TERRAPEX ENVIRONMENTAL is the company doing the core sampling and I just spoke to one of their technicians when he came into our offices today. He confirmed that the tests are being done in preparation for the construction of the Cadillac Fairview Condo tower.
  12. Ça bouge pas mal. Let's go!! Autoroute Bonaventure – Transformation extrême 16 novembre 2011 Par Christian Chaloux La Ville éliminera un km de l’autoroute Bonaventure – Crédit : Christian Chaloux Un autre pas a été franchi dans la quête des élus montréalais qui travaillent sans relâche à l’élimination des échangeurs et autoroute spaghettis, ces structures construites en hauteur et qui étaient autrefois synonymes de modernité dans le paysage montréalais. Cette fois-ci, c’est la porte du centre-ville de Montréal qui se refait une beauté. La Ville éliminera un kilomètre de l’autoroute Bonaventure, perchée à des dizaines de mètres dans les airs, pour la transformer en boulevard urbain confortablement installé au sol. Une visite du chantier Bonaventure a été organisée le 7 novembre dernier par le maire de Montréal, M. Gérald Tremblay, en compagnie de M. Richard Deschamps, vice-président du comité exécutif, responsable des grands projets et du développement économique, M. Michel Bissonnet, membre du comité exécutif et responsable du transport, et M. Jacques Côté, président du conseil d'administration de la Société du Havre de Montréal. L’objectif de ce réaménagement est de créer une entrée de prestige aux abords du centre-ville de Montréal. Un projet de 141 millions $ attendu depuis le milieu des années 2000. « Montréal mérite une entrée prestigieuse, a dit le maire de Montréal, Gérald Tremblay. Quand ce sera fini, on se demandera comment on a pu tolérer pendant si longtemps des spaghettis de béton à Montréal. » Pour expliquer ce choix, le maire a rappelé que les coûts d’entretien de l’autoroute Bonaventure s’établiraient à 60 millions $ d’ici 2015. « Elle est sécuritaire, a-t-il précisé. On a considéré qu’en investissant 141 millions $, on créait de la richesse et l’on permettait au secteur privé d’avoir accès à des terrains. » Le plan de réaménagement de l’entrée du centre-ville de Montréal est simple. Un kilomètre de l’autoroute Bonaventure appartient à la ville. Cette partie surélevée sera ramenée au sol en construisant un nouveau boulevard urbain entre la rue de la Commune et la rue Notre-Dame. La démolition de cette portion d’autoroute permettra de rendre accessibles trois îlots urbains situés sous l’autoroute. Le nouveau boulevard passera de chaque côté de l’actuelle structure. La première phase en cours permet d’aménager des voies supplémentaires temporaires sur les rues Duke et De Nazareth, entre les rues Wellington et Saint-Paul, dans les arrondissements de Ville-Marie et du Sud-Ouest. La Ville met en place ces nouvelles voies au coût de 2,5 millions $ afin d’éviter que les automobilistes soient pris au piège lors de leur arrivée au centre-ville de Montréal. « On se donne une opportunité de garder une même fluidité au niveau de la circulation », indique M. Richard Deschamps, vice-président du comité exécutif et responsable des grands projets et du développement économique. En 2012 et 2013, ce sont les infrastructures qui seront remises à neuf, dont plusieurs ont plus de 100 ans au dire du maire. « C’est la raison pour laquelle on élargit les rues, car chacune d’elles devra être ouverte pour remplacer les infrastructures d’aqueduc et d’égout », précise Pierre Sainte-Marie, chef de projet pour le chantier Bonaventure. En 2013, les travaux de préparation en vue de l’abattement de l’autoroute sont prévus afin d’amorcer la démolition en 2014. En 2015, on complétera les aménagements de surfaces. L’autoroute Bonaventure accueille environ 45 000 véhicules par jour, dont plus de 1 000 autobus. Le Bureau de projet mixte Bonaventure a réalisé les plans et devis, en collaboration avec le service de la Direction des travaux publics, ainsi que le consortium AECOM/SNC-Lavalin, pour le volet ingénierie, voirie, transport et circulation. La firme IBI/DAA s’est occupée du volet aménagement, et Genivar a pris en charge le support technique en gestion de projet, voirie, transport et circulation. La Ville de Montréal a rappelé que seulement un kilomètre de l’autoroute lui appartient, ce qui représente un cas unique. À partir du canal Lachine, l’autoroute Bonaventure est sous la responsabilité du gouvernement fédéral, par le biais de la société Les Ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain Incorporée. Rappelons que l’autoroute Bonaventure avait été complétée juste à temps pour l’ouverture de l’Expo 67. :highfive::goodvibes::applause:
  13. These people use bigger and more realistic #`s maybe we should use the same strategy in Quebec. Interesting and comparable: Look at this intermodal stations why don`t we consult our Western Canadian cousins??? Look at the price!! Construction of the $1.4-billion Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Line should begin in Vancouver, within the next few months. Funding for the project will come from the federal and provincial governments and from a new two-cent -per litre gas tax for Metro Vancouver, with legislation for that bill introduced Oct. 17. DAILY NEWS Oct 27, 2011 2:33 PM - 0 comments Rapid transit drives metro Vancouver's suburban office market VANCOUVER 2011-10-27 In the robust Metro Vancouver suburban office market, proximity to rapid transit has become a key market driver. Office locations within 0.5 km of rapid transit stations have a vacancy rate almost one third of areas which are not served. Office landlords have the upper hand in the well-served locations and developers are looking to build more transit-oriented suburban office complexes says the inaugural Vancouver Rapid Transit Office Index, issued by Jones Lang LaSalle. "Transit is becoming increasingly important in Metro Vancouver," said Jones Lang LaSalle executive vice president Ray Ahrens. "Our Rapid Transit Office Index shows clear evidence that office developments located within walking distance of rapid transit have a significant advantage with less vacancy and higher rents. The direct vacancy rate for buildings within 0.5 km of a rapid transit station is 4.8 per cent compared to 12.3 per cent for the rest of the suburban market, and the average asking rents are approximately 8 per cent higher." "As Downtown and Broadway Corridor availability decreases and rents increase, our landlord and tenant clients are becoming more interested in transit-oriented suburban locations," said Ahrens. Some new developments such as Broadway Tech Centre are serving this growing demand and more are planned including The Brewery District and Merchant Square in New Westminster and Phase II of the Renfrew Business Centre in Vancouver Outlying. "We expect to see continued interest in these developments, particularly from employers with back-office operations that do not need to be located Downtown," said Ahrens. "Not only do office occupiers derive direct benefits from being close to rapid transit, but office buildings located near SkyTrain or Canada Line stations also achieve higher rents than other locations," said Jones Lang LaSalle Research Associate Scott MacDonald. "Our research shows that tenants are willing to pay a premium for daily access to public transport and we have seen this throughout Suburban Vancouver. Office building owners are not only able to achieve higher rents, but also lower vacancy rates in local markets, contributing to higher overall real estate values. A great example of this is fully-leased Central City in Surrey," he concluded. :stirthepot::banghead:
  14. GDS are you saying that Clarion will be opening a new hotel and suites in Altoria? Or is this another unknown project that will replace that long stretch of buildings just across the street , just north of the Altoria site on BeaverHall Hill?? Another sneaky surprise 40 storey Clarion from our freinds at Canvar...why not!! :stirthepot:
  15. Everybody jumps on the government when things go wrong. I am not a fan of politicians but for goodness sake let's analyze the situation. We bitch when the government controls too many things. We bitch when a University fucks up and the directors have to resign. So again it is the government's fault. Specifically it's Charest's fault..Well how can Charest or any politician be everywhere at once and be responsible for everyone's action who is connected to the government or to government funded organizations. Do we want to live in Russia or China or better still Iran. In those places everyone knows what's going on or do they?? Human beings screw up all the time. Greed drives everything!! I'm not perfect ...are you perfect? So let's stop bitching and fix this city..this province ...this country ...and yes this world!! Let's support these people who do a thankless job day in and day out...when ministers are threatened with physical harm by Union that Charest's fault also?? There is a malaise in the construction industry and in our society in general and it needs to be fixed. Let's not shit on everybody that tries to run and fix things for us. The rotten eggs can be removed and safeguards can be put in place so that fiascos like this one don't happen too often. Oh yeah and Khadir seems to have all the answers...Let's boycott a synagogue this time!! :rolleyes:
  16. DAILY NEWS Nov 1, 2011 2:46 PM - Downtown Montreal office market continues to show strength; major new developments proposed MONTREAL 2011-11-01 In its Real Estate Market Study, Newmark Knight Frank Devencore reported that vacancy rates in downtown Montreal's office buildings have fallen from 8.0 per cent to 6.1 per cent over the past 12 months as the market continues to recover from the 2008-2009 financial crisis. As a result of decreasing vacancies, asking rental rates could begin to edge upwards in the months ahead, and some landlords may be less inclined to offer the range of leasing inducements that were common at the end of 2009 and early in 2010. "Over the past twelve months, nearly 900,000 square feet of office space has been absorbed in downtown Montreal and we are gradually returning to the market conditions that existed prior to the recession, when downtown occupancy rates were at the 95 per cent level," said Jean Laurin, President and CEO of Newmark Knight Frank Devencore. "In fact, market conditions are such that we are beginning to see a variety of pre-development activity in the office market, something that hasn't taken place on the island of Montreal since 2004, when Phase 2 of E-Commerce Place was delivered." At the present time, at least one office/condo development is underway, and Cadillac Fairview continues to seek anchor tenants for a proposed 500,000 square-foot office tower in the heart of downtown Montreal. Further, there are two large development properties being marketed around Place Victoria in the city's Quartier International. Rio Tinto Alcan has also made it known that it may be relocating its Montreal headquarters, a move that could change the complexion of the downtown district's office market significantly. Across the rest of Canada, corporate real estate markets have remained relatively healthy in 2011. The overall vacancy rate in Class "A" and Class "B" office buildings in Canada's major cities dropped from 6.8 per cent to 5.4 per cent over the first half of the year, and total vacant space fell from 14 million square feet to just over 11 million square feet. "With almost daily swings in the various financial markets and national economies around the globe, anticipating real estate trends six months in the future is a risky proposition," Mr. Laurin added. "However, in the Montreal office market, business confidence remains strong and tenants with leases coming up for renewal are wisely examining their options at least months in advance of lease termination."
  17. MARTY

    Griffix - 20 étages (2013)

    We cry about 50 red bricks that we have to preserve or the empty hull of a building that no longer serves us. Listen... Last Mother's day May 2010 I lost my mother to cancer, in February 2011 I buried my father and just last week we buried my father-in-law. I am sure that everyone on this forum has lost loved ones over the years and we have to cope with that.. .So my point... If we can part with our loved ones and get over it in time................................ Do we really need to get that attached to a bunch of old bricks or the facade of a building who's main function disappeared long ago ??? Give me a break!! It is of no use to keep run down, infested, outdated pieces of crap that serve no purpose anymore. Of course I wouldn't want to see great architecture such as the Sun-Life building and such be torn down. Let me ask a question......If tomorrow a major earthquake hit the Pyramids of Egypt or the Coliseum in Rome and these ruins were completely leveled would you be sorry for the loss of life that might occur or would you be devastated by the loss of those egotistical maniacal reminders of Egyptian Slavery and Roman Human Butchery??? :stirthepot::mad:
  18. Avant-projets à surveiller 2 novembre 2011 Marie-Anne Poulin Avant-projets publics Le promoteur Magil Laurentienne prévoit construire la Place University St-Jacques, un complexe de cinq tours à Montréal. De ce nombre, trois sont réservées à l’occupation résidentielle, et la balance sera à vocation commerciale. Le bureau des ventes devrait ouvrir au printemps prochain. Another step closer. :)
  19. Another filler project. Keep them coming!! Densification and renewal is the sure way to get solid urban fabric without creating dead zones(no-man lands)
  20. Hi Habsfan, Gilbert or any of the folks that are in the know about large scale real estate, I have a question for you. If a large piece of prime land is occupied by a parking lot or is basically abandoned to weeds and garbage it has a certain value to the city of X # of $ as property tax from the owner... and a business tax is charged to the owners or operators of a parking lot operation. However the tax rate is nowhere near the tax rates for a skyscraper or a large complex. For example the owners of the Bell Center were assessed a yearly $9,000,00.00 property tax bill. I remember Gillette asking for some financial relief because of the American exchange at the time. Yes, $9 million annually...I find it scandalous. Am I right in thinking that the lot on which it was built was not being billed at $9 million/yearly before the far so good. So instead of giving money outright to companies so that they can erect buildings why not give them 4 to 7 years of no property taxes so that they can get their business up and running. This way no public money is used and an empty lot that brought in a minimum of commercial and financial activity will then produce a windfall of activity. Imagine the utility bills that a 50 floor office tower with a million square feet of rented space, condo units and commercial spaces will generate.. Initially all the money spent on the construction of the building( 100 to 150 million dollars). This will generate many jobs. There is a saying that I've adopted: Is 20% of $1000.00 better than 40% of nothing???? :stirthepot::confused:
  21. Le Groupe Le Parc is moving ahead with phase 2 of their retirement residences, corner Viau and Jarry. 8 storey building will be erected. The sales office trailer is installed and the signs are up. =================================================================================================
  22. MARTY

    Place Viau (2014)

    Just south of the Metropolitan in a 3 building mall where Zellers, an old Maxi and the infamous Millenium Club were doing business for years is now completely vacated and is just waiting for the wrecker's ball. This is a huge site that can easily accomodate 10 or more condo towers like the Villa Latella on Boul. des Galleries d'Anjou. Just south on Jean Talon near Provencher the 6 storey Bellavista condo building is having it's underground garage carved out. This great to see!! the whole island is rocking with development!!
  23. The brick exterior is almost complete and most of the windows are installed. Pharmaprix and the Viau medical clinic will be the major tenants. Two residential buildings are in the works also 8 and 13 floors. However I don't know if the residential phase will start right away.
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