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Montréal-Toronto en autobus, c'est 8h. Le train est plus rapide, à 5h. Avec un TGV, ça se ferait en dessous de 2h, du centre-ville au centre-ville, et donc ça serait plus rapide que prendre l'avion.


La distance entre Montréal et New York est comparable. Je rêve d'un TGV entre Montréal et New York, mais ça ne restera qu'un rêve probablement.

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wtv still faster by plane :P


i would not mind taking an 8hr train ride from montreal to new york but it have to be at like 10-11pm so when u arrive in new york ur rested and able to do everything :)

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Je préfèrerais dormir dans un train qui prend 8 heures que dans un autobus qui le fait en 6.

Mais comme le train fait le trajet de jour, la question ne se pose même pas.


Cette liaison prend un temps fou pour trois raisons:

1. la piètre qualité de la voie ferrée/la nature montagneuse d'une partie du trajet.

2. des heures d'attentes à la frontière (alors qu'une douane au départ permettrait de sauver un temps considérable)

3. Le trajet qui est moins une liason Montréal-New York qu'un train régional s'arrêtant dans une multitudes de gares de l'État de New York et desservant, accessoirement, Montréal.

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yes yes YES!

the train would now have ALL the comparative advantages over the bus - more comfortable, cheaper and (almost) faster! and with less delays and a gorgeous scenic view.


STILL, we NEED a high-speed train.


On peut peut-être espérer un Acela entre MTL et NY dans un avenir pas trop lointain.

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5h et demi! Tu roules vite!


Sans traffic et en roulant à 120, ça m'a pris 7h20... (avec un arrêt pour manger cependant, donc probablement plus 6h45)



Vraiment pas!! Je ne crois pas que tu roulais à 120km/h car j,ai fais ce trajet au moins une vingtaine de fois dans les 15 dernières années, et ça me prends en moyenne 5h30 - 5h45 une fois ça m'a pris plus de 6 heures, et ça c'est pcq j,ai été pris au douanes américaines pendant plus de une heure!

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This is what drives me CRAZY. Great. Lucien l'Allier "station"? The short-sightedness of Montreal rears its head again. Tragically, we have arguably one of the most beautiful train stations - Windsor Station -sitting there, unused and unusable because they decided to build the Bell Centre in front of it. As I have expressed on this blog before, the Bell Centre should have been built on lower Peel street across from the Planetarium.


That we cannot use Windsor Station for the train link to PET or any other service is truly unfortunate. Windsor could have been enlarged and done up with a mixed-use development with shops and check-in desks for PET etc... Could have been really spectacular. A real show-stopper for visitors to Montreal to remember as their last sight. Not to mention the Bell Center lower down on Peel street would have opened up and extended downtown's borders instantly and acted as a "connector" and catalyst for the re-development of Griffintown 10 years ago.

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I have to admit that internationalx brings up some mighty good points! No matter where the Bell Centre would have been locatd downtwon, it would have attracted huge crowds and would have created a hotspot whereever it was!

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This is what drives me CRAZY. Great. Lucien l'Allier "station"? The short-sightedness of Montreal rears its head again. Tragically, we have arguably one of the most beautiful train stations - Windsor Station -sitting there, unused and unusable because they decided to build the Bell Centre in front of it. As I have expressed on this blog before, the Bell Centre should have been built on lower Peel street across from the Planetarium.


That we cannot use Windsor Station for the train link to PET or any other service is truly unfortunate. Windsor could have been enlarged and done up with a mixed-use development with shops and check-in desks for PET etc... Could have been really spectacular. A real show-stopper for visitors to Montreal to remember as their last sight. Not to mention the Bell Center lower down on Peel street would have opened up and extended downtown's borders instantly and acted as a "connector" and catalyst for the re-development of Griffintown 10 years ago.

I agree 100%, I don't know who the fool was who decided to put the Bell Centre there of all the possible empty lots downtown. Windsor Station would have been awesome if it reopened.

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