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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Dude, yuck! That looks like a Dubai reject.
  2. Vieux-Montréal: deux projets de condos en eaux troubles
  3. nicely put. although you have to wonder who'll want to bunk there for the night. what a dump.
  4. > C'est aussi par l'entremise de courtiers en prêts hypothécaires que cette bagarre s'annonce encore la plus vive; certains ayant déjà obtenu ces derniers jours, pour les emprunteurs les plus solvables, un taux aussi bas que 2,84% pour des prêts hypothécaires à terme fixe de cinq ans. That's nothing special really.
  5. This document deserves its own thread in the Ressources section. Very cool stuff.
  6. Actually we remember this building. We even have a thread for it already.
  8. The jardins windsor buildings look like cheap Parisian Banlieues HLM.
  9. Not sure if hilarious or extremely sad. Clever for sure.
  10. None of this equipment was on site Sunday so nice one Gotti, fresh news!
  11. Yeah feels like they've been working on it for 5 years. Can get very dangerous on the sidewalk in front of that building. I've seen someone get hit in the face by flying debris.
  12. Jan 23 2015 - Peel at Saint-Jacques
  13. Jan 15th 2015 -- sorry for the bad night shot. was on my way to PA.
  14. Jan 20th 2015 - Jeanne-Mance. LOL @ spraypainting the snow.
  15. Jan 20th 2015 Construction guy confirmed 38-40 floors, starting soon after demolition. Someone almost got crushed trying to run behind a dump truck.
  16. Maybe. I walked by last night and a couple pelles mecaniques were out of the hole.
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