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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. As much as i would have liked to see taller buildings go up, i'll take what we've got. This just means that the surplus demand will fuel some other high-density projects downtown.
  2. I meant more in the sense that i don't care to hear other people's phone conversations, but that's just me. A lot of people are ok, but a lot of people are also loud and obnoxious when they're on the phone.
  3. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    JFrosty and Cyrus both have valid points. A lot of people do need real help.. but then there are some guys that are just cranky. I understand circumstances are a huge factor, but still. If you want my money, don't be pushy. When I have time I like to chat with the friendlier ones. A lot of homeless people have really incredible life stories! We can learn a lot from these folks.. discover where we went wrong in society, or where they went wrong and avoid repeating those mistakes. But yeah.. not everyone has a riveting story to tell. A lot of homeless people just have serious problems and drug issues, which is no less disheartening
  4. C'est vrai quand on y pense.. avez-vous vu la grue massive qu'ils ont rentré dans le trou étroit et profond? Pis après ça on questionne pourquoi il y a plus d'hommes dans les domaines de construction, urbanisme et architecture.
  5. Shame. I kind of like the quiet of the cell-free tunnels.
  6. Strictly speaking, the downtown area is "open" to tourists, sure, but the housing developments are more secluded. Beyond the physical restriction, it's more about the homogeneous lifestyle Celebration tries to promote: rich, white, married, etc. Municipal bylaws eliminate all freedom, you can't change a single brick in the appearance of your home. Background checks ensure that applicants meet "standards"... you get the idea. Celebration is not, nor has it ever been, a socially balanced community.
  7. Racism is practically eliminated when people are allowed to mix socially. As a child, I grew up in an environment where i was surrounded by blacks, asians, latinos, arabs, etc. It was totally normal for us. Ethnicity just doesn't matter much. People that grow up in environments where the social fabric is very homogeneous tend to experience racism. If you're a white guy and you've only seen whites for 20 years of your life, you might be a little weirded by your first black person. Or vice versa! Naturally there are far more factors to consider.. how you were raised.. what you were taught.. your own personality.. but social mixing definitely plays a big part in it. Yet another argument in favor of social urban mixing resulting from mixed-use, mixed-income smart growth development. Gated homogeneous communities like Disney's "Celebration" in Florida are a bad, nasty thing
  8. Quand je vais à Rawdon à partir de la rive-sud, ça va définitivement me sauver du temps. Embarque sur l'A-25 et that's it!
  9. Cataclaw

    LaSalle s'urbanise

    Caline, ça bouge à Lasalle! Quoi, dix fils sur Lasalle aujourd'hui? Super!
  10. Habsfan: then you take existing cloverleaf just to the north of it. Creating a second cloverleaf here would be redundant. The distance between the A-930/A-15 cloverleaf and the new A-30/A-15 trumpet is too short to permit any viable exits. As a result, the guy coming from southbound A-15 would just take A-930 (currently still A-30) to go east. The only possible time anybody would need to go east on A-30 between the existing cloverleaf and the new interchange is if somebody realizes they made a mistake in where they're going. And.. well.. too bad.
  11. Haha, nice job OursNoir. Je vais y faire un tour cette fin de semaine, peut-être prendre quelques photos..
  12. Hein? Je l'vois pas moi. La nouvelle A-30 est entre A-15 et l'ancienne A-30! [maps],-73.542995&spn=0.093481,0.264187&t=h&z=13[/maps]
  13. I just made a detailed submission to Map Insight, the company that provides Google Maps with their data, about the new highway segment. With any luck we will see the new A-30 in Google in just a few days!!
  14. onearchitect: pas tant que ça.. le commerce peut fermer jeudi, oter ton son materiel vendredi, et dès lundi il y a démolition! Ca se fait très vite!
  15. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Yup that's about it. 10 is being renovated right now, it should be done next year i believe. The plan, from what i heard, is to renovate the entire building, one floor at a time. The renovated floors are all quite nice!
  16. Vraiment super comme projet! Wow! That's what i call infill!
  17. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Given the incredible volume of movement in that area, even if just 0.1% pollute or don't give a crap, it's enough to result in a large number of people. (Including non-students and passers-by) I don't think we can universally slap Concordia students with a title of "trashy", but nevertheless there is a problem. That being said, Concordia should create a volunteer army to help clean up and raise awareness for campus cleanliness. They're real good at doing that sort of thing! My honest expectation is that once all street-level construction and work is done, cleanliness will improve overall. When you pass through a construction zone, there is perhaps a certain psychological laissez-allez...
  18. Pas si mal ce projet! C'est des projets comme ça qui apparaissent un partout en ville que j'aime!
  19. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Indeed! It feels like so much has been done but there's actually so much left to come... -Metro building recladding -Hall building floor improvements until they're all done (they're working on the 10th right now) -Faubourg improvements -Sidewalks and street infrastructure near the hall / library buildings to match what's been done further down the street -Finishing the bike path on de Maisonneuve (it's temporary concrete blocks for now) -Future (student center) building planned for the parking lot next to the Tim Hortons -Hall building escalator complete replacement including widening/redoing some of the passages and improvements to the lobby
  20. For over a decade Concordia has been a never-ending construction zone, but students are pretty much used to it. When everything is eventually finished in the coming years, campus is going to be outright amazing! Best thing ever : Guy metro-Hall building tunnel. (Although i wonder why only one side of the tunnel is finished.. the other is still bare concrete!)
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